Unemployment Drops and Fewer Layoffs. Obama' plan is Working!
By N4life
@N4life (851)
United States
August 7, 2009 8:06am CST
Fewer layoffs and unemployment drops to 9.4%. I am not saying this is unbelieably great news or that this signals an end to America's economic woes, which have in reality been going on for decades but does this mean the sky is not falling? I am sure Obama haters think recovery would have happened sooner if McCain were President? All I know is I have seen many comments about the coming storm greater than even the great depression here on mylot and how Obama will be responsible for it. I say good for Obama, the stimulus money is starting to ciruculate and the bleeding may very well have been stopped!
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19 responses
@bziebarth (228)
• United States
7 Aug 09
It is kind of funny, had the unemployment rate jumped almost 5%under President Bush and then it lowered, less than a percent, everyone would still be blaming him. But the messiah's followers are rejoicing. Interesting, let us look at the facts and see what the future really looks like.
Cap in Trader has passed. President Obama passed this saying that it would raise electric bills between $700 to $800 per year, however, the tax cuts they would pass would ensure that people's bills would only go up about $100 a year. Yet, the tax cuts have not passed yet. If they do not pass then electric bills stand to go up $700 to $800 a year. These are numbers from the General Accounting Office. We know the government is always right, correct?
President Obama visited Elkhart Indiana and spoke about how the government was going to resurrect their 17% unemployment rate. Why is the unemployment rate 17%in Elkhart Indiana? Because they were the main manufacturer of RVs. You know those gas guzzling, pleasure houses that only the evil rich can afford, and need to be destroyed (at least that is what mindless tree huggers think).
So our government's policies seem to be to destroy our current way of life and replace it with handouts and grants from the government. The problem is there are people (who shall remain nameless) that are buying into it.
@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
The economy was in a free for all when Obama took the helm, Our government has been a wellfare state for years, Reagan even increased the percentage of GDP of ourcountry generated directly from the government. Public schools, Medicare, Food Stamps, Earned Income Credit, etc. are all needed to form cohesive unions. No the govt is not always correct and I do not agree with eveything Obama is doing, but I think it is very apparent that te chicken littles have overeacted and justdo not recognze what our govt has been for decades. "Conservatives" know they lost a long time ago. Individual freedom was under attack under conservatives just as much as among progressives maybe even more so. Right to choice, etc. Thanks for the response.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Aug 09
There seems to be a very weird standard by which all of this is judged on the supporting end.
If the economy--any aspect of it--gets worse and people cite that it could be that Obama's stimulus plan isn't working, they're "haters," and it was Bush's mess anyway, and that's why it had to be done.
If the economy--any aspect of it--gets better, people cite that Obama's plan must be working, because there is no possible way America could have ever even started to bounce back any sooner unless Obama's did exactly what he did.
It's a catch-22. No matter what, Obama comes out golden.
I will be extremely (emphasis on EXTREMELY) glad if the bleeding stops. And if Obama's extreme (emphasis on EXTREME) spending can be factually linked to the stoppage, I'll grin and bear the future inflation and other consequences and tip my hat. But it is a little Kool-aidish if someone accuses people of "hating" when they criticize Obama's spending, and then glorifies him if the numbers start to even out. Not to mention that it's too little too late for anyone who remembers that the economic stimulus package was supposed to immediately jumpstart the economy, and that's the reason for the gloom and doom, fear-mongering, we-must-act-now rhetoric.
Seven months later, well, the only thing I can say is it's about dang time that insane amount of money started to show results.
I'm taking your word for it here that it has.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
The only reason Obama is judged by a different standard is because his approval ratings have been so high, at least in the near past. Bush could certainly do no wrong after 911 when his approval ratings were through the roof. The media, just as the politicians go with the polls. I see the media treating Obama differently now that his numbers are back to just reasonably high.
@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
You do have a point but the catch 22 works both ways. When good economic numbers arrise and the recession seems to be ending "conservatives" can always say it would have happened quicker without Obama, you have proven that yourself. Government is always screwed up to an extent and just because someone votedfor a president that you may not have does not mean they think that president infallable. The anti-Obama minnion, Glenn Beck loving "conservatives" seem to have the market cornered on kool-aid right now.
@matersfish (6306)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Of course it works both ways. But right now, Obama is America's President, Democrats are in the majority, and progressive liberals have a much larger share in the country, politically, than "conservatives" and the anti-Obama Glenn Beck minnions do.
