
@dawnald (85139)
Shingle Springs, California
August 6, 2009 5:30pm CST
Well these are my rat stories... Rat story #1 - we acquired a pet rat or rats when I was a child. We had all kinds of pets when I was a child. We were not dumb. They were all male rats. Then we acquired a "male" rat from my friend Susan down the street. Said "male" rat started having babies and pretty soon, we had ourselves a rat farm. Some of the rats got out and found their way upstairs to my mom's closet. My poor Aunt Maxine, who hates rats, had herself a pretty nasty scare from one of the loose ones. Eventually we managed to round them up, separate the genders and sell all the females to a pet store. End rat farm. Rat story #2 - we had two cats in our first house, Jinx and Fluff. One night when I was home alone - Richard worked a lot of nights - I heard this funny noise. I went into the guest bathroom and there were the cats looking at the bathtub. Inside the bathtub was a large, brown rat. Not knowing what else to do, I threw the cats into the tub. The cats ran out of the tub. I called Richard and told him this was all his fault for not being there. Then I proceeded to whack the rat with something until it was dead. Next day Richard went and found where the rat had come into the house. A couple of days later the babies started coming into the house. I don't remember who killed them, but this time he sealed up the inside also. A couple of days after that, there was a really nasty smell on that side of the house. Yep, there must have been more baby rats trapped in there that died. Not one of my more fun experiences. Probably less fun for the rats. Rat story #3 - when we moved to the Sacramento area, the girls' school had mascots in most of the classrooms. Dearra's class had a rat named Waffle. The school was on year round and the mascots usually went home with one of the children during the breaks. Dearra wanted to bring Waffle home, so we did. She did a great job of taking care of her (with a little help from me). The next school year, not too far into the year, Waffle died at the ripe old age of three. Dearra cried. End rat stories. Got any of your own rat stories?
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6 responses
7 Aug 09
Hi Dawnald, One summer, I saw this little rat runnung around the living room floor, it came in from the back garden, but hubby said its only a field mouse, my big brave cat just sat and watched it running aronud the living room, when it went past her paws, she just lifted them up quik, I opened the front door and poor little thing ran out. Tamara
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
I'm glad it got away...
@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Yeah, lots, but I'll share this one - I got up one morning and found a body in the kitchen. I turned around, went in and woke up the roommate to deal with it. Why, you ask didn't I deal with it. Because about a year later I woke up from a nap and found another body. This time Ping saw it and grabbed it. I ended up holding the tail trying to get it away from one determined cat. I didn't deal with the first one because I knew one day I'd deal with another one.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
Personally I'd let the cat have it!!!
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@ElicBxn (63796)
• United States
7 Aug 09
yeah, maybe I should've but I really didn't want one of them to get the bright idea of EATING it. I don't think I could've ever let one of them kiss me again.... Mind you, Oliver was kissing my cheek earlier today
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
oh yuck, perish the thought!!!
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
8 Aug 09
Only that I am scared of the horrid things. I don't mind the pet kind but I would not take the risk of having one. I think feral rate are mean and nasty looking...ugghh!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
8 Aug 09
Lots of people are scared of them. It's pretty common...
@shamzy18 (2316)
7 Aug 09
Wow you have definately had a lot of rat experiences! but omg the first story well that was jus bad luck!!! Would hate if that happened to me but i would not even want a rat as a pet anyway.. Rat story 2 omg even the cat was scared of the rat lol . Rat story 3- aww well i guess it had to die one day they should get another rat. Nope i dont have any rat stories but once when i went home with a mate her uncle went to this fast food shop and went round the back to talk to them and the there was a humongous rat by the big bins yuk.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
It was probably acting like it owned the place too!
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
I'm sure it found something all on its own!
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@shamzy18 (2316)
7 Aug 09
yeah they was going to feed it bread or something but they was all out of itso ended up giving it nothing lol
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• India
7 Aug 09
Well I don't have any rat story as such cause I've never owned one. Well I've certain experiences with them. Just once when I was about 10 there were these rats at home who multiplied and there were these 5 kids that they had which were so very difficult to catch... Ya and I remember once I almost stepped on a rat. It was oooOooo so soft n furry. I got so scared...
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
did you catch them? or just try to?
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
9 Aug 09
That is odd. Maybe they were all together...
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• India
8 Aug 09
As I said, I was very afraid and so was my sister. We did put up mouse traps. That was the time when we got ourselves a bigger mousetrap. It was so big that it caught three of the five mice in the same night. Now when I'm recalling this, I feel how that was possible cause a mouse trap gets closed when the mouse enters... But really, it did catch 3 in the same night...
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@cynthiann (18602)
• Jamaica
7 Aug 09
I loved the bathroom rat story but am amazed that you really helped your daughter take care of a rat! I honestly think that that is beyond the bounds of being a good mother. Yep, I have another one. In the night a GF of my who was sleeping in my bed (king sized)yelled in the night that a rat's tail had gone over her face! Pure pandemonium again. Even the son who 'does not do rats' actually got up and gave a half hearted look. (His wife made him) They keep saying that she had heard the story and dreamt it all but I don't know. Anyway, we are all edgy and emotional because of the twins leaving tomorrow. They keep taking my clothes and putting them in the suitcases too. It's all getting frantic. I think that they are planning to do a quick get a way tomorrow and will call me en route to the airport.
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@dawnald (85139)
• Shingle Springs, California
7 Aug 09
Well after all, I did have pet rats growing up... Well that's a lovely thought to wake up to. Yech... Yeah, I was thinking about you and the twins. :-(