Barging Into A Discussion, A Better Way to Earn On Mylot!!Try It!It's Effective!

more money - more money in mylot
August 5, 2009 10:08pm CST
Let me just share a technique on how you can earn 1 dollar or more here in mylot. What i will be sharing has been tested and has been by me and by other members of the site. For you to increase your earnings, all you have to do is to barge in to a specific discussion,what I am trying to say here?Just for instance, you responded to a specific discussion then the one who make the discussion give a comment, you can again answer that comment, it is just like you are chatting and doing some conversation. Another thing that you can do is you give comment who responded to the said discussion, that is what we call barging in to the discussion. You may try and the next day, try to see your earnings, I have already tried it and it is really effective. May this topic help each and everyone of you. have a nice day!
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78 responses
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Hello, I know what you mean when you say barging into a discussion. I too have done it many times and have done it a lot this past week. I have seen that big difference between doing it the old fashion way or doing it this way. I have not made it to 1.00 yet but I have gotten close a few times so I am hoping that it worked for me today or tomorrow even. I have to say who ever started this barging into a discussion and got so many others following was a freaking genius. I have to give credit to the person because this does really help. I hope that we get some going here because I think this will be a great discussion to barge in with the follow mylotters. I am keeping my fingers crossed and hoping that it does happen in here. Great discussion. Keep up the great work. Happy Mylotting
5 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
It is really nice to hear that you appreciate my discussion. I also hope that a lot of members will have to barge in this discussion so that all of us will earn. I haven't reach one dollar as well, but this time, just like you, I will have it a try.Hope the two of us could make it.happy mylotting!
4 people like this
@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I sure hope so, but then again if neither one of us don't make it then there is a problem because I have seen both of us busting our butts I have to say that is the one thing I enjoy about having friends like you here on mylot because seeing what all my friends are doing in one day makes me wanna push harder to keep up. Keep up the great work you are doing. Happy Mylotting
5 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
tears - when tears came from the left eye, it is really painful
Just like you, i am also motivated every time I see one of my friends is doing his/her best just to earn money in mylot. I know we can make it,let's just continue to be active here. Let's just post quality discussions and quality responses and for sure will have a great earnings!
3 people like this
@threnos (216)
• Canada
6 Aug 09
That seems like a pretty good way to make some extra here. It is also nice to reply and good to do it in a way that will feel more like chatting. You could probably make some new friends too if you did it in a way that was nice, made a good point to the topic being discussed, and met someone that you honestly liked.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Aug 09
FUN = FUNDS here on myLot. Teamwork is essential. It's like being one big happy family and if we all join in with everyone else it can only be a win-win situation all round!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I think you are right. Great way to make more money and make more friends.
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
again a very well said my friend MysD... FUN=FUNDS! teamwork! family! that is how we do it. and make mylot a friend, a team, a family. a very good way to earn and making new friends! friends where you can have fun with, chat with and always a helping hand when you needed it most. anyways, threnos welcome to mylot community!!! and enjoy! jhelai
• Australia
6 Aug 09
Thanks for your opinions on this! I actually had no idea thta you could earn money by commenting on a discussion. I thought it's only for replying to discussions, starting discussions, or doing tasks. I must say thanks for the time to actually do this test and tell us about it! I'm going to barge into other people's discussion now and see how my earnings go.
2 people like this
• Australia
6 Aug 09
Yeah thanks again for taking the time for that experiment! Thanks and I hope you also have a really great day. =)
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
i am doing this for the benefit of everyone. i want all of us to have a good earnings.thanks for the response.have a great day!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I tried to do some experiment first before posting this discussion since i do not want to give false information,and after the experiment,i tried to monitor my earnings the next day, and it really improves, it means to say, it is really effective. i hope i was able to help you. keep mylotting and have a nice day!
@kmaram (2533)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Hi there, its a great help for everybody anyway, i am practicing these things lately and i think its effective although i dont get enough as $1 but still happy because i am able to reach payout twice already since i am active last June. Well i will not forget to response always in my discussion or respponse to other discussion, goodluck and keep on mylotting
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi kmaram[b][/b]; Congratulations for reaching your pay out in two consecutive months. I did not reach this month but this month, I will make it sure that my earnings will be tripled. I have already reached the minimum last August 2, I will just have to work hard to add up my earnings, thanks for sharing and have a nice day!
• Canada
6 Aug 09
I can see this 'barging in' going 'viral' on mylot. Barging does seem to simulate a coffee break discussion among the workers in an office.
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@brienn (825)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Good day kmaram, You have already reach the minimum payout using this technique . I think I will and I should do this technique so that I can achieved my goal to reach the $ 1.00 earning a day. Thank you for sharing this with us. Happy MyLotting .
