's 100+ degrees...and i have just caught a cold!

August 6, 2009 12:36pm CST
Yes...I am feeling VERY sorry for myself..I am miserable, cuz NONE of the traditional remedies mix well with the HOT weather! Hot tea and lemon...NO, it's iced tea weather! Yummy Chicken's TOO hot in the kitchen to cook! My kitchen was 111.3 degrees last nite! NOPE, no soothing soups! Can't cuddle up with a nice blanket & a roaring fire...and to have a fever in this heat, OWCH! I will take all the Colds, I need to fill my quota (just to keep the ding-dong-darn it) things circulating in Winter, when I can indulge myself! ANY...AND ALL suggestions for relief and aid, would be tremendously appreciated! Thanks & Cheers!
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14 responses
@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
7 Aug 09
Hi pergammano, I'm sympathising with you on the heat as suffering the same thing here myself, it's 2am now and still too humid too sleep and the fan is moving hot air around. But I haven't got a cold. You can't cook in heat like that so stick with fluids. If you have any herbs boil up some mint leaves in just plain water and then drink hot or cold, that will help. Also thymne is good in water boiled up again, for a sore throat. Make some hot water with honey and drink it hot or cold. I always tell my son to sweat a cold out so sleep under somthing. Hope you feel better soon and lower tempreatures to us both
3 people like this
• Canada
7 Aug 09
Gosh, thank you thea09, I am sorry the heat is at your existence, too...our area is just not set up for it...we do not own fans, or AC and when the heat wave hit, the whole province sold out. LOL! Thank, you precious, for all you suggestions, and I hope with your herbal knowlege, that you will approve,....I harvested my garlic about five days I made a garlic laden pesto over pasta , and had garlic/honey/ginger tea. Stink, I might, but hopefully feel better.....Thank you, and would you consider a friends request? Cheers!
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Aug 09
GOOD MORNING THEA, I f uneed a reccomendation for PERGAMMO i'd sure give her a great one.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
7 Aug 09
Hi pergammano, garlic in teaI'd draw the line there. Garlic is meant to stop you catching germs in the first place not to be an antidote for them. Has it cooled down there yet? I think I have heat exhaustion over here, it's been so long with this humidity and the last few days no sun with it which somehow seems to make it even hotter. Now I don't normally do this so quickly but I'm going to press accept, even though I had a big cull last night and still have a load pending before you which I haven't had a chance to check out. The reason you're in is because it was so sweet calling Gerty the epitome of beauty.
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Oh pergammano! There's nothing worse than a cold in the summer. Especially a hot summer like you are having! I guess if I were you..I would just try to get all the rest I could and drink plenty of orange juice and water. Maybe iced tea with lemon is not such a bad idea. Take care and talk to you later.
2 people like this
• Canada
7 Aug 09
Thank you, thank you....dearest Jen & Jo! But I am warning you two girls, I would have you all over the State of Tennessee faster than you could imagine! Tennessee is the state that has been on the top of my "bucket list" long before I knew they ever had a "bucket list!" As a very young girl, I worked on a Dude Ranch, and they had the most beautiful Tennesse Walker stallion, and then the owners showed fabulous pictures.....and I hold those dearly in my memory! Both my son & I are Country Music fans (sorry, Jo) and the "lucky buttinski" got bumped off a flight from Nashville to he got to spend the nite Nashville style...didn't get one wink of sleep! He was working in Bowling Green (sp) which I think is in Kentucky! Jo...I will get to TN, soon! Great impetus...YOU & JEN! Cheers!
• United States
7 Aug 09
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@JenInTN (27514)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I'm thinking that is exactly what she needs. You ,me, her, and annifannie would have everyone on their toes. I'm in.
1 person likes this
• United States
6 Aug 09
Bless your heart, I'm sorry u are sick . Do u have any whiskey? my grandmother thought a whiskey & honey toddy was the cure-all for a cold, flu or whatever, I have never tried it but u might. Hope u feel better. I think a summer cold is the worse. sleeping outside didn't help any i bet besides it was dangerous.
1 person likes this
• Canada
7 Aug 09
I feel better already...just hearing from you! You are my silly Mother Hen, my Silly Goose...and all the beloved terms I can muster up for you...dearest, it was NOT sleeping outside....oops...and I am going to again tonite...the heat is incomprehensible, and trust me, dear girl, I think that if I had moved outside b4 I would not have suffered sleep deprivation, cuz truly, my dear, I sleep so good with the coolness. Last nite I hauled my relincer outside & slept sittin up! Iam getting tired my dearest...Faraway bug spreading, luv ya! Cheers!
