What do you think about the prophecies of the end of the world (2012)?

August 5, 2009 1:39pm CST
The Mayan calendar stops at the exact date my story begins, December 24, 2012. Since the mid 1990s, an evolving cultural phenomenon has envisioned a disastrous collision or similar encounter within the next few year between the Earth and a large planetary object, variously reffered as Nibiru or Planet X. NASA already confirmed the existence of it. It is rumored that it has an extended orbit which interferes with Earth's orbit. If such object passed near our planet, Earth's gravity would be damaged. As a result of this we would encounter serious problems including a polar change, high winds and tides, firestorms, lightnings. This would follow up by a worldwide famine, a major crop fail, serious destruction of human kind. What do you think about this?
8 responses
@NEW2IT (3)
• United States
7 Aug 09
the mayan calender is not God...only God knows when the end will be....
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
You're right. Only God knows the day and the hour of the end of the world.
• United States
15 Aug 09
Mayan calander cartoon - I found this while looking for a picture of the Mayan calendar for a customer....I thought it really put things into perspective.
My ex-idiot was a huge horror fanatic, idolized Lovecraft, read horror comics but the prospect of the "end of the world" terrified him beyond words. I personally don't see any point in fretting over it. If it ends, it ends. There won't be any need to worry about it before or after because we won't be here after.*shrug*Meanwhile, I'm pretty sure it's the 21st of December not the 24th....
@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
7 Aug 09
i dont know. did u believe all that about the 2YK stuff? i ignored it as the media went on and on about it, as usual. i think that people need to take responsibility for their actions before disaster does happen due to all the negligence adding up throughout all the years. we are slowing starting that with the Green Life way of life. water is already gross in most areas. most people cant even drink tap water without getting sick. many animals and humans are getting sick and dying. some are just become deformed or handicapped.
@levite (1062)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
Doom and gloom predictions do not come from God, this type of predictions is like what happened in the year 2000 millenium bug. They said the world was going to end. What happened? Nothing. I have read the book about that so-called planet Nibiru. I ordered it on the internet for free. But to my disgust, the author wrote it based on his own personal view alone, without scientific facts. He said in his book that he had gone to Mars but only in his dream, ha! ha!. I discarded it right away. Don't be fooled by this. Only the Creator of the universe knows the day and the hour of the end of the world.
• United States
12 Aug 09
Well I do think the things you say about your post will be true. As of the date, I don,t think is right. First of all I think Obama and everything happening now is the start of the 3-1/2 year tribulation before Jesus returns for his people, and the troubles of today are coming to pass as we speak.If you follow the bible starting with the Revelations 1, you will be able to see things clearly.My calculations come around 2013, and might be the collision that will stop the end of the world from war. This collision is talked about in the Bible also by a fiery mountain from the heavens, so do a lot of other theory's have the same similar ending. So it may well be the start of the cleansing of the world again. This world has had several cleansing in history, like the flood and other proven cataclysmic events. This is just another chapter in the book of creation, and God's way to rid the world of Satan's demons, and restore good for evil. Just as we will die so someone will live, and the cycle continues over eon's of time as we know it. May God save us all...................Happy Lotting
• United States
5 Aug 09
I've often wondered this myself and even have asked a few family members about it. Here's what they have come up with: (I'm not religious.) Since God is the one that created the earth supposedly only he can take it away. Therefore in the bible it states the no one knows when the world is going to end, only God does. No one can predict it.
@threnos (216)
• Canada
5 Aug 09
I don't know if I believe in the end of the world in a typical sense, like we are all going to die! I am a Christian so I do believe in Armageddon but I doubt that God would let something like this happen. Stephen King actually stated in an interview once that he believed that there was a God because there is so much junk floating around in space that it is amazing that something hasn't hit us yet!
• United States
5 Aug 09
I think all the talk is kind of convincing, especially if you watch the shows they have done on this subject. The History Channel runs them a lot, usually in conjunction with other end-of-the-world shows. :) I think that the Earth is cleansing itself because humans have become parasites and are literally taking the planet for all it's worth. Did you see The Day After Tomorrow? I totally believe that could happen and that we are heading in that direction, especially if we don't get global warming in check soon. I'm not sure if I believe the Mayan predictions about the end of the world, however. Yeah, they can point to "evidence" and all that, but you can prove pretty much any point you want if you skew things in your favor. There have been other predictions and supposedly things in the Bible that were supposed to happen and never did. And remember Y2K? All the hype and buzz and warnings, and nothing happened. While I find it interesting, I can't say that I believe the world will end on 12/21/12. And even if it does, there's not much we can do about it. :)