What do you normally go to starbucks for?

@shamzy18 (2316)
August 6, 2009 11:06am CST
I was just wondering what do people go in to starbucks for? What do you buy? Is there something in particular you go in there for? Going to starbucks is a daily routine for some, for others its hardly ever. So do you go to starbucks or not? I normally go to starbucks because i get a craving for a frappacino drink i love them!! Either that or a large cookie hehe..
2 responses
• United States
6 Aug 09
I mainly go to starbuck's every sunday morning when I have to work all day and I tend to end up getting a venti peppermint mocha. But recently they came out with this new drink a mint mocha frappucino, it was the best thing ever I swear. Then once in awhile I will get their double chocolate chip frappucino, when I am in the mood for a chocolate overload. In the way of food I tend to enjoy their their chocolate lava cake, or their gigantic brownies. Starbuck's usually makes my day :)
@shamzy18 (2316)
6 Aug 09
cool i dont have a set day that i go i jus go hen i have a craving for a drink hehe. Cool i haven't seen that venti peppermint mocha but am definately sure the frappucino must taste nice havent seen that flavour though might have a try !! only seen vanilla chocolate mango and coffee ones and others.. yea i love their chocolate cake thats another thing i get hehe.
@much2say (55178)
• Los Angeles, California
3 Sep 09
The only time I go into Starbucks (or any coffee place for that matter) is when my coffee addict friend wants to meet there. She doesn't like to entertain at her home, and she's always pressed for time . . . so we ALWAYS meet at a Starbucks. I don't drink coffee now, but when I did, I'd order a mocha latte with whip cream. Plus I'd get a lemon cake (that, I do love at Starbucks). After I got sick of those, I went for the Tazo teas. I need to be caffeine and sugar free . . . so now when we go, I don't order anything - but when my little daughter comes with us, she gets a lemon cake and hot chocolate. My coffee addict friend still orders the mocha latte, no whip - and a snickerdoodle cookie.