The naysayers are moot on the effectiveness of the stimulus package and any other economic recovery policy. They truly are.
And although the criticizing and support stuff does work both ways, it's clear that Obama is judged by a different standard. That's not partisan speak; that's the truth. For whatever reasons it works like that, it still works like that.

@irisheyes (4370)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I say good for him too. I think we are very lucky to finally have a sensible, intelligent president who does something. I know recovery won't come over night but I'm very confident that it will come. (Back in October I had my doubts) What I could not understand was all those doomsday folks sceaming that we can't expect to get out of a recession by spending money. Spending money is actually the ONLY way out of a recession.
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@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I still have doubts irisheyes.... Like I said in an earlier post, it doesn't look good here in KY yet. I don't have anything against Obama,I just feel that things are not moving as quickly as he said they would. I would feel mucher better about the whole thing if I could see some improvement in our tri-state area.
@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
We had 700 new jobs announce here yesterday. Not saying eveything is rosy, has not been here for a long time, but this is not just companies running out of people to hire. This is the catch 22 argument discussed above and in the long run it will make no dfference. If the economy is in better shape in 2010 and eventually 2012 it will be even worse for Republicans.I would like to see some more parties with realistic agendas in the mix for some competition and more legitimate options.
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Well everything hits rock bottom eventually and I think that we're nearing that point. With or without the stimulus eventually businesses hit skeleton crew status.
If I walk into the largest Kinkos near me, there are three employees working, a manager, one guy in the back, and a cashier. This place is huge and the lines are getting long because they just don't have the staff anymore. I ordered a couple pizzas the other day and it took over an hour to get the food even with the place across the street from me because they only had one driver. I'm looking at places with barely enough staff to operate so trust me, companies really are running out of people to fire.
Regardless of the stimulus this country runs off supply and demand. When the demand reaches the point that a skeleton crew is insufficient, they'll hire more people. That's just how these things work. There are a lot of ups and downs over the years, but it always ends with things getting back to normal. All the stimulus did was give senators and congressmen a chance to throw billions at their favorite pet projects.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
8 Aug 09
finally someone who is for obama and not ranting about how
awful he is. bush got this countrys economy in a godawful mess
and poor obama is going to have a big task getting us out
it is starting to work so lets give him credit and know it
will take some time to recover as it took a lot of time for
it to get so bad in the first plAce. I f eel he is a really
good president doing his very best to keephis promises. I am
glad I voted for him. he is going to do it.
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@N4life (851)
• United States
9 Aug 09
You ended any chance at a civil discussion when you say all liberals are "star struck by Obama". I have stated many times here that thought I voted for the man, that does not mean I think he is God. All conservatives are starstruck by Reagan,Bush,Rush,Beck,etc. I think they all pray to Reagan and have posters of him ove their beds..lol. Invitations for civil discussions should not include insults.
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@SurveyPrincess09 (338)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I hate to say this Hatley, but things did not start with Bush. Things have been brewing for a while. :(
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Stimulus has NEVER worked EVER.Japan tried it and their economy was stagnet for 10 years!They tried it in Europe with the same result.When BHO was in Europe,he asked them to add stimulus to their budgets and they said "No,we tried it it doesn't work" My income recently went down drastically.What did I do? I cut spending.Want unemployment to go down? Cut taxes for business to encourage them to expand and hire people. Ever heard of the "Laffer Curve"? It states the ideal tax rate to extract the most money from a wealthy taxpayer is 30%. I will explain this in a way even you LIBS will understand.If Burger King ran their business like our gov. they would charge $10 per burger.They wouldn't sell many burgers would they. On the other hand,if they sold them for $.25 they would lose money even though they would sell more burgers. If you tax a wealthy man at 90%,he would either find a way to evade taxes,quit working so hard,or quit working or taking risks building a business because of too much risk compared to reward.Watch what happens to this economy if cap and trade and gov. healthcare go through.By the way,the only reason unemployment went down is more people quit looking for work.we still lost 250,000 jobs this month. Remember when unemployment was 4.5% under GW Bush and the media was crying about how many people couldn't find work? If you add the number of people able to work that quit looking and the people who want full-time work but are working part-time,it's over 16%.
