Do you peep into your children's monitor when they are using Internet ?

@daliaj (5674)
August 6, 2009 12:26am CST
As a parent/brother/sister do you peep into your kids/your sisters/younger brothers motnitor whey they are using internet? I do that to my teenage brother sometimes to make sure that he is not watching anything not meant for him. Did you block some website for your kid's computer? How do you make sure that your children are not watching anything bad?
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31 responses
• Malaysia
6 Aug 09
i being the youngest in the family do notice my parents peeping at my screen once i a while to see what am i doing. actually i do not mind them doing so because they are looking out for me for my own good. although i do sometimes watch something unappropriate but i do it mostly when i am alone. fyi my computer is in the living room whereby everyone watches television there. i dont have my own room. T_T
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
It is great to hear that you are looking at this issue in a good way. I have seen most of the kids including me are offensive about what the parents are doing when they. When you become a mother or father only you will realize it is important to monitor what kids are watching and there is no need to be offensive about that. Thanks for the response.
@yadu04 (41)
• India
6 Aug 09
ya i used to look into the monitor when my child browses,that is a vital part in a child's development,think so.the child has to be directed into the best way by his/her parents the discussion is important.
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@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
Yes, that is important. How old is your child? I think we have to watch what the child is looking at and at the same time we should not make the child feel bad. I mean we should not make the child feel that we are spying or getting too much into their privacy. Thanks for the response.
@quinnkl (1667)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I don't peep! I look!!! They know they are being monitored and know what they can and can't do on the computer. There is just too much crap and too many crazy people in our world today, so we have to protect the kids even on the computer! Just another job for us parents!! :-)
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@doggyhouz (548)
• United States
6 Aug 09
It is good parenting to check because you want to make sure they are surfing safe. Also you can educate them if there is something wrong. I wouldn't allow my child to watch something he couldn't understand. I believe if a child understand there are consequences in your actions then there shouldn't be an issue. I believe my younger age censorship wasn't as strict and I grew up fine. God bless
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@jaiho2009 (39141)
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
Hello friend, Yes,i do peep,check what my kids were doing infront of the monitor.And i also set up the computer in my room,they can use it whatever time they want,and i am sure i can check them too becoz it's in my room.And i do blocked sites that were not meant for them.And i had the habit of checking the history also to make sure they are not scanning or exploring sites.
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@cwong77 (2010)
• Malaysia
9 Aug 09
I don't peep but I literally watch my younger brother's conversation, and the screen is facing us! This is to ensure he has not gone wild in the WWW, and not going to do that in the house, when we have other family members around... I will just walk by his PC, and say, 'hey, nice girl's pictures there ya' or 'still not game over yet?' I can tell with his face expression, he is annoyed but what can he do? muahaha
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• India
6 Aug 09
Well, for me the time has not come as yet…my 10yr old is always playing games on the net…he has some specific sites, mainly related to cartoon channels on TV and hooked to them all the time. Right now, he is not surfing anything else but he will eventually, maybe in a few years time. Then yes, I’ll definitely keep a watch on the sites he will visit.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
I am so happy to hear that all the mothers are very clear about how to go about this issue. They give importance to what sites their kids are watching and don't want their kids to go through unnecessary websites. You can block some unnecessary websites later when your son starts searching web. Thanks for the response.
@cher913 (25782)
• Canada
6 Aug 09
absolutely! we have our computer in the kitchen so we can see what everyone is doing on the computer. this way, the kids can not do anything that is risky. we also check the history of what they have done.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
10 Aug 09
It is good to keep an eye on what your kids are borwsing. From the above resposnes I understood that it is what every mother do. It is good to keep the computer in a common place so that it makes parents to monitor kids regarding what they are viewing. Thanks for the response.
• United States
6 Aug 09
I watch usually what they are doing. I don't have much blocked but my oldest can't spell yet so she usually doesn't get into too much trouble. She just goes wth whatever is bookmarked under her name in book marks. What I do worry about is YouTube. It's a great site but I think some things need to have ratings like they do on tv. Cause my DD likes WonderWoman well there's a few home made spoofs in there & some are not ment for 6yo's KWIM? And I think they should maybe do like a net nannyish / v-chip like thing for accounts on there... so she could have her own acct for viewing G rated. Eitherway she likes to watch Wonder Woman or old Muppet Shows on there & I try to stay in the roomjust n case it's not what she thinks it's supposed to be & it's a lil something too mature for her age ya know?
@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
Yes, we should monitor what the kids are doing. It is a good idea to bookmark some sites so that they will be going through most of the time. I don't think there is much to worry about youtube. If you want to watch some videos in youtube which are not for kids. They ask you to clarify your birth date and make sure that you are above 18 years. I don't think little kids can do a fraud on that. Thanks for the response.
• United States
6 Aug 09
I had no idea they asked for a birthdate. But if the child was old enough they'd know how to fool that by just doing a simple math problem. My DD is only 6 so she would have no idea but I'm sure older kids would easily get past that feature.
@submerryn (1304)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 09
My son is only two so I have yet to encounter this problem. But when I was growing up, the PC is always located in the living room so that EVERYONE can see what I was doing. No room to do naughty stuff there!
@sarojInc (570)
• India
6 Aug 09
Hi there ,I usually do not do such sort of things ,What I do is I lock the sites and issue a parental control on .I feel my antivirus software is great and has lots of features .
