Aliens visited earth?
By merlinsorca
@merlinsorca (1118)
United States
August 6, 2009 8:09pm CST
This discussion about extraterrestrials is purely speculation, there is no real proof, but... I was thinking about whether or not we could've been visited by something thousands of years ago. Like, the pyramids. They popped out a long time ago, so I thought it was strange that people from ancient times would be able to build such things. Maybe they had some influence from outer space. Or maybe they just figured how to build it themselves... What do you guys think about this?
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14 responses
@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Hi, merlinsorca!
There have been stories of alien visitation in just about every culture, throughout time. It's just too pervasive to have no basis in fact at all. I think there are others out there, and that they do come here, at least occasionally, to see what we're about. Some day we'll be able to do that, too.

@cobrateacher (8432)
• United States
23 Dec 09
According to the movies, they always come to destroy us. I find that totally absurd!
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry that I'm responding to you so late after 5 months but I wanted to comment on all my old discussions.
I agree with you, there must be some aliens out there and some of them must have the technology that can reach us. And if they can visit us, they probably also have the ability to do it without alerting everyone. They might visit from time to time, and we might not even know about it. Hopefully when we are able to do that we will be able to find peace with any aliens 

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@Aprillynn1 (225)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I think there are aliens out in space SOMEWHERE. It would almost seem silly to believe that this is the only planet within outerspace that had life. But I don't think that they have ever visited this planet.
@IMEzekieL (498)
7 Aug 09
Venus is too hot for life to exist. For now, Mars is the planet that has the greater chance of having life on its belly. I'm keeping my fingers crossed on this one. It would be great seeing aliens visiting our planet. Only the friendly ones are welcome though!
@Aprillynn1 (225)
• United States
7 Aug 09
But think about other planets in other galaxies, too far away for any of our technologies to see.... I always think that maybe thier is an identical planet with different people playing on thier PCs.... LOL
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Okay, sorry for responding so late to you, but I will still make this comment.
You're right, it would be silly to believe Earth is the only planet, because there are so many places in the galaxy and so many other galaxies in the universe that one planet is bound to have more life.
I don't think Mars has life right now, but it may have had life back then, a long time ago. It would be weird, though, having an identical planet. What would happen if we found each other, then?

@fifileigh (3615)
• United States
8 Aug 09
i think they built it. people in ancient times didnt have technology and education like people do nowadays, and they built everything by hand themselves, depending on their culture and where they lived. like the indians used adobe and mud, while egyptians did their pyramids and other structures, and asians built their asian structures, and greece did all those parthenon and others, and italy did the colliseum and tower of piza and etc. it is all a part of a country and particular culture's ancient artwork from long time ago. that is why many art history classes and museums nowadays study these as artwork.
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry for responding so late but I wanted to comment on all my old discussions, hehe.
I agree with you, people of the ancient times did not have the industry we have today. Like you said, they did everything by hand. Then it is hard to believe that the huge pyramids were built by hand; there are huge stones that need to be cut and measured exactly and people actually need to MOVE that heavy rock onto the pyramid. And whatever structures around the world were probably built with the assistance of aliens. . .
There are so many inventions that seem like could not have come to being without any help from the Stars. . .
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
8 Jul 11
If Ferdinand Magellan having a doubt before that there are living people also in the land of the Philippines....
as well as Christopher Columbus having a feeling to that there is something out there living people in the New Land now known as America....
we know that there are aliens out there,
we know everything....
we can prove nothing....
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Aug 09
If you have seen pictures of the Earth from space, you can see that we stick out like a sore thumb. I'm sure aliens have been to Earth. People watch too many movies. What do you think aliens would do when they got here? Just to get here from millions of light years away puts their technology well advanced from ours. They would make scientific studies then move on. As far as the pyramids go, that is all man. You have to remember, they had no TV or internet. They had lots of spare time to build.
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry I am responding to you so late.
You're right, our planet sticks out and Earth looks very different compared to other celestial bodies. If they had faster than light travel they must have stumbled on our planet, so I guess what they would do here is the same thing humans would do if we found another planet with life. But I'm not really sure what we'll even do.
Back then, they might have had a lot of time to build things, but it doesn't mean they have the tools or expertise. How were they able to create such a large and complex structure such as a pyramid without the use of machines? We can probably build one today, but it is strange how they were able to build it so long ago, isn't it?

