Creationism, Evolution, Or Creation at It's Best????

@bird123 (10658)
United States
August 7, 2009 11:34pm CST
People argue all the time about evolution and creationism. I have some problem with both. Let's take evolution. the biggest problem I have with evolution is that God is not involved. This physical world was created for the education of God's children. Everything is causal. Everything is action then reaction. There are choices then consequences. How can you have learning without this? You can't!......Random chance creates nothing. My chevy truck did not build itself. Things do not form in this physical world without somebody acting first.........What about creationism? This is no more than people believing in their holy book so hard that they will make it fit no matter what. The one thing I noticed about the story of Adam and Eve is where are all the scientific details???? DNA isn't mentioned at all. Why doesn't the story tell us about creation? I want details. There are questions. God created it all and that's it. Don't ask questions cause I said so! The only one's who do not want you to ask questions are those who shield the truth! God wants you to ask questions..........Ok, so what is the real answer to it all? Our first problem is that we all have narrow vision. So many times we make God in our image based on our current knowledge. We must get out of our box and try to think like God........To be able to create it all, God must be very smart. We could never create a universe. Let's try our hand at thinking smart. First, set a few goals. It must be a physical universe with laws that allow for lessons for teaching. The universe needs causality, time, space, action and reaction along with choices and consequences. Next you want to create things in order that the discovery of everything could teach your children. Creation should never be kept a secret. Lastly, you want to make things as automated as possible. With knowledge of the complex, why would you want to babysit processes that could work on their own?............OK! OK! Enough with the goals for now. Let's create. With a bang, God creates the universe to unfold into what we have today just like a seed grows into a tree. Pretty remarkable! Wouldn't evolution fit into this unfolding process???? The secrets of the universe are out there to be discovered so we should never get hung up on one part.........This, of course, describes the creation of the physical universe. We are all spiritual beings in our true natures. Our physical bodies are no more than our transportation. Does it really matter how our physical bodies were manufactured? Understanding the spiritual requires a thinking not based on the physical laws of this universe. This will take much work! Perhaps, Quantum physics is a good starting point. Quantum physics shows the possibility of many more dimmensions which are unconceivable in nature but nonetheless exist. Yes, there is so much to learn for this is CREATION AT IT'S BEST!!!!!
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9 responses
• Thailand
8 Aug 09
And on the seventh day god created paragraphs so that what we wrote was readable and possible to comprehend.
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
8 Aug 09
Yes, Chiang_Mai_boy!!! A point to make. Well language itself is a great example of evolution. Think or imagine, how language have been developed. There may be the time when there was not real language at all. People may have started to make words along with the signs and then slowly and slowly this language took a form. Just like human beings today came from the ancient monkeys.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Aug 09
God created paragraphs. Some of us are a bit tech challenged and can't get the paragraphs to hold. A billion pardons. Thanks for the comments!!!
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Aug 09
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
8 Aug 09
Hello bird123!!! Well my belief is more towards the discoveries of quantum physics rather than the creation. I believe more in the evolution theory. The quantum physics says that this physical world is the illusion, it does not exist. Buddhist also believe that everything in this world is illusion and there is no god at all. In Vedanta, also there is this illusionary concept, and still say, they seem to be real because of the power of God. But the major focus of all these things is in the concept mind. Mind is the source of thoughts, or the thoughts or the minds are the same thing. They do not exist physically. Everything in this world is thoughts. This is the deepest spiritual teachings, or spiritual findings. Now we may literally understand this thing "oh this universe is the mirage, reflection of our thought." But to realize it is the difficult thing. To realize this thing means understanding the truth, i.e enlightenment. Another point why I support this concept of thoughts is that, if we look back at the history, we can find that the thoughts of living beings are also changing on and on. And with this changing thoughts the physical body we see is also changing. I believe it is our own mind that is the source of creation or god or knowing oneself rather than seeing like we are the children of God. The enlightened people like Eckhart, Osho say that they see god in that enlightened state and again try to say that this god is not the one that is described in any religious book. If we could control our source or mind, then we can see the whole new world or the new dimension of the world. May be that what is called the awakening or enlightenment. We can already realize the different dimension of life in our life. Take the example of a dream. Does that really exist. But when you are in the dream, your reality is your dream and this world is does not exist for you. And when you wake up, you say that this is reality and the dream is false. But for your mind there is no difference which one is reality. Both of them are real and that is only determined by the what present state you are in. What I like about Eckart Tolle is that, he always instruct people to focus on the present, because it is only the real thing. So, here I mean to say that the dreams are no more than the thoughts itself and it is another dimension. This world is another dimension. And the awakening may be another dimension of mind. And sometimes I wonder if so, why not heaven and hell are another dimension of life if exists. That's why I believe if anything that can save ourselves, then that is learning to control our mind. Learning to know the truth. We cant just sit comfortably in the table and keep writing just like me haha...There is always difference in the literal understanding knowledge and the realization. The only realization is the true knowledge.... Nice topic for discussion, bird123...keep posting...The above response is my view. I hope you have your own view, but just wanted to share what i believe...