• Canada
6 Aug 09
ok, I will try it.
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
just have it a try and i'm sure you will be getting good earnings, happy mylotting!
• Canada
6 Aug 09
Thank you for pointing out this tip. I have a question - do you think barging in with short answers will also allow you to earn more?
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@brienn (825)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Good day TremendousMachine , I think we should all try this out, and see for our self the great effect of did rberon1985 have thought us to earn more effectively here in MyLot. Again rberon1985, thank you for sharing this.
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@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
6 Aug 09
That is wonderful news. I have been looking for ways to raise my earnings here on mylot. This information is very helpful and I will be giving it a shot. I also will be keeping an eye on my posted discussions. Once again thanks.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I think you will be very well successful with this method. All you have to do is comment on others responses to discussions that you respond too. Just like what I just did..... Another great way to earn here is by trying to post at least 2-5 discussions a day if you can and try to post to 30+ discussions if possible. I will say that I don't get that close with either one everyday but I try and I get good earnings here. Well Good Luck and Happy Mylotting
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi rosepedal64[b][/b], they say that just by barging in in the different discussion, you get to earn, so that is what I do, when i find it effective to me, i tried sharing it now, I would love to share the blessings that I am having now. hopefully this will be helpful to each and everyone of us.happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi Seppy1984[b][/b]; It's good to see that you are already applying the method, let us see what will happen tomorrow.I hope we can get a good earnings. Another thing that i can share is that you earn more if your post is more than 6 - 7 lines.Let's have this discussion make long and continue earning, happy mylotting!
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I have only done that on really rare occasions. I will give it a try and see what happens. That would be great to make more earnings by doing this. I am going to try this right now and maybe even on this discussion, and see what happens with the earnings tomorrow. Thanks for the advice.
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
hi ladym33 ; try it when you have a time then inform me if the technique that i have shared is effective, i know you have other techniques to increase your income here in the site since you are older than me here in the site, what else do you do to increase your earnings?
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
do try it friend and you may be able to see the big difference. i have done this a long time ago and i told rberon about it. and now i am so glad that he shares it to everybody else. best way to help out and i am so proud of him. do enjoy friend and have fun barging in. jhelai
@Janetx3 (441)
• Singapore
7 Aug 09
yup, same here my friend. i am not a very talkative person and rarely reply to people that post on my comments, i will try to learn how to do it now, happy earning everyone ;D
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Aug 09
That's a really good idea. I'm pulling an all niter here and i think i will try that on some of the discussions that i reply too. See what happens and such. it doesnt seem to break any of the terms of service and it does keep a good conversation going. And may even attract more conversation then you were originally going to have. thanks for this discussion!
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@mhae15 (744)
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
This is indeed a nice idea. As we can see this discussions is very alive and seems everyone is trying to practice your shared tips rberon. I hope to hear more tips from you. Happy mylotting everyone.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I am very glad that all of you seems to appreciate the discussion that I have have make. I just want to share what i have discovered, I want everyone to have a good earnings. I hope this was able to help you. happy mylotting!
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
hi mhae15 ;you are now included in the barging in crew of mylot. Just enjoy barging in in every response in this discussion. I am really glad this discussion has been very active for 3 days now. I am hoping that this will stay long and it will be possible with the help of all of you guys.Just enjoy posting your comments and opinions. happy mylotting![em]thumbup
@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I do this all the time. I do it not to try to earn more, but just because I'm an argumentative sort of person. I always got to get my word in. lol. That's nice to know that it actually pays though.
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@_sketch_ (5742)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Yes I am very argumentative. Sometimes I even argue with myself. lol. Seriously though, sometimes I think I believe one thing, but the more I start thinking about it, the more I start to lean to the other side. I can be pretty persuasive. hehe
1 person likes this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
yes my friend it really does pays. well it happens to me most of the time. and i can see a big difference with what i have earned before. hhmmm good one friend. you are argumentative. i am just only a barging type. i dont knwo how to argue. i might end up not knowing what i really do. lol! jhelai
@Janetx3 (441)
• Singapore
7 Aug 09
lol, that's cool. I am not a argumentative person so this will be hard for me. I will try my best to talk more ;P
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@nchap36 (556)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Thanks you for this helpful information. You best believe I will be barging into alot of discussion. Maybe I will get my first payout in September by barging. Its just been so hard to get to the payoff, but I have a goal that I will make it for September. Happy Mylotting...........
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Just continue to be active here in the site and just posts quality discussions and responses and I am 100% sure, you will be reaching your pay out in the site. just follow my advice, you can barge in in different discussions, it can give you an additional income.thanks for responding. happy mylotting!