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09

@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry for responding so late but I just wanted to comment on all my old discussions.
I agree with you, there might be some alien activity going on in Area 51. The thing is, they call it a "secret" base but then they actually tell us that is used for aircraft - if it is so secret, why did they tell us this? So, I believe there is something going on there.
I don't know about the other parts, though, because I never saw that Youtube thing. I'm hoping that this is true, because that would be so cool to have aliens that come to Earth 

@grundmang (112)
• Israel
7 Aug 09
never happened the world is too small and the media is too big for things to happen without us knowing about it
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
7 Aug 09
But that's the whole point! There was no media thousands of years ago. Back then, it was difficult to keep information like we do today. Maybe those aliens erased all evidence of their visit. =/
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I know that this is five months later, but I just have something to add.
It is possible that aliens have great technology that allows them to be here without us noticing it. The media may be big, but last time I checked we are not so great at observing space. Our telescopes are fixed at one small point in space, so an alien ship could easily pass by without our notice. We don't have sensors around our planet so we can't just detect an alien, we have to see it. Even today, an alien could disguise itself and come to Earth and we would never know about it. Say, for instance, they built the pyramids. They could have easily covered it up, and no media would ever find out about it.
@KrazyKlingon (5005)
• United States
11 Jun 11
The possibility of aliens visiting Earth has been mentioned a lot more than some people realize. I'm not talking about science fiction stories that have also been made into television series or movies either. Here are some incidents I have encountered.
I was watching something about the origins of man on either the History channel or Discovery channel that mentioned the possibility that man was genetically engineered by an advanced alien race.
I'm not sure if this was on the same show or a different one (also either History or Discovery channel), but as man advanced, there seemed to have been a "spike" in the advancing of man. It seemed that man suddenly went from using simple tools supplied by nature to actually doing mathematics & engineering to make better tools to make other accomplishments.
There was also a piece of news (forgot which news source) mentioned that some where in what's now China, tunnels were discovered, leading under ground that were actually made by intelligent beings during the time dinosaurs were still roaming Earth, & that the tunnels were probably for sewage disposal. Knowing that man did not come into existence until well after dinosaurs went extinct, it must have been done by aliens visiting earth.
You mentioned pyramids. It turns out that the Egyptians were not the only people to build them. At the same time, some of the original natives in what is now South America also built pyramids. It has been said that it's highly unlikely that both civilizations independently thought of building such things at the same time, & the possibility of help from an advanced race from out in space may have been involved.
I'm pretty sure that there are quite a few other instances of possible alien intervention. With the limited knowledge that people had during those ancient times, I'm sure that these advanced people from far, far away used their advanced technology, & witness thought they were gods. I wonder if that's part of existence of so many different religions at one time or another.
@mantis36 (4219)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
i truly believe that aliens do visit earth before but due to the conditions of earth's atmosphere is what the aliens know that they can't live here on our earth, they will die here because oxygen element is a poison to their health.....
the gravity force that the earth produces is also a fatal to their self....
and even the bacteria, e-colli, fungi and salmonella are also fatal to their internal organs because they have no immune systems that are compatible to such earth's bacteria....
the food sources here on our earth is also not compatible to their digestive systems and plenty of reasons why they have no interest to come back here on earth anymore...
@nixxi76 (3191)
• Canada
7 Aug 09
That is definitly a posibility for sure! Nothing surprises me at all. My neighbor is a firm believer in aliens and claims that they came down to visit her. They left her with this object that is almost like a helix. They told her it was a coffee table so she thinks this is her purpose in life.. to find out what this object is.
Have a nice day

@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry for commenting to you so late but I'll still comment to you. . .
It is very possible, because the aliens (if they are able to reach us from so far away) must have great technology, so they could easily visit us and leave without being discovered. That way, aliens give us things like the pyramids or that helix thing you mentioned. Really, if they have such great technology, it is possible that they can come unnoticed or disguised and visit us frequently, right?
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, sorry for responding so late to you, hehe.
I just looked that up on Wikipedia. You mean the book, "Chariots of the Gods?: Unsolved mysteries of the past" ? It sounds interesting, I will look for that book in the library. It seems to have some of the same ideas I had 