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@missybal (4490)
• United States
30 Aug 09
Wow companies fire people and make cut backs and their profit line perks up a bit... now no one ever thought of that before. Stimulus working? yeah well I guess I can see how stimulating it is for the students at Syracuse University who are using our tax dollars to study students hooking up!
@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Well stimulus is working now, so I guess this again is another example of your logic (or lack there of).

@piasabird (1737)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Grasping at straws, are we?
Well, you Obamabots keep drinking the kool-aid. Nice dreams.

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@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
I do not agree with everything Obama has done, don't think there is a president that anyone has every honestly agreed wit every policy. Point is the sky is not falling as so many "conservatives" have predicted here and they have no defense for that. Pulled the long straw if I am grasping.
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
7 Aug 09
i have been telling people that over time things will get back on track but no one will listen so i am glad that someone else posted this , as far as mccain getting it back on track sooner i disagree because he himself said he would not do anything let it fix itself when we all know that would never happen , i know that things will never be perfect others seem to think with the best person in charge it can be thats just not true the world is not perfect and never will be no matter who is in the white house but i am glad that there are other people out there that are seeing things slowley get better.
@N4life (851)
• United States
7 Aug 09
Great point,one person is not going to magically make the whole world a utopia and most Obama voters I know realize this. It seems the anti-Obamanites have higher exectations for him than those who voted for him. Obama is not the anti-christ as some believe.
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
7 Aug 09
people think he can just snap his fingures and have every thing go perfect well it's not going to happen no matter who is in office its not that simple and people need to relize that and stop living in a fantasy word things take time
@psychotaz206 (2086)
• United States
8 Aug 09
erich79 ,
i must say for you only being 18 years old you are smart when it comes to this i mean if you being so young get it why cant the older people. we have 1,000 jobs added here and some of the people that got laid off are getting called back to work so our unemployment rate is 7 % and dropping, something gotta be going rite
@Ima_C_Suvaya (431)
• United States
8 Aug 09
If destroying the Constitution and secreting the federal gov't into every aspect of your life was 0bama's plan, then you would be absolutely correct. Since barely any of the 'stimulus' money has been spent, I think the 'hands off' approach is responsible for the halt in unemployment (and the fact that there is nobody else to lay off). The 0bama manufactured crisis that lead to the passage of the stimulus did create a reason for the federal gov't to increase taxes like never seen before. Add to that the usurping of private industry and I find your 'great news' to be scary.
@N4life (851)
• United States
9 Aug 09
If you think Obama is detroying the Constitution you need to look at past Presidents, both Democrat and Republican. The funny thing about our Constituition is it is adaptable and was meant to be and our govt has always taken advantage of that. Stimuls money is not destroying the Constitution anyway.
@murtuza89 (513)
• India
8 Aug 09
I think things are now going in right direction for Prez Obama.
I hope it continues to be so as it is good not only for him but also for the fellow Americans.
GoodLuck Obama!
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@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
That is good news. We all very well know that the Global Crisis stems from the United States and had a domino effect to the rest of the world. This is not only good news to the United States but to the rest of the world as well.
@klwheretogo (230)
• Malaysia
8 Aug 09
it is a good news for US residents, also for the world as the markets at the rest of the world are looking for hints from US for the recovery. i believe that when the worst is over, things are definitely getting better and better. based on historical data, after market hit the bottom it will bounce back. lets wait for better future and economic.
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I want to apologize for my statement up front. I believe in honesty. Well here it goes.
I do not see that the stimulus is working at all. I live in KY and things around here seem to be getting worse rather than better. My husband works out of a Local Union Operators and he hasn't been called back yet. They keep saying maybe by the end of the month. Im not sure how much longer we can stay afloat.
If this new plan tht Obama prepared is working I would just like to know where is it working. It isn't in the construction area.
@N4life (851)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Jobs in my area (Indiana) have been in the tank or years. All the good manufacturing positions that built the economy here are gone and have been for a long time. I believe the idea is for this not to be a quick fix which results in another "bubble", ie tech, housing, stock market. It is to soon to tell whether any long term decent payin job growth for most Americans will happen. I do believe, however that this may be a sign that Obama is not putting us on a fast track to being a third world nation as some believe.
