The two catch all phrases for poltical war
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
August 5, 2009 11:47am CST
The Democrats in Washington seem to have two phrases for any situation when people do not agree with them.
1. It's racist
2. It's a right wing conspiracy.
The sad part is they work. Which is horrible because it discredits average american citizens.
1. Just because you disagree with the president or any elected offical or their policy does not make you a racist. It makes you a free thinker who makes up their own mind on what they agree with or not.
2. People are fed up. The economy is a mess. They don't feel washington is listening to them. They feel congress is making things they protest, write, call, or go to town hall meetings to voice their opinion and try to feel like someone in washington is at the very least listening and considering their point of view. How is that a conspiracy? The past admin ignored the public too. People are fed up with it. And they should be.
The Democratic party have been behaving like arrogent, self rightous bullies. And behaving exactly like everything they critized the republican party for behaving like for the past 8 years. Hypocrits to say the least. You either walk goose step with everything they want and believe or you are marginalized and looked down on.
I am not saying all democrats are like that. Most average citizens that are democrats that I know are not like that. But unforunately the ones running the party are.
They give the opinion that anyone who disagree with them is dumb or a puppet of the other party. Because who with any common sense would diagree with them right? Only they know what is best for us. Heck they think they know it better than we do. So don't think for yourself.....we will do the thinker for all of us. Now explain to me who is really being the puppet here. The blind followers or the free thinkers?
I know both parties are guilty of these kinds of actions.
But why does the american people and press fall for it? Why do we allow our elected officials to show so little respect for the american public?
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2 responses
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Aug 09
You should have known that the race card was going to be played once Obama won. I am just waiting for the NAACP to start attacking people who speak out against Obama. I have been called a racist for speaking out against him. I have said it before, and I will say it again...If speaking out against Obama makes me a racist, then I am a racist...because I think Obama is going to do more to hurt this country than pretty much any other president in history, except maybe Reagan or Carter.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Aug 09
LOL as a matter of fact...none of our recent presidents have really been worth a crap, at least as far back as Nixon and Kennedy. FRANKLIN D. ROOSEVELT or DWIGHT D. EISENHOWER were probably the last two GOOD presidents we have had. The rest of them since then have all pretty much been turds LOL In fairness, however, I do not know a whole lot about Gerald Ford, so I am not going to say anything bad about him, but the rest of them since Eisenhower have been pretty much worthless...our current president included.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Well I am not going to go that far. I am not a racist.....but I will speak out against ANY politican I diagree with. Reguardless of political party, color, race, or gender. I am an equal opportunity kind of girl.
@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I am not a racist either, but I have been called one repeatedly for speaking out against Obama, which I am going to continue to do until he gives me a reason not to do so, so if I have to be labeled a racist, then let people call me what they will.

@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Lilwonders, I do not understand how everyone just does not rise up in arms the government is attacking common citizens. I get it that so many agree with the current policies of government, yet I cannot disagree without being called a racist or a right winger. Are we not their bosses, or have we become their servants? Are we just to say from now on, government do what ever you want to do? Yes Obama and the Democrats won the election, does that mean my voice does not matter? Am I some how less of a citizen now that the Democrats are in charge?

@goldeneagle (6743)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Haven't you heard the news? They are changing Obama's title from President Obama to KING Obama, and now we all have to bow down and do whatever he says. Otherwise, we are going to be persecuted.
We, as voters, are SUPPOSED to be their bosses, but isn't it funny how they always manage to STEAL more money from US in the form of taxes and stuff? Isn't it funny that, although WE THE VOTERS are supposed to be their bosses, we are shackled and oppressed by the laws made by the very people WE elect? Isn't it funny that the IRS was created by the politicians WE elected, and now we struggle to survive after the IRS gets what it wants of our wages? Isn't if funny that the Federal Reserve is playing all of us like puppets, and WE ALLOW it to happen, even though we have the constitutional power to DISSOLVE the FED? It HAS been done in the past. Isn't it funny that we allow our politicians to continue paying tariffs on oil we import from nations in the Middle East, even though WE KNOW these nations are using the money we pay them in the form of trade tariffs are using the money to train and fund TERRORIST groups who use the money to plan and carry out attacks on American interests throughout the world?
I am also starting to wonder WHEN the American people are going to rise up and overthrow this corrupt government. It IS time for an uprising in the United States. NOW is the time for us to let those candy-a$$ politicians know that we are tired of their sh!t. If nothing is done, we may not have much of a country left to stand up for, because Obama is steadily leading us towards Socialism or even COMMUNISM.
The American people are so paralyzed by fear of the government that they allow the government to rob them every time payday rolls around. We fought the revolutionary war against Britain because we were tired of being taxed on everything, and we wanted to be free from their rule. Now, however, we are allowing the government, the IRS, and the FED to do the same things to us that we went to war with England to stop. Am I the only one who sees this?
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Aug 09
In their opinion yes you are less of a citizen now and no your opinions don't matter. YOu did not vote for them so you don't matter.
Both parties have stopped representing "the people". They now only represent "their people".
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