1 person likes this
• United States
7 Aug 09
HAULDED YOUR RECLINER OUTSIDE, NOW U ARE MUSCLE WOMAM,I DON'T KNOW WHAT I'M GOING TO DO W/YOU#%^$%$.Does t.j. know what a time u are having?? I do worry about u. Hope your cold is better today?I pray that you will get rain & a break in the weather. Please take care of yourself.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
7 Aug 09
Well you wouln't want to lug your recliner out here in the night unless you wanted to wake up with mossie bites all over and a gecho in your ear. You'd wake up in a nightmare state with a donkey licking your nose and a scorpion feasting on amy blood leftover from the mossies. That's why I sleep, or rather don't sleep, inside, despite the temps!
2 people like this
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I know how you feel, my friend and that is so awful. If all those traditional remedies didn't work for you then i suggest that you drink lots and lots of water. Take all the rest you can have, it worked for me, i hope it does to you too. Get well soon and take care.
2 people like this
• Canada
7 Aug 09 is sooooooo FABULOUS to hear from you...and if it takes me being down with a cold, just to hear from you...I'll take it! I sure do HOPE, that your silence is caused by the fact, that you are so happy, having so much fun, so fulfilled.....tht you just don't have time to be here! But sure do miss you!'s day three for this obnoxious cold, I find usually about day 5, they break....but it's been so long since I have had a summer cold, I can't remember! Just an uncomfortable time to be offish! Please, please take care...stay in touch and have a rainbow of a weekend! Cheers, dear!
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
Thank you, my friend i missed you a lot. The truth is i was silent because i have had some difficult times (financially). But i had worked things out and now is slowly recovering from it. It is so good to see you too, though you have that awful cold. I hope you feel well soon, to enjoy the weekend. Take care always!
1 person likes this
@sweetie1026 (1718)
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
I know what you, my friend and that is so awful. But if you have tried all the traditional remedies and they didn't work then all i can say is just drink lots and lost of water and take all the rest you can have. Get well soon!
2 people like this
• Philippines
7 Aug 09
Sorry for this, i thought i have deleted it. So, i wrote a new one, just to see that is got posted too. Sorry again.
2 people like this
@coolly5 (32)
• China
7 Aug 09
Oh,yep,thanks &cheers too!!!
2 people like this
@GardenGerty (162829)
• United States
7 Aug 09
It still will help you to get plenty of fluids, and vitamin C, by drinking your iced tea with lemon. Take cool showers, and something to relieve any head or body aches. like aspirin or acetaminophen. If symptoms suddenly worsen get checked out by a doctor to make sure you do not actually have the H1N1 virus. Try some nice cold yogurt.Crank the AC down, and then cover up, get plenty of extra rest. Maybe drink some lemon lime soda.I know these are not traditional remedies, but may make you feel better.
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@ronaldinu (12422)
• Malta
20 Feb 10
I guess everybody of us here experience what a cold is especially in winter time. I like to follow the traditional remedies such as hot drinks and soups to keep you warm. But I guess that a cold is a common thing and the best thing is to remain a few days in bed until your regain your health to resume back your duties.
@AmbiePam (96683)
• United States
6 Aug 09
Orange juice! Get that Vitamin C going my friend! Colds are so miserable. Especially when one tries to sleep. I don't think there really is a comfortable position to fall asleep in. Are you achy, or is it the sore throat and stuffy head kind of cold.
1 person likes this
• Canada
6 Aug 09
Thank you, dear Ambie, I am just having a retro day..and feeling sorry for myself, I think. It is all of the above, including the stomach & what goes in, immediately goes out! The most miserable is the sore throat in this heat, as I have stated above, it may not be high for some people...but we are running upwards of 30 degrees above our normal heat, and have broken all records! Yup...sleeping is a challenge, last night I moved a recliner onto my deck, just to catch a bit of "noddy" and a few coolish breezes! (I know in 3 months I will be complaining how cold it is!) Thanks for responding, my dear friend, and hope all is fantastic in your world! Hugs (oops--not now)...and Cheers!
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
6 Aug 09
I'm ready for you dear come to grandmas house and I'll fix you up. I have home made chicken soup in the freezer just made fresh two weeks ago. I can heat it up and give you a hug that sometimes helps also!!!
1 person likes this
• Canada
6 Aug 09
Both sound wonderful & comforting! Wouldn't I know that you would have a superb Chicken Soup on standby! What a girl...and especially with all that you have been going thru....and here I am complaining! Isn't it the truth tho' ~~~ a seemingly small thing like a cold can just pull the rug out from underneath you! I thank you so kindly...for all the soul food $ the hugs feel great,too! Please take care, and know I am so glad to be hearing from you on a regular I truly missed you, and Cheers!