• United States
6 Aug 09
nchap36, I also have a goal that I am trying to met. My earning have been slow and I am new to this too. I will continue to keep this discussion going and see how things turn. I wish you luck and hope that you will met your goal this month. Happy Lotting. Smile.
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Rose just keep going. your effort will be paid off. i have made an experiment on this before posting this discussion, so do not be afraid to try. I'm telling you your earnings will now increase, just go on and on. happy mylotting!
@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I dont know about barging in though but I have tried it one time but never expect that that would make a difference on our earning well lets see I will devote my day barging in to discussion ,,, do you think it's quite difficult to do that lol well I am curious now how to do that thanks for the info my friend.
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@Seppy1984 (2145)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Hello, read my response to the comment you left in post #51. That will explain it all. Happy Mylotting
1 person likes this
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
hi HelScream Based on my experience, it is very easy to barge in rather than to make discussion or giving responses. when you barge in, you also get the same amount you are getting from responses and discussions. another best thing when you barge in, you meet new friends. it can develop to have acquaintances with other members of the site. i hope you will also have a good earnings from barging in.
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@HelScream (2822)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
thanks seepy and yes I have read it lol wow this is fun indeed lol no wonder a lot of members do this stuff here never thought of this before ... each day I am learning here at the lot even if I am already many months old here at the lot but still am learning lol
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@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
6 Aug 09
I should thank you first for sharing this wonderful information with us.It is great to know little tricks of earning here.I did not know that and will try to use this technic as much as I can.Thank you.
2 people like this
• Australia
6 Aug 09
Hello sagnik42. I also only learnt about this little handy trick today as well and I also do thank the starter of this discussion for making it. =)
2 people like this
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi pweety_princess; I feel so honored because you have appreciated my discussion, i am doing this because i want to share the things that i get benefited, I also want other members to earn like me.happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi sagnik42 ; It is really an honor for me to share everything that I know about earning money here in mylot. I want to share my blessings, just follow the technique that I have shared and the by the end of the month, you will get to earn a lot from the site,happy mylotting!
@colydf (913)
• China
6 Aug 09
Really? If it is true, then it is really very good for mylotters, it could help us to earn more. Thank you for your good idea. Happy mylotting!
2 people like this
• United States
7 Aug 09
I've been trying it and it seems to be more effective as I only posted a few things yesterday with this technique and nothing more, and earned much more than I anticipated.
1 person likes this
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
hi Bethany1202 ; It is good to hear that the technique is effective to you. I feel so fulfilled because I was able to help other members to increase their earnings here. Just continue to be active in the site. just continue barging in and I'm sure you will have more. bear in mind the saying "hard work pays"
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I am very much willing to help every members of the site. You may try applying the said technique and find out if it is really effective. I hope i was able to help you. happy mylotting!
• India
6 Aug 09
Really great to have you guys providing great tips and I enjoy it. I'll update my newbie tips. Thanks for letting this know. Till now I have neared one dollar with a less of 13 cents. But will do a better task to reach there. Thanks once again for a nice discussion topic. Have a great fday... Happy Mylotting... Cheers....
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I am really happy that all of you are appreciating the discussion that i am making. I am flattered for that, I am doing this because I want to help each and everyone to earn a good earnings here in mylot. i hope this will be useful to you. happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hi brienn; I believe that this will really be useful to you. i have seen you in the site from time to time. just do the barging in in every discussion and I am sure you will have a good earnings in the site.happy mylotting!
@brienn (825)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I know this will be very useful to lot of our fellow MyLotter who are very active like me, but don't earn that much . Thank you for sharing this wonderful technique to us. Happy MyLotting to all of us .
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@Hatley (163776)
• Garden Grove, California
6 Aug 09
yes that really does work also just responding and making discussions and doing them with meat on their bones,not just a measly one line sentence, I managed before to make thirty to forty dollars a month here but then I am retired and am here all day mostly. I love to mylot as much for the companionship as for the money anyway. hatley here. take care.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Aug 09
It's good to see you back here Hatley and joining in with the fun. We each find different places to land on and leave our mark and I see you know where the best places are too as we bump into each other quite a lot since you got back!
