BB11: Ronnie is unbeleivable!
By babyangie27
@babyangie27 (5176)
United States
August 6, 2009 7:51pm CST
Spoiler don't read unless you saw tonight's show.
Ok so THANK YOU GOD RONNIE IS GONE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! But his speach geez,I can't wait for him to get the back lash from his family and friends for what he ahs said about people in the house. ANd Jesse is a JERK he told Lydia in the have not room on BBAD that he would stay true to his word to her. But yet he voted to evict her! She was crying about him hurting her and I haven't watched all of BBAD form last night but I bet that showmance is done. Nat threw a fit and said she was done talking to Jesse because she told him she didn't want him talking to Lydia anymore and then caught him talking to her. NAT don't you have a man??? Are you sure you aren't 18???? Ok so now that Chima won HOH what is going to happen??? I am so excited Jeff won the power we did it ya'll!!!!!!!! She said it last night she would win it and she did! UGH I can't stand her!!!!!! Oh well Jeff has his powers not don't he LOL. SO what did u think?
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8 responses
@realan (518)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I'm also so so so so happy Ronnie is out! He is crazy! I'm actually kind of glad Chima won HOH. It will be great to see her face when Jeff uses his power! He can replace both nominations, right? And it would be wonderful if Jeff put up Natalie and Jesse. With Natalie gone. She is so annoying and immature. I always watched BBAD, but this season I haven't had time. I may have to start watching again.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I DVR my BBAD so sometimes I don't get to watch it for a few days since I have a six year old with special needs. But yes you ahve missed some serious fighting these last few days. I guess Chima and Michelle even got into it. I seen Michelle and Nat go at it and Kevin exploded on Ronnie in the bathroom area in front of quite a few people. I am mostly upset with Nat,her comment to Jesse about Lydia was bs. It went like this. Lydia was tlaking with Kevin in the bubble wrap room about wanting to cut ehrself because of the stress form the house. Now me being a recovering self injurer wanted to B smack Nat when she said to Jesse and CHima later on,"oh she just wants attention". Ok that really make me want to scream because people don't get it. Self injurers do it to release emitions since we can handle physical pain better than emiotional pain! Ugh ok sorry to rant but I just finished watching BBAD from last night so yea I am a bit upset.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
My daughter is 6. Yes it is to feel somehting anything besides emotional pain. I ahve several tattoos as well but not as many as Lydia. I knew I felt a connection to her for some reason and that is why despite all she has done I still like her.
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@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I'm glad you are feeling better. How old is your little boy? That must be very difficult for you when you are sick yourself and need the energy to take care of your child.
Thank you for explaining why some people injure themselves by cutting. I missed the Lydia conversation with Kevin. Watching her face while talking to Jesse, she looked as if she wanted to do something bad to herself. Now I can see why all the tattoos. That would be one way to release some of that depression.
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@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I am glad ronnie is gone also. But I really expected him to have more votes to be evicted. I was nervouse at first when it was 3 ronnie 3 lydia and jordan broke the tie I remember screaming yes Jordan good job. after she said ronnie.
Well you belive russle and Chima the argument my gosh he should of just kept what Michelle told him to him self.
Well you know Chima probally going to put Lydia up for eviction she really dose not like her.
I am also glad that Jeff got the power. America did it and made it happen.
Yeah Ronnies speach was just horrible and what he said to Michelle. He stabbed them all in there back. He was a dirty Rat and thats what rats get evicted or caught in the rat trap. LOL
Next show is on Sunday we will see what will happen.
Happy My lotting...
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Well get this Chima and Russ were in the HOH room togther talking it out after the other HG's left and that was most of what BBAD was. Michelle is sneaky and smart I don't dislike her but she is going to get caught. Yea I am afraid unless something happens Lydia is going home this week.
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@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Yeah I think Lydia maybe gone also.
Yes Michelle is sneaky and smart. My husband wants to see her win.
I also like Jordon and Jeff.
Well do you watch the Big brother after dark on show time at nite?
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@patgalca (18439)
• Orangeville, Ontario
8 Aug 09
What I would like to see is Chima put Jeff and Jordan up. That would be hilarious when he stands up and takes them both off and puts whoever HE wants up! Only problem is that he can't put Chima up, and whoever wins POV. That may not leave him a lot of choices. However, at this point I think Chima will definitely put Russell up.
Do you think Jeff threw the HOH competition so he could use the POWER next week?
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I think Jeff lost on his own because Chima and Ronnie where studing the messgaes while others in the hosue were just making fun of them. I already know who is on the block because BBAD is on right now. It will all come down to the VETO to see if Jeff uses the power or not.