@grundmang (112)
• Israel
7 Aug 09
investing a lot of money and being smart and productive cant fail. and thats exactly what he did .... good move

@N4life (851)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Many people already do not pay taxex because of things like earned income credit, etc. These programs have been expnded on by both Republican and Democrat Presidents. Everyone is screaming socialism but the fact is our GDP generated from govt has always resembled a socialist state, even under Presidents such as Reagan. If the stimulus works in the long term we should bring back reasonble paying jobs for the middle class, end all the bubbles and actually dampen down the welfare state created decades ago.
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Gov. spending IS NOT INVESTING. The stimulus went mostly to states that voted for BHO. It is common knowledge that there was a ton of pork in this bill.Do you realize the cost of this was $2600 for every man,woman and child in this country??? Why not cut taxes? These people are about paying off their cronies like the unions,acorn,wall street,and trial lawyers. See any tort reform in the healthcare bill???? NOOOOOOOOOOO You don't. Why no private schools funded by taxpayer money? The LIBS teach our kids to be LIBS. Why do we not improve our school system? A public school kid who can't read or write is more likely to vote democrat. 40% of all taxpayers do not pay federal taxes or get more back then they pay in. When it gets over 50% it's GAME OVER. The DEMS will rule FOREVER!!
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@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I was reading this discussion and some of the responses and it made me think of something. I remember reading about Indian rain dances (no offense to Indians) and when there's a draught, they gather around a big fire and dance, calling up the rain Gods and asking for rain...next thing you know, it's raining. They say it's the rain Gods answering their prayers but who's to say it's not just b/c it was finally time for rain.
This seems to hit me the same way. There's no way of knowing if (and I'm taking your word for it) that the recent small improvement in the economy has anything at all to do with 0bama or the stimulus. As one person pointed out, it may have to do with the fact that there isn't anymore ppl to fire. Companies can only fire so many ppl before their either running a skeleton crew or closing down.
I also agree with what another person pointed out, that these stimulus packages that were rushed through (b/c we were on the very edge of disaster as 0bama put it), that were supposed to show immediate results, were done 7 months ago! That's hardly immediate. It makes me wonder if the small improvement, if there actually has been one, is due to anything 0bama did or didn't do, or due to the economy slowly healing itself.
As for McCain doing any better, that's like trying to be a fortune teller, there's no way of knowing whether he would have done any better or not.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
7 Aug 09
They are pretty much running out of people to lay off. Does it mean the sky is not falling, no, doesn't mean it is, but it doesn't mean we can all go back to life as usual and not worry. This is far from over, in fact, we haven't seen near the bottom yet. The simple fact is, there is no reliable way to measure how many jobs the "stimulus" created or how many it saved and this is far too simplistic an assumption to make, based on vague loose formulas and criteria.
@N4life (851)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I am sure that some companies are running out of people to layoff, however there are some jobs beginning to be created and I believe and hope many more will follow. It is to early to measure the success of the Obama administration's economic plan overall, yet there is much hope where I sit.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
7 Aug 09
It dropped to 9.4%? Wow. It was only 7.6% in January. But, we were told, if we pass the stimulus, we can keep it from reaching 8%. Dropping to 9.4% means only that it fell from the 9.5% of June back to the 9.4% of May. This is not exactly a huge call back to work.
@lilwonders456 (8214)
• United States
7 Aug 09
um.....then why did the white house just release a report saying that before the end of the year they exspect unemployement to break 10% and well over it? We are not at bottom yet. I hope we are soon. But we are not there yet.
I don't think "recovery" will happen for a long while...no matter who the president is. It took a years to get us to this point....it will probly take it to completely bring it back. Figure it took a good 15-20 years to get out....it will take about that before it is done and paid for.
PLus just for the record....Congress is Obama's biggest enemy on the recovery. The more they spend and dig the hole deeper (national debt..budget deficits)....the longer it is going to take to recover. We have to pay off the national debt and balance the budget BEFORE this will all be over.
@John4Christ (1597)
• India
8 Aug 09
Ohk, maybe the plan is working somewhere, but still I guess the off-shoring will continue as the head honchos of these big banners still find it a profitable option, and trust me it gives many under developing nations a chance to come up and also to make some money........
What I am really worried about is, I guess in few years he will turn America into a Islamic nation with all his Islamic propaganda, I would hate to see that day(Not that I am Anti-Muslim or something, I consider all humanity as my brethren)......but I feel the west is the only countries which have majority as Christians.......
PEACE !!!!