How do you feel in a rainy day?

@sutent (1060)
August 5, 2009 11:34pm CST
Hi, Today, it is a rainy day and i feel very gloomy. I always not feel well in rainy day, especially when i encounter difficulty. How about you? Do you have the similiar feeling in rainy day? Happy mylotting!
2 responses
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
6 Aug 09
If it's hot and rainy.. I'm typically very aggitated and aggressive. If it's cold and rainy.. I typically just want to sleep and stay warm, eat warm/hot foods and drinks.
@sutent (1060)
• China
6 Aug 09
Hi, Mostly, i will feel gloomy in a rainy day. But in a cold and rainy day, just like you, i also like sleep in bed. Sleeping in those days is really very good. I like the feeling. Happy mylotting!
• United States
6 Aug 09
I love the rain, let it day and night I love it. I tend to feel more depressed and angry on those hot summer sunshiny days that everybody loves. Yeah those days, I don't care much for them. Let it rain.