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@nzalheart (2338)
• India
9 Aug 09
YEs, bird123 life is more than an illusion. But this illusion concept is more different that the normal definition of illusion.
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@Adoniah (7512)
• United States
8 Aug 09
You could of course go back an reread Genesis with a different point in mind than that the story was about Adam and Eve and that two people started the human race. What if that wasn't the point of the story? What if it was more about the escense of the Creator and not people, people always so full of themselves, the center of attention. The Book of Genesis or more correctly, Bere'shitt in the transliterated Hebrew, is about knowledge. The Creator was of superior knowledge to the humans and all who resided in Eden. The Humans wanted this knowledge. There was a tree in Eden whose fruit could supposedly provide this knowledge. The Creator forbade the humans access to this tree and the knowledge. The woman wanted this knowledge. The serpent or some such creature tempted the woman. She was weak and ate of the fruit and talked her man into doing the same. Because of this they lost their spot in paradise. They did not have the infinite knowledge of the Creator. The knowledge that "He" used to create all. This story was about knowledge. The Creator's knowledge. It was about the fact that "He" had it and we should acquire it, but we couldn't just take it. We would have to work for it by the sweat of our brow. We are surrounded by knowledge, but we have to acqire it in order to make use of it. The Creator is the source of all knowledge. That is how all things were created. First there had to be knowledge. It does not have a physical presence or being, but it is there. Shalom~Adoniah
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Hmmm? A different point of view. It does raise questions. Why was man denied knowledge? I know they say ignorance is bliss but can we really be happy in paradise without growing or learning??? Then there is the question. In creating us, God would know we had no intention of never learning or growing in knowledge.Why play games with the apples? Lastly, can I blame Eve for all my problems? I didn't eat the apple. Why can't I have it made in paradise right now? This is not fair!! I'm afraid this is not real either. Thanks for your point of view and comments!!
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@ulalume (713)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I will refer you to my perspective on the creation of the world. Who created God? If God just existed as most believers believe, than why can the universe not just exist as well? The only way you can prove Creationism to to objectively prove a Creator. The problem with saying nothing existed, so the need for a Creator proves his existance is not accurate. I relate back to my earlier point, if God can exist on his own; so can every thing else. Perhaps it is the Pagans who worship the natural world who are accurate in their worship. The invisible man you call God is very similar to the physical world others equally call God.
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Well now, I got the A-team here. Lots of good thinking.Your descriptions are coming from holy books that you clearly do not believe in. Can you base the real story of creation on that?? I'm afraid our science falls short as well. Sure we have evolution and some theories but man has lots to learn. We don't even understand whatall the parts of DNA are for yet. When we discover this, it will open doors for further study..... If God created the universe who created God? I love this one. It just shows how much we all have to learn. This is what I know. God exists. God is a spiritual Being. We are spiritual beings as well in our true nature. Time and space mean nothing to a spiritual being therefore a physical world is needed. Do I understand it all? Not even close.If you even suspect the possibility that God exists you must be in constant search for Him if you really care to know the truth. If God does not exist, you will never find Him but sometime those who search will find what they are looking for. The choices are an individual's choice. Thanks both of you for your comments!!
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@cannibal (650)
• India
8 Aug 09
I agree Ulalume, pantheism, non-dual monotheism and monism are much more sensible than the general dual monotheism where they say nothing existed but God and He created the universe out of nothing. (For me, it's monism) Creation out of nothing is an irrational myth. At least in pantheism and non-dual monotheism we can consider God as a metaphor and nothing as absurd as creation out of nothing is involved. Monism, no doubt is sort of atheistic. For me, it is also fine to say that the soul is immortal. If not, what is the point in getting created one fine day according to someone's will only to be destroyed later?
