Show me where it say this in the Constitution?
By lilwonders
@lilwonders456 (8214)
United States
August 5, 2009 2:35pm CST
Where in the constitution does it say the government is responsible for providing healthcare? Where does it say the government has a right to even think about it?Where in the bill of rights does it say you have the right to MAKE other people pay for the things you want?
I mean really. Honestely. Where does it say that I am responsible for everyone else who lives in this country? Where does it say that everyone is responsible for me?
You have the right to life, liberty and the percuit of happiness. YOu have the right to percue it. Not have it handed to you at someone's exspense on a silver platter.
Has any thought to chanllenge this on constitutional grounds in court? I mean really if they pass all this BS aren't they violating my rights by making me pay for all this BS for everyone else?
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5 responses
@phildozer (284)
• United States
5 Aug 09
That line is often mis-cited, its from the declaration of independence, but either way most of our modern society is based off of the elastic clause which states that congress has the power to pass laws deemed necessary for the country, provided that they dont go against the other provisions in the constitutions. The founding fathers put this in there because they knew the country would have problems that they couldnt forsee
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Oh I know that.
But to be honest this country was founded on a sense of independence and self reliance. ANd that is dying. WHis is wrong and sad.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Aug 09
But really do tell me where it says I have to responsible for everyone else? And why should I be?
I don't exspect anyone else to take care of me or my family. So why should they exspect me to take care of them.
Everyone needs to learn how to take care of themselves. Then we would not have this problem.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I'm all for self sufficiency but when everyone learns how to perform heart bypass surgery on themselves, then maybe we will not have the need to make sure people are healthy. Healthy countries are strong countries and it is part of the govt duty to promote healthy living.
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@icenjelrocks (116)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
When the Constitution said "promote the common welfare" in its preamble, it outlines it's responsibility as a welfare state. The preamble sort of serves as the general quide to the ideologies and perspectives contained in the body of the constitution. So if you're asking where in the Constitution would you find the provisions of the issues you have stated, i'd say you can find it in the preamble.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Did you even read that?
What do you mean the gov. has to anwer these questions. It is none of gov. business how much I sleep or exercise. It is none of the gov. business if I eat fast food for lunch.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Well then I guess in the name of "promoting the common welfare" I guess all kinds of things could happen.
Let see:
1.Outlaw fast food and junk food. It is not good for the "common welfare".
2.Make it a law that everyone has to exercise for 1 hour a day. IF caught not exercising 1 hour a day without a doctors note you get fined. After all it for your own good.
3. Everyone must get 8 hours of sleep of night. It is for the "common good". If you are caught not getting that much sleep a night someone from the government will show up and micro manage you and put you to bed each night. Plus fine you. It's for your own good.
4. Make it a law that people can only watch two hours of TV a day. All the researchers say too much TV is bad for for the common good TV's not have a clock in them and after it has been on for two hours it cuts off and won't turn back on til the next day.
5. All meals will be prepackaged to meet the dietary needs according to the public health association. People will required to eat these meals three times a day so they get a balanced diet. It is for the "common welfare".
All those thing would improve the general health of the nation and "promote the common welfare" of this nation.
The question is how much control of our lives are we going to allow the government?
"promoting the common welfare" can be interpreted a lot of ways. And used to put in place a lot of invasive laws.
Do you want to be micro managed by the government? Or anyone? Don't you want to be free to make your own choices?
I say take the power from the insurnace companies. THey are corrupt. But don't give it to the gov. which is just as corrupt. Put the power where it the people.

@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Aug 09
lilwonders then you would just let people who cannot afford the bloated insurance fees just lie down a nd die, you and Scrooge, p p eople who have worked hard all their lives yet you feel that
they dont de serve the same medical care you can easily afford, my you are really caring about others arent you?, I dont give a fig about your argument, I feel all americans who have worked hard yet c annot pay the scrooge like health insurance fees should have adequate health insurance, am sure there are clauses in our constitution that are not your scrooge like thinking. I disagree with you entirely. all people here do deserve to have medical care this is 2009 not 1600.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Oh I agree it needs to overhauled. The current is system is broke. I won't argue with that. But I dont feel giving healthcare over to the gov. is the solution.