@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Of course there is probably more life out there. Whether or not they've visited Earth is another story entirely.
From what we know about physics and space travel, it would be impossible for any kind of craft to travel even near the speed of light. The closest planet to Earth, I believe, is 10 light years away and is a gas giant, well larger than Jupiter. So, you can rule life out there. Beyond that, we're talking even more light years.
Aliens, assuming they have figured out a way to travel the speed of light, would have to make the trek to our solar system without ever being able to know if any of the planets here had life. There's no way they could tell.
If an alien planet, let's say some thousand light years away, had a telescope that could reach Earth and tell that their was life here, they'd still be seeing a thousand years in the past. If these Aliens looked down at Egypt before the pryamids, what would they see?
Aliens spent years traveling to Earth after seeing a desert? I don't know. None of this stuff seems to make sense. How would aliens know we were here?
The more logical explanation is that early man built structures that made sense to them structurally. A pyramid has a wide base and a narrow top. It's an extremely rustic structure. Most use sun through openings to light them.
If aliens, so sosphicated that they found out we were here and broke light speed to travel here, built the pyramids, wouldn't they at least have some sort of electrical/mechanical elements to them?
Okay. I'll stop rambling. :)
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hehe, sorry for taking so long to comment back to you, but anyways. . .
Maybe what we know about physics is far too primitive compared to what the aliens know. It may sound too much like science-fiction, but maybe aliens developed faster-than-light travel. They can use this technology to get wherever they want, like Earth for example.
Well, if the aliens built some advanced telescope and looked at Earth, even though it is a thousand years before before Egypt and pyramids they will still see life. Much before human society formed, there were still plants and primitive animals. So, the aliens might be looking at some green plant things and oceans and little creatures
Now the rest I agree with; humans probably built the pyramid because it was a good structure, and if aliens built the pyramids then there should be some heavy technology on those pyramids. I can't argue with that logic 

@vklancer (135)
• India
7 Aug 09
i cant say with 100% guarantee that aliens don't exist.
but i don't think the pyramids were built with the help of aliens.there are evidences of written scriptures on how the pyramids were built,and those pyramids are not something which were the first of their kind,structures similar to pyramids were built still earlier.for examples the gopuras of the temples they are like small pyramids.its the brilliance of the ancient people.
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Sorry for responding to you so late but anyways. . .
Aliens definitely exist because there are so many planets out there. There is bound to be one that supports life - I agree with you there.
But then, isn't it suspicious how people back then were so smart to build pyramids? And then, you say that there were also similar structures earlier and in different parts of the world. I doubt that these people were able to build something so magnificent with the technology they had at the time. Oh, well. . . 

@vandana7 (101602)
• India
7 Aug 09
Linking pyramids to aliens is a bit far stretched. But the possibility of aliens being there is definitely there. Ours is not the only planet that has water, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen; the necessary ingredients of any life form. We dont know how aliens would look like. On our planet itself we have different races based on different climatic conditions. Unless we know exactly from which planet these aliens are arriving, and what are the climatic conditions there, we cannot really imagine what they would look like. Having said that, will the aliens get down on earth? Doubtful. Just like we would hesitate to step on mars or any other planet or their satellites fearing some unknown microbes to infect us, aliens too will not be willing to take the risks. Even if they are more advanced than us, they will realize that life on this planet is limited, and any inhabitation will not be that worthwhile. So its high time we put aliens on their ships, and went on with our business.
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
Hi, I know I'm responding to you really late but I will still make the comment. . .
You're absolutely right, that aliens are sure to exist somewhere out there. It is a big galaxy, and an even bigger universe, so there has got to be a planet that is bound to have life. It would be very different out there, though, like you've said. But this also means that there is a possibility that there is some life form that doesn't need any water, oxygen, carbon or nitrogen. Who knows what goes on beyond the Milky Way?
The aliens might hesitate to come down to earth, but they will not avoid it entirely. Earth has life (and all the listed things that sustain life) so it is unlike Mars or any other planet we know of. If we stepped down there we know we would die, but if aliens come and see an environment similar to theirs they might be tempted to come down and check it out.
I can't say I agree with you, aliens may have such technology that not only allows them to survive on our planet but also be able to live here unnoticed. They could be here, right under our noses, and hidden away from us with their superior technology. . .
. . .well, it is a bit far-fetched. . .
@smellytrampsfeet (146)
7 Aug 09
there is blatantly alien lifeforms out there how stupid can we be to think that earth is the center of all life just because the air that we breathe does not exist anywhere else or the temperature on another planet is too cold or too hot as we have seen with our own planet things change to suit their environment.
lolz peace to my brothers and fellow travellers :P what a hippy
@merlinsorca (1118)
• United States
22 Dec 09
I know that I'm responding to you after a very long time, but I'll respond anyway.
I agree, there are aliens out there because there are so many other planets that we don't even know about. I agree with you, just because other planets do not support our life doesn't mean it can't support some other freaky life forms. Like, some things that don't need oxygen or some things that don't need water. . .
Stuff like that could exist somewhere in the universe.
@maris5 (52)
• Latvia
15 Jul 11
If you search up the internet you can find some goverment revealed files that even they scan Ufos , but about pyramids , well it was thousands of years ago , the rocks to get there must have taken a long long time and the structure itself is pretty complicated . There is defenetly something mysterious about the pyramids and it is associated with some kind of big changes back then im sure.