@leenie50 (3992)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Ok lets start again. Even my computer can't stand me talking about the scummy ratboy. Now, I hope you all were raising a glass with me when the finest moment in Big Brother History showed scum bad ratboy walking out the door

. He talked last night about he and his bozo wife would be reading all the blogs and comments they can find on the internet about whar people said. I sure hope they find ours. Jeff won and we played a big part in it.Yippee!!!!!!!!!! I'm so happy!! Well little bratty natty will have to move over now to make room for Lydia. Poor loser Jesse is going to need her on his side. This is the best time for Chima to get HOH. When Jeff knocks the little beitch off her slimy throne, I'll be toasting once again. This week is going to be a kick a$$ week. I'll be tuning into 24/7 to see how freaked out everybody gets. Jeff has such a great poker face, no one will know for sure. Could anyone believe how the freak wouldn't leave Jeff and Jordan alone when they were trying so hard to ignore his presence? Now the kissing begins. Lay it on her Jeff!! Sorry Plunk. Hugssss to everyone

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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I am watching BBAD right now,and NAt is outside with J&J hm wonder what that is about,she is usually up Jesse A**. I agree with some of what Plunk said but I love Jordan she rocks. I can't wait to see what is gonna happen,Michelle is pretty good at messing with people and yes she may win but alot of people want her gone. Lats night while those messages where being replayed the ones the HOH was about,she all of a sudden got up while she was uotside with J&J,Kevin,and Lydia and starts crying on the couch for like no reason. Saying she thought Russell was her friend blah blah blah. I guess Russ got a house meeting and threw Michelle under the bus. Jeff needs to watch it,he almost slipped up about the power. Keep your fingers crossed you all.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Aug 09
What's with this Ronnie dude?
I knew it right after the first week: Ronnie was stuck up Jessie's rear end! He liked to say in the DR that he's all about playing the game for himself, and Casey and Jeff were sure that he was in it for himself, but Ronnie thought that he was cool for the very first time in his miserable life, so there was NO WAY he would go against Jessie.
Ronnie threw Michelle under the bus at every conceivable chance he had. He continuously claimed to be smarter than her, and every single day he would try to convince her of different scenarios that SHE should use, meanwhile, he would do whatever Jessie wanted.
I thought he should have got Russel out that week instead of Laura, but I'm glad now that Russel stayed and was able to get him out.
What did Michelle ever do to Ronnie? I've seen her do absolutely nothing but treat each and every houseguest with total respect. The only reason Ronnie was mad is that she didn't use POV on him. So what!? He's a snake and wouldn't do anything in the house unless directed by Jessie. He never deserved to have Michelle use the POV on him, and he should be ashamed for confronting her for THE ENTIRE WEEK attempting to make her feel scared, angry, guilty, and any other emotions that he could use to turn her, and then TO STILL berate her like that as a swan song.
You can tell that nerd has spent way too much time in front of his videogames. He has no social graces whatsoever. His wife should feel utterly ashamed to have married such a self-centered (without one reason!) creep who would treat the nicest person in the house like a dog.
Let Chima do whatever she wants this week. Jeff is going to change it regardless and put up Jessie and his Taco Bell chihuahua Natalie and one will have to go home, thus breaking Chima's back as the outgoing HOH.
They're all toast!
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Lol love the way you refer to NAT! OMG too funny and oh so true. I agree I think Ronnie was so ecited to feel popular with jessie he wanted to wait on him hand and foot. Michelle is nice yes but she has said somethings about people as well,of course all part of the game. Michelle is smart and uses those smarts to get to people,nothing worng with it. If Jeff really thinks about it,it is best to break up that 4 some now,get Nat or Jessie out for sure. Russ I think will go where ever the power lies. I hope Ronnie reads all this and he has said time and time again oh it's all how it's edited! PLEASE! ok so the live feeds the BBAD the STUFF YOU SAID RONNIE just edited right???
@Christina504 (61)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I am ecstatic that Ronnie the little worm is finally gone. As for Chima I think that she is a snobby bleep. I think that she is going to put Russel up for eviction next week just for the fights they have been having lately. I don't have showtime so I don't get to watch BBAD but I bet it is good. I am so glad that Jeff has the power to change who is nominated for eviction.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I think she is gonna put up Lydia and Russell,last night just as BBAD was ending,Lydia and Russ where outside just BSing and Chima comes out and says "well I wanted to confront you Russ about some stuff Lydia told me you said so since you're both out here this is perfect". Then it ended! UGH BBAD needs to be longer than 3 hours LOL. SO Lydia may be the one going home. I don't know if Jeff will use it but next week is his only chance to do so. I am so glad he won it.
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