Take control from it from the insurance companies. But it give it to the people. Not the government.
In my opinion both insurance companies and the government are known for wasteful spending, mismanagement and generally not giving the american public a fair deal.
No it is not "fair" that hardworking people can't afford healthcare. But it is "fair" to make the rest of us pay higher taxes to pay for other people to have it? I work hard for my money too. No one just gives it to me for nothing. So shouldn't I get to keep it? I earned it. I think the answer is to control costs so that people can afford it. Therefore they will be able to buy it and pay for it themselves.
I think you have to be "fair" to both sides.
@rodney850 (2145)
• United States
5 Aug 09
This liberal lunatic is re-writing the constitution with every stroke of his pen. The pathetic part is that there are still people in this country that believe what he is doing is good. Give me a break!
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@belhaven14 (454)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Unfortunately, he isn't the only one rewritting the Constitution. We wouldn't have nearly as much to worry about if he was the only one. America as it was founded is a thing of the past.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
5 Aug 09
The constitution is always re-written through ammendments! The founding fathers were smart enough to know this would be needed as issues would arrise of which they had no clue about. The Constitution is a framework that is molded and works as a guide not a stoic document. We must just keep the guide on the right path liberty and happiness. I would rather pay the crooked govt then the crooked corps who run it so at least maybe it would turn around. Right wingers need to grow a pair and flip the bird to the corps. Execs sit back and giggle when they see their spin working, I've seen it.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
5 Aug 09
Not being a constititional scholar I think the opening paragraph jutifies government healthcare.
"We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic Tranquility, provide for the common defence,PROMOTE THE GENERAL WELLFARE, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity,do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America."
It seems to me if the government stands by and allows people to die cause they can not afford insurance or a particular procedure is not covered it would be in violation on the Constitution to protect a few rich people providing campain funds. Looking at it your way there would be no country, only anarchy. If you live on a street that I do not use why should my tax dollars help build your street, make it yourself. This is what government and civilization is and is one of the basics of our Constitution.
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@belhaven14 (454)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I think using the intro to a document as proof is a very weak at best. It is saying the clauses within the Constitution will provide the means to promote general wellfare. If your reasoning is correct, the government could inpose a 100% tax rate and send everyone their share of food, drink, shelter, etc. All they would have to do is say it is for the general wellfare of America. Sadly, you, and others pushing this bill, might actually enjoy that. I like to think of America as a free country. At least thats the way it used to be. You cannot provide the health care needed to every single person. That is a fact. It is not possible. You complain now because people can not afford insurance. But if this bill goes through, you will complain because you have to wait months to have the procedure you want done. People will die either way. It is sad. I wish it wasn't so. It is a way of life. Nationalizing health care will never fix the problems the government promises it will. Forget for a second about the "few rich people providing campaign funds" and think about the several politicians who take that money in exchange for voting in the way those wealthy want. Who is really to blame there? I would say the government workers. Our Constitution was based on limited power given to a national government to protect freedom within certain checks and balances. This is not within the Constitution our founders wrote. However, it is within the boundries a government official's interpretation when trying to gain more power.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
5 Aug 09
The corporations are our govt and we let it happen. We are here to consume mass quantities no matter our quality of life...buck up and smile :) Sorry I am a real independent spirit, raise my own chickens, rabbitts, freelance writer two teaching asst jobs and I am tired of corporations running out all our chances of making free choices. Govt control of everything is not the answer but a govt that keeps these sadistic extreme capitalists out of it would help.
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@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
5 Aug 09
I am not talking about anarchy. I am talking about people being independent and self reliant. This country has never had socialized medicine and it has not been operating under anarchy.
How it is promoting the wellfare taking more of my money? Or "cadle to grave" programs that do not allow for people to be independent or make choices.
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