Do you look after your children by yourself or others?

@kariter (138)
August 8, 2009 7:47am CST
In China, Many grandparents look after their grandchildren. Young parents are too busy to look after their children. Do you think it's a good idea to ask others to look after children?
1 response
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
8 Aug 09
When my oldest was smaller, we had others to watch over her as well as ourselves. I was a working mother and my husband was a working dad. We worked opposite shifts so at first the main looking after her was a couple of hours when we were both at work. Then when I switched to a day job she went to a babysitter which was beneficial in some ways but detrimental in others until we found a wonderful lady that watched her until the day that she started kindergarten. She continued to go to the babysitter's even after I quit working to stay at home with the kids. Now, my youngest has been to a babysitter's very rarely but I will occasionally have my brother watch him. To a certain extent I think it is very good to have others watch your kids for a while because we need to maintain ourselves in the time of being a parent.
@kariter (138)
• China
8 Aug 09
I agree with you,sometimes we need babysitters!Happy mylotting!