You or your kid?

United States
August 5, 2009 11:58am CST
Say something bad was to happen like an earth quake, war, flood, etc., would you save yourself first and foremost or your kids? I just read an article about a mother whose car went over an embankment and into a lake. She got out of the car but her two kids (4,6) where left behind and drowned. I cannot imagine not grabbing my kids out of that car but obviously there are people who could and do. Which are you?
6 responses
@kezabelle (2974)
6 Aug 09
I would do my best to save my children first even if that meant dying myself in the process, ok im young but my girls have many many years more than me left and they would still have a very loving father who I know would care for them 100% As for the woman in the car it is VERY difficult to get people out of a car that is underwater there is every chance once she got out the car she could not get the back doors open to save her children dont comdemn someone when you do not have all the facts this poor woman has lost both her babies i cant even begin to imagine the pain she is suffering she does not deserve to be judged especially without all the facts how do you know for sure she did nothing to save her children? And if you do know for sure id suggest posting a full article in future so people can comment properly without having to guess at the facts thanks
@kezabelle (2974)
6 Aug 09
Not everyone has time to read all posts thats why i find it helpful to put important information in the actual opening post. Of course she was going to be discussed if you didnt want her to be discussed dont use her as an example you could have just asked the question what would you do no need for examples if you didnt want her situation discussing.
• United States
7 Aug 09
Because in another discussion some one told me I needed to be more specific and use an't please everyone you always wind up making someone pissy
5 Aug 09
In that situation my maternal instinct would be to save my daughter first and foremost. I wouldnt even have to think about it i would automatically try my best to save her and if it meant me dying then so be it. There is nothing on this earth that i wouldnt do for my child. I dont know the full story of what you posted so i dont know if the mother had tried to save her children and couldnt or not so i cant really comment on that but if she didnt even try then that is incredibly selfish and thoughtless of her imo.
• United States
5 Aug 09
The article said she was dazed and forgot they where in the car. I know when you hit your head (she apparently did) you can get confused but she will regret that her whole life I am sure. I just can't imagine it, and there is question apparently as to if that was true. I cannot get to the article online with out paying for the online paper apparently but will look around to see if it is anywhere else.
1 person likes this
5 Aug 09
Thanks. If that was the case god she must feel terrible, i would hate to have been in that situation and in that moment where you come to and realise where your children were.
• United States
7 Aug 09
OMG I can not believe this has to even be a question. I am sorry if you can see yourself ecsaping and you not trying to get your kids get them to safty and what I mean about that is get them away from yourself. I would do everything in my power to protect and save my children and if I could not save them I would so down with them. i have 2 sons and I could not live with out them.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
6 Aug 09
My child.
• United States
5 Aug 09
I would definitely get my son out first, no question. I do understand that maybe you would have to get yourself out first, in order to get to the child. Depending on the situation, you might have to help yourself or both of you would be doomed. But I can't imagine not 'realizing' that your kids are in the car and just getting yourself out and all. I don't understand that. But there are some people out there that do wierd things that we don't understand. And there are also some people out there that do things like that on purpose and then claim temporary insanity.
• United States
5 Aug 09
Well i would get my kids out first. i could not imagine leaving my kids to drown. or whatever the case may be my kids will always come first. i think that if you put yourself befor your kids you must not really care to much about your kids.