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@uoriej19 (34)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
The bible must not always be taken literally. Our human time might not be God's time. Take a look at the sequence of events in creation and of evolution. Does it make sense?
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Aug 09
It is true that man does not fully understand time yet. I know time is not confining to a spiritual being. Like I said, evolution is a part of the unfolding of the universe so it is a part of creation. Science just hasn't found God yet. They are headed in the right direction. I could never go for that adam and eve story. It is but a story.Thanks for your comments!!
@jb78000 (15139)
8 Aug 09
i've said this before but i think sciences and spirituality should have nothing to do with each other - they are completely different areas of understanding. many, including myself, have both but trying to explain one in terms of the other is pointless.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Aug 09
You can't give up now!!!!!!! God and our spirituality!This is who we are. God has the sum of all knowledge. Science might not believe in God but they are walking toward God by acquiring knowledge. Anyone who searches for truth and knowledge are doing exactly what God wants. Let's fund more science projects. It sure beats paying for wars. Lastly, you never know what you say to someone that will change them even a little bit. I don't need the glory of seeing someone make a drastic change. They can change a little at a time. Someone else down the road can teach them the rest of the way.Since you are one of the few who see that science and spirituality join, don't give up on your understanding and teaching others. Thanks for your comment!!
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@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Ah but if you had real knowledge, love and feelings could be put down in numbers!!!! It is hard being ants but we learn more and more everyday. As far as school goes, stick to the proven facts even though some of those have been proven wrong. More is learned outside of man's school than in. To teach all the different religions in school would take forever. People interested in truth will search it out whether man teaches it or not. That is who I am! Thanks for the comments!!
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@jb78000 (15139)
8 Aug 09
thanks, however my point is that religion/any form of spirituality and science can't join. they are different kinds of understanding. here's a simple analogy - try to define love mathematically and you'd get nonsense, try to describe the feelings of equations and you'd get nonsense. this is why for example trying to come up with alternative ideas to evolution and so on is pointless, and can be destructive to science (how are you going to get decent biologists etc if it isn't taught in schools?) and trying to prove the existence of anything spiritual is also pointless.
• Thailand
10 Aug 09
Some of your statements in the above blob of text assume a lot that you can not support. "the biggest problem I have with evolution is that God is not involved." True as far as we know but why is it a problem? "This physical world was created for the education of God's children." How do you know that? Did you have a private conversation with a god who told you this? "Everything is causal. Everything is action then reaction." Not necessarily so. Some things just are. "Random chance creates nothing." Are you sure? How do you know? " Things do not form in this physical world without somebody acting first." This is only an opinion, not a fact. "God wants you to ask questions." Are you sure? Did a god appoint you as its spokesperson? "We must get out of our box and try to think like God." Hard to do unless you have an intimate knowledge of the nature of god. ""It must be a physical universe with laws that allow for lessons for teaching. The universe needs causality, time, space, action and reaction along with choices and consequences."" Why? The universe we live in does not meet all of these conditions. "CREATION AT IT'S BEST!!!!!" An opinion but lacking any facts to support it.
• Thailand
11 Aug 09
That process of evolution is a fact is without question. Speculating that some god is involved is just that, speculation. If the physicists exploring the field of Quantum Mechanics are correct then this universe is just one of a multitude of universes. What caused the Big Bang in which this universe came into being is a question that is being examined but we do not have that answer yet. If we settle for the answer, "a god did it," then we stop looking and the true answer will never be found. I have chosen my path and it is the path of reason, not blind faith.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
12 Aug 09
If you discover God did it, why do you stop searching for knowledge? Yes, I also agree no one should believe blindly in anything. Doesn't the possiblity of something require investigation rather than an assumption of non existence based on other people's beliefs?? HMMM???? Are you so sure of your ways that you are unwilling to ever question them or change your thinking?? Isn't this a narrow view??? Hmmm?? If you do value true you must always question. Thanks for your comments!!