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
7 Aug 09
oh I do feel for you, its the worst to have a cold when its one hundred outside and you are shaking and feverish and just plain feel yucky from a summer cold. take tylenol or ibuprofin, drink lots of fluids take orange juice for vitamin c and get tons of rest,oh yes take an antihistamine to for the sniffly part but the fluids and the rest are essential for sure.
• Canada
7 Aug 09
Hatley....Thank you, sooo kindly for some MORE great advice, and you are so's the yucky that's getting to me...I can find comfort in the winter, with hot drinks, soup, fire & comforters! Summer, dang it...the comfort eludes you! Fevers...and it's 100+! I am just feeling sorry for myself, as it has been a long time, since a summer cold...and I think it was given to me, as a come-uppance to remind me of how lucky I have been! This heat is SOOOO unusual here, off the Coast of British Columbia....and we are paying dearly with all our Forests going up in Wildfires! Our situation is so serious, we got the wonderful assistance of Firefighters from Australia and New Zealand! What wonderful people, ..and when you see that kind of goodness, you gotta stop feeling sorry for yourself...and think about the more than 10,00o people evacuated from their homes and living in shelters! I shouldn't be pondering a cold....should I? Thank you, Hatley...and a rainbow weekend to you & yours!
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I'm in Monterrey Mexico and it's 105 or 107 here just about everyday! The old adage "Feed a cold, Starve a fever" still applies. Bite the bullet and have the chicken soup, drink lots of liquids hot or cold! tdemex
1 person likes this
• Canada
6 Aug 09
Hey, thanks for chiming in..tdemex...I have read many of your great discussions, with respect! Lucky you, Monterrey, Mexico....I LOVE MEXICO, but dear friend..our usual some temps are between 75 & 85 Fahrenheit...anything over 95 is shock factor, so we just went thru 11 days of above 105, and it seems to have brought with it an onslaught of bugs & germs! We broke all records! The country (province of B.C. Canada~~West Coast,etc) is burning up with Forest Fires...dear souls as far away as Australia and New Zealand have come to help fight! You're right, I will bite the bullet, and have some Chicken soup tonite, but I sure wish this heat would fry this bug! LOL! Once again, thank you & Cheers!
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@tdemex (3540)
• United States
6 Aug 09
I spent a lot of time on Vancouver Island! Your living in a beautiful place! Hope our pollution doesn't cause you to much discomfort! I read the Salmon in Alaska are becoming a rare event, the smokehouses are empty? A pity! tdemex
1 person likes this
• Canada
7 Aug 09
Hey....dear tdemex..we have just had our entire fishery shut down..due to NO returns of the spawning salmon...this heat wave, they will not enter waters above 18 degrees Celcius. A very trauma time...80,000 were predicted, as a Fraser River run, and there was less than 3,000. Next year is the Adam"s River run..and it NO better, we are in serious trouble! Would you consider a friend request, as I really enjoy your input! Thanks & Cheers!
• India
6 Aug 09
Hello friend, It is really very difficult time for you. But I think thats the most common sort of thing atleast here in UP, India. The mix of hot and cold causes a lot of such problems. But, it will be quite surprising to u that during cold I used to drink child cold drink and ice-creams and I feel better the next day or so. Yah thats true and it has got some science involved. When you drink and eat very cold things, bacterias that causes cold and fever tend to weaken out and then a simple tablet analgesic(paracetamol sort) and you will definitely be relieved.
• Canada
6 Aug 09
Thank you, so kindly for all your wonderful suggestions, and will take them all seriously. As we all have, I have had many colds...but it is the unusually hot weather, along with the cold that is making it more difficult! We have broken all heat records here in B.C., Canada...and along with it has come a lot of bugs & germs! You have a great day, and welcome to myLot! Cheers!
• India
7 Aug 09
Thanks for your comment. Here in India also this time is used to be rainy season but we have no rains at all. Here the conditions are miserable with highly reduced production of rice, pulses etc. Plus here also germs are in excess. Happy MyLotting.
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• Canada
7 Aug 09
I truly hope that you...and India get some much needed rain, soon, as well as we are a very forested province and we have hundreds of Wild Fires burning,as well as thousands of people evacuated from their in shelters! Have a truly wonderful weekend....and Cheers!
• India
7 Aug 09
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• Canada
7 Aug 09
Thank you, so kindly....ginger is one of my favourites, but what a wise idea, has a lot of immune boost, doesn't it! Yes, I am taking good old aspirins every 4 hours, to try and keep the fever down in this heat! I truly do appreciate your input, and hope that you have an extra-specially wonderful weekend, filled with love and laughter! Cheers!