What do you think life is?

A dream - A dream is mystical a dream is private a dream cannot be ruined a dream cant be disappointing
United States
August 7, 2009 11:00pm CST
What do you think life is? have you ever thought that you were in just a big dream and it could end any moment have you ever thought that life is a big dream of someone elses? and when they wake up you are gone? does day hour of your life mean 0.00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000 001 miliseconds of someones dream? how do you know? is the bible just a fictional book in someones head that they are ready to write, are we used as cells in the dreamers body? what are we, were have we came from?do you think that life is just a big dream waiting to be ended? do you think that the world is just a spec in a city of worlds? do you think we will ever find other lifeforms that are included in the city of planets? What is your biggest worry about life? What is going to happen to you when you die? will you decide when you will die/or will someone else/ or wil it just happen? do you think that the world will end? why do you think the world will end? do you think all life will be gone everywhere or do you think there are more lifeforms? i would just like to see what you think, thanks for reading!
4 responses
@aprces (1082)
• China
8 Aug 09
What you told is fun,bible just a fictional book Life is nothing and life is everything.life is your everything,without life,your got nothing.life is real,life is reality,life is not visional.Because everybody can feel something make us stressed and unhappy,it's visible and we are able to feel or perceive the nature of life is time.Everything's nature is all about time.I think anyone who allocate his/her own time properly will given a good life
• United States
8 Aug 09
I agree with you more because you are nothing without life and everything is involved in life
• United States
8 Aug 09
I would have to say that life is everything you can think of and more. Everything that was thought up, lived, moved, etc.. is life. Life is endless to say but to sum things up, its more than everything.
• United States
8 Aug 09
I agree with you too life is everything and life is lived and then it moves on
• Malaysia
8 Aug 09
Life is a beautiful thing. Life is a gift that cannot be explained. Though there is ups and downs in life, that is the things that made life more colorful and those are the things that made life more meaningful as well. I think life is sometimes not going the way you want it to be but however it is meant to be an obstacle for us to improve ourselves. If we take it positively, life is going to be good and it has always been good, the challenges and problems are the good things in life. When there is troubles and problems, I don't see life in it any longer!
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
25 Sep 09
Hey, Well I think that life is meant to be lived. Their wouldn't be much point if you would have lived your life, as a really really boring one. You have to go out and doe something, help others. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!