@daliaj (5674)
• India
7 Aug 09
It is good to lock those websites which you dont want your child to visit. But at the same time it is good to monitor without their knowledge because daily new sites are coming up and you need to add more websites to the blocked list. So, take care. Thanks for the response.
@nchap36 (556)
• United States
6 Aug 09
What kind of parent would you be if you didn't do that. I let my daughter go so far, and then I check her computer. Its a way you can go back and see the old sites they have been to. I also do her cellphone the same way. We as parents has this six sense call nosey especially the mothers. Happy Mylotting..............
• United States
6 Aug 09
Okay, thanks for that - I felt sort of weird saying I would spy on my kid, but I totally would and almost feel that I have to, in order to protect him. Still kinda new to this whole Mommy thing. :)
@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
Yes, I think all the mothers do that. That is what I can see from the above responses. But, when you be in the shoes of a kid, they won't like it always. So, we should be careful that it should not hurt the child. The child should not feel that we think they are going through bad websites. Thanks for the response both of you.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
6 Aug 09
I think every mother will do the spy for the kids. It is better to do so. At least we know what are they doing and we have the resposibility to teach, guide and tell the to use computer and internet in a correct way which is benefits them, but not the other way. My kids is still young, they still not yet use computers. Once they grow older and I am sure I will do the same for them.
• India
6 Aug 09
No I don't peep into anybody's monitor becuse i feel it is bad manners and i expect the same when i am working. You can always guide your child saying which website will be good and can be surfeds rather than turning nosey and looking into the monitor. My sis in law had the habit or going through the sms and other things in cell phone of her daughter. Her daughter used to feel very bad. Whenever i see by chance a new website when my daughter is working i ask her the name rather then peeping into it. According to me if you have the confidence in your child then they will not cheat you. You can always ask them in a conversation what were the new websites you visited in a friendly manner. When it comes to too young kids you can sit along with them and help when they surf.
@divkris (1156)
• India
6 Aug 09
I'm sure your kids must be proud of your attitude :) Kewl mom.
• China
6 Aug 09
well, that's a controversy question, cause if we do peep into hteir computer, we actually had a pribacy invasion. But for a child who is too young to distiguidhed righr from wrong, I think it's necessary. Any way, the website is ful of information, and some well do bad to the young
@thokius (426)
• Austria
6 Aug 09
I do not have any children and I live alone so I do not have anything to worry about. But it's good that at least someone is concerned about there child's online safety.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
7 Aug 09
The above responses shows that all the mothers are vry much concerned about what their kids are viewing using internet. That is a good sign. Keep the responses in mind. It will be useful to you when you become a mther once. I dont have kids too. It is good to blocks some sites to prevent children from using it. Thanks for the response.
@thokius (426)
• Austria
7 Aug 09
No problem. I did search through the responses as well.
@SViswan (12051)
• India
13 Mar 10
Yes, I do. So far I have not blocked any sites or put up a filter. But I will be doing it soon (with a growing boy at home, I guess I need to). Right now, the computer is at a very accessible place and no one can watch anything without anyone else in the house being aware of it. I still peep and check what my son does....which I have to say, isn't much. But once the computer gets back to the room...I will be doing more
@saundyl (9783)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
I do peek in to what my sister to make sure she's not on sites that shes had problems with in the past or to make sure shes not having problems with the computer itself. But i dont check to control where she is...I'm not her mom and that is something mom does. My sister however is VERY good about coming to mom or me and asking if a site is ok for her to be on. My friend put a program called K9 on her kids computer - it barks when her kids are on sites she doesnt want them to go to.
@spalladino (17891)
• United States
6 Aug 09
When we lived in Maryland we only had one computer in the house and it was in an open area where I could easily see what anyone was doing on it. When my husband and I got together and we moved to Florida five years ago we had three computers so my youngest daughter...the only one still living at home...had one in her bedroom. I let it be known that I could walk into her bedroom at any time and look at what she was doing on the computer, which would be removed from her room if she was on any sites she shouldn't be on.
@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
It is nice to see from the responses that all the mothers are particular about what their kids are doing and do monitor them. I think it is good that you put a rule for her so that she won't get into websites which she is not supposed to look at. Thanks for the response.
• Malaysia
7 Aug 09
I always keep an eye on my younger brother when he is on the internet.I am very particular about his safety on the net. I set up everything and then it wouldn't be easy for him to access the websites that are above 18 and it is good as well since he will be scammed and also be cheated and disturbed by some perverted pedophile online.
• Philippines
6 Aug 09
I usually peep and i could not control myself. But..usually i do this way..i slightly open the door then when they are glued surfing..i suddenly come and surprise them..I am on their back..But.i do it as a funny things. Then after that i stay away and leave is not a good thing to spy on them as it is really annoying the same things with me..To respect them and if i do it again..they will also take a revenge and annoy me when it is now my time to surf..Usually they have nothing to caught me surfing bad sites as i usually stay away from it really pollutes the mind and it sucks..I usually explain to my youngest nieces to stay away from it and usually teach them to play games and healthy stuff..I tell them the good websites to ensure they are surfing only good websites...
@daliaj (5674)
• India
6 Aug 09
You are also like all the other mothers who are concerned about what their kids are watching. I also don't like to watch those kinds of websites. I might have a look at it when I come across that while browsing and close them in two minutes. I don't think it is a good habit to go through it. Thanks for the response.
• India
16 Mar 10
Hello my kids are grown up, when they were young we did not had internet in india, but when kids of my daughter and son use internet, they are watched by my daughter in laws, we have explained them the pros and cons of net, they understand Bhuwan