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Evolution without God leaves out facts.That's my problem. This universe has causality, time, space,action,reaction,choices and consequences. Look close, the secrets of the universe are there to be discovered. How long did man watch birds fly before he figured out how???? As far as God is concerned, He can be found! Perhaps you should search for God. At least try to UNDERSTAND what God is really doing.God has a very high IQ. If you ever had a conversation with God, you would know or like most just be confused. Don't expect God to take all your troubles away.You are here to learn. As far as delivering up the proof to get you to follow me. That's not what I'm doing here. I'm trying to get you to THINK!!!! God doesn't give you all the answers. You must discover them. THINK ABOUT WHAT I SAY!!! I want you free to choose your path. It's all up to YOU!!!!
@cobra1368 (702)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I think the simplest and most profound reason that I believe in evolution (which is widely accepted as scientific fact, not merely a theory) over creationism is the plethora of evidence we have to support evolution. No one has yet found a solid piece of evidence to support creationism. I, like a few other posters on this topic, used to be a Christian. However, after growing up listening to the same stories, always having many doubts and questions, and never getting any answers (because no one has any that are based on anything other than blind faith), I have decided that it is hogwash that was created to control the population as a whole and make us be "good sheeple." I have studied biology, and thus evolution, for the good portion of a decade now, and not only am I fascinated with the subject, but it makes so much sense to me. I don't think most people realize exactly how much evidence we have in support of the evolutionary processes that have been in existence since the dawn of life on this planet. Every living thing around us has evolved from something else over millions of generations. Very small changes occuring over millions of years create new species. Some branch out - some die off, depending on a multitude of environmental and biological factors. I have taken classes where we have studied the anatomy of chordates (all animals that possess a spinal chord), and I have mapped the minute anatomical changes from one species to the next within each animal family, as well as the larger anatomical differences between larger animal classes. It is incredibly fascinating, and also very real. These changes are well understood and palpable. You can see how it happens right before your eyes. The one mutation that gives a species an advantage - either by filling a previously unfilled niche, or by allowing those individuals that possess that mutation to outcompete the more archaic species, eventually leading to its extinction - and eventually shows up in enough of the population to result in a new species. Creationism, to this day, is based on blind faith and conjecture. We haven't found any irrefutable evidence to support it. And people have been trying for over a thousand years.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Very very good comment. Lots of info with this one. So can I assume that you do see the genius behind it all??? Simply because you can not believe in religion does not mean that God does not exist! Keep searching. Sometimes people who search will find what they search for. Your story is also good to tell people to QUESTION. I too have questioned religion which doesn't always add up! Man has his hand deep into religion. To question is the start on the journey to acquire knowledge. It is what we all should be doing. Thanks for all the great comments!!
• United States
9 Aug 09
Regarding your comment about me not believing and how that does not mean God does not exist, I agree. A god could very well exist. We don't know. And I doubt we will ever find out while we're alive. However, the argument was for creationism vs. evolution and the evidence found with each. I merely stated that there has been no scientific evidence to support creationism, and there has been heaps of it to support evolution. We can only go with what we know. Great topic! I love this stuff.
@phildozer (284)
• United States
8 Aug 09
Well in order to believe in evolution, which there is evidence for, you would have to accept that some parts of the bible aren't accurate (assuming you're christian). However, if youre going to believe in creationism, the bible does say that adam and eve were the first two humans I believe, so in order to create more children, eventually someone would have had to do their sister... in cain and able's case, it would be their mom. Sometimes its difficult to reconcile the bible and science. Im no longer a believer, but when I was a good little catholic boy, I still just accepted the fact that the bible probably wasn't 100% accurate all the time, and thus i came to believe in evolution.
@jb78000 (15139)
8 Aug 09
holy texts aren't always taken literally
@nzalheart (2338)
• India
8 Aug 09
Yes, the more we think of the evolution the more we tend to visualize what actually have happened. Everything developed very slowly not in a second. Take from the age of dinosaurs. Okay rather than dinosaurs, take from the example of our ancestores what we call it monkeys or chimpangee or whatever. After many many changes, human beings have reached to this form and unknowingly like the hour hand of a clock cannot be seen instantly moving but if we look at it comparing at two time differences we can notice the difference.
@bird123 (10658)
• United States
8 Aug 09
So you're not just accepting those holy books blindly and word for word. Lots of good comments here everyone thanks!!!