Which subject to chose biology or economics?

August 8, 2009 6:11am CST
In my school i HAVE BEEN ASKED TO CHOSE ONE SUBJECT BETWEEN ECONOMICS AND BIOLOGY. sINCE, BOTH ARE MY FAVOURITE. i HAVE A CONFUSION regarding which to chose. Now a days eco is having great demand and future as well as biology is good. Please help
4 responses
• China
9 Aug 09
hi,you should face one problem that what you like best and what you work for in your future.it lies on you and you must choose one. if you love science and want to research all the while,you can choose biology. if you want to work early and make more money,choose economy. i like biology best .we can make friend each other... good luck
@coolcat123 (4387)
• India
9 Aug 09
biology where as i think have no scope except for medicals which is now a much tougher option for selection. So i suggest economics as it is in demand and have many scopes also.
• India
9 Aug 09
As you have mentioned that have interest in both the classes. Now its the time to make your self confirmed which 1 to choose what are the things to be considered while choosing the course or career lead. I wish to tell you that you opt for economics if you think you are not going to join medical in the near future or any how do not wish to join medical stream. Opt for economics its a loving subject of mine as well are others and almost of all. If you join ECO stream you will have goo future to be a lecture, economic analyzer, you can study the economic market conditions and also you can draft down policies that are to be followed by the government in order to be in surplus and not in deficit. To draft down the policies you need to be a keen observer in what ever field you wish to. ALL THE BEST THINK TO DO THE BEST AND YOU WILL SURELY DO YOUR BEST. GOOD LUCK
@yogambal_64 (1014)
• India
9 Aug 09
Just decide what you are going to do finally in college any science subjects or planning to go in commerce or other subjects related to this. If you have decided this then you will not have much confusion to decide between both the subjects. Both are equally good and has a good demand.