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
it's an honor to me to receive a response from one of the pioneering members of mylot. welcome back in the site. i know the technique that i have shared is no longer new to you. and i believe you can still give us more more techniques on how e can increase our earnings here in mylot. thanks for coming over and have a nice day!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
that is so good Hatley and welcome back!!! mylot is more about the friendship, making new acquaintances, chatting around and make new kind of fun! a fun where we are benefited and our friends or fellow mylotters as well. its always nice to have you guys around. because you are one of mylot benefactos that help new comers and person like me. so great to have you back. havent quite seen you around but glad that you are here!!! hello my friend MysD jhelai
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Thanks for that great tip, but i did not notice that even if I am doing something the same on my own discussions. I must have been pretty busy and not much focus on Mylot that is why I don't notice my earnings as well if it increased more or not. But this is helpful also for other Mylot members specially those who are just new in the site. I am sure they will communicate better when they start their own conversation and interact with each other. If is much better to get this kind of conversation going on. Not just a one way communication, but the respondent as well is communicating back, although in a nice way, not arguing with the thread starter
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
thanks a lot for the response in this discussion, i have made this for everyone, for the benefit of everybody, before making this discussion, i tried to make an experiment first and when the result came up, i tried to post this and i got a lot of responses. i hope this will help everyone.happy mylotting!
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
6 Aug 09
I definitely barged in here as I remember typing out your long name, but when I just came back to respond to Mys my comment had disappeared, now that's the height of annoyance. i think people need to feel comfortable with the people they are barging in on otherwise the posters might take offence, I had one barge in the other day before I could respond and then p.m.d to apologise but I was just happy to have him barge away, i like to see it, it makes it all more cheery. I just hadn't linked it with earnings before.
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@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
That is quite a good idea.I have been thinking about doing that but i have not tried yet
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@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
10 Aug 09
Just trying it today myself. Will see how it works out tomorrow when earnings are updated. Does sound like a good idea though because it turns the topic into a discussion.
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@mimiang (3760)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
I will do that today
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@murtuza89 (513)
• India
12 Sep 09
So here I am also trying out your trick. So what I want now is a comment from you. I think your Idea would work but do you think it would really pay as high as $1 ? It is very difficult to get $1 just by barging. If you have got $1 by barging, I also includes the earnings from this post. The hundereds of comments and response you have got also adds up to your balance.
2 people like this
• Philippines
12 Sep 09
i guess rberon is no where in sight. i just have to answer for you my friend. i have tole my friend rberon about this and i know this is really really true. i have tried it so many times already... i am already even near $2... just barge in anywhere youlike to. also makes some new repsonses and comment to the responses you got from your discussions. that would really do the trick! jhelai
1 person likes this
• India
13 Sep 09
I tried the trick yesterday. However I was not able to make much out of it. You said we can earn 1$. But can you tell me h=in howmuch time does thatmuch earnings occur? Howmany comments did you make for such earnings?
1 person likes this
• Philippines
13 Sep 09
Well, I am trying what I have read. I have a question. Will I earn too by commenting on this post or only the ones who responded on this discussion... Will the one who started the response will have more earnings, or we are all just equal.
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@kelly10 (678)
6 Aug 09
Well, I think that I too am going to barge in on discussions now. If it gets me more money and raises my profile too, then surely that's a good thing. Quick slight topic change - what's the best thing to start a topic on? I've not started any as I'm not sure what will get lots of answers. Wow, I'm cheeky, I'm butting in and changing the topic. There's no stopping me now! More tips please!
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
6 Aug 09
This looks like only the start too Once you've been here a while you will notice the 'mood' of the day here and then you will get the hang of what might be an interesting, fun topic that might get lots of attention. Go to the 'hot' topics tab above the discussions to see which are today's. Welcome to myLot and happy Lotting!
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
hi kelly10; welcome here in mylot, if you can't think of any discussion as of the moment, the best thing that you an do is respond in the different discussions that interests you. or you can also barge in. it can give you a good earnings. I only make discussions when I'm sure that i will be getting responses from that discussion. happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hello there kelly10 and welcome to mylot community!!! and please dont ever stop. lol! anyways, just have a fun filled topics which you think that more friends and fellow mylotters could relate to. whats is important is that we can jump to it and a very easy to get along with discussion is the best way to go. or you can also learn by how we make our discussions and see what kind of discussions get along with others that easily. its important to have fun with it. jhelai
@123nnj (47)
• India
6 Aug 09
hi , thankyou for this post. it is very helpful information for me and other new users. i will try it now.
2 people like this
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
hi 123nnj[em]w00t[/em] welcome to mylot community do try it now, and for sure you will be having a good income. just post quality discussions and responses here. if you have some concerns, just let us know, and we will be very willing to assist you. happy mylotting!
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
hello ther friend 123nnj and welcome to mylot community!!! anyways, always feel free to land in and be part to any discussions you wnated to have fun with. hope you could have so much great joy here in mylot. and always find time to read the FAQs, guidelines of mylotting. so that you wont be having any problems dealing with some soon. if you got doubts you can ask friends, us and fellow mylotters. and if possible friend always make a 3-4 lines or sentences for comments and makine discussions as well. the more you may contribute the better and nice credits for earnings you may be able to have. and always do not forget to have fun!!! jhelai