Do you believe in a different religion than the one you were raised in?

United States
August 8, 2009 10:03am CST
i was wondering the other day how many people actually just stick with what they were raised with because thats all they know and how many people break away and do their own thing.. have you changed your religion from what you grew up with? (if you grew up with no religion did you choose to have one etc) do you think a lot of people stay in the one they were raised with out of comfort or agreement? i know i went to the opposite scale with my religion of choice but i know a lot of my childhood friends that grew up the same as i have stayed with what they knew but then only half way follow it because they seem to not really even believe it.. its like its just a habit.. what do you think?
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19 responses
@gossipzz (498)
• Canada
9 Aug 09
I have decided to stick with my religion. My parents took the time to educated me on their religion. As growing up I met different people with different religion that don't share my beliefs. I have just learned to accept peoples religion and keep mine aswell. I will respect your religion or beliefs aslong as it does not promote evil. I request people also don't try to change my religion and belief. It can be a happy world if we all respect each other.
• United States
10 Aug 09
too bad it doesnt seem like many respect each others religions or beliefs because it would be such a better place if we all did
@gossipzz (498)
• Canada
10 Aug 09
Yes it would be a better place if everyone respect each other. Who are we to judge. There is a song if you happy and you know show it. Why can't we all be happy and learn to get along with each other.The place would be a much better place.
@thokius (426)
• Austria
9 Aug 09
Hello moonlitmagikchild, I myself don't believe in any modern religion. I guess it's just because in my country the people aren't very strict. Cheers! Thok
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• United States
10 Aug 09
thats nice that people their arent that strict
@thokius (426)
• Austria
10 Aug 09
Yes, it is. But sometimes they are too unserious...
• United States
9 Aug 09
That's sad.I feel religion is a very personal choice and it should enrich your life.If it doesn't then you should change.I wasn't brought up in any set religion .When I was about 17 or so I chose to be Jewish. My mom was very supportive.It is the religion that fits me.If I had been going to a Christian church all this time,I feel I would be just like your friends,just going through the motions .Feeling disconnected and knowing me,I would have dismissed G-d all together.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
thats cool you had supportive parents
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@Galena (9110)
8 Aug 09
well I was raised in a Pagan family, and while I was actively encouraged to learn about other religions, even at one point going with some Christian friends to an after school church group they attended, I never saw any reason to even consider changing from a religion where I had personal experience of the deities involved to one where I'd had no evidence they existed.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
to me if it feels right then it is right.. for that person.. it drives me nuts because me also being pagan i have felt more peace being pagan than the whole time growing up in various christian religions.. so to me im gonna choose what feels right and gives me peace than what a whole buncha people want me to be
@Galena (9110)
10 Aug 09
hehe. that's because we're right or at least as close as the mere mortal mind can grasp.
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
hello there! well on my case, i am still on the same religion where i am raised...i am an offered child in this religion, my parents bring me to our Sunday worship for children when i am just a kid...and when i reach a certain age, they let me decide whether or not i want to continue in our religion...and yes i like our religion! and so i received the doctrines...have faith , strong faith on it and get baptized... i am still here coz i have a firm belief in our religion and i am thankful that i am raised this way... have a wonderful day and God bless!
1 person likes this
• United States
8 Aug 09
awesome! that is so cool your parents let you choose also
@ckyera (17331)
• Philippines
8 Aug 09
yes...coz in our religion, we don't force anyone to be part of it and we always have a be part of our religion, it should be our self will...
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@bmuchler (441)
• United States
10 Aug 09
For a while I got away from organized religion and did my own research because I couldn't find just one religion that fit me and my beliefs, and answered my questions. When I first was introduced to the internet back in 1999, I was able to explore more from all over. I still have a lot of questions and can't really find just one religion. I recently got back involved with church, but it is the same religion as what I grew up in. I even had my kids babtpized in that religion. For awhile I was involved with study groups for Sylvia Browne, but that got to be expensive after awhile. I couldn't find a group in my area to share the costs with, so was on my own. So I keep reading and researching religions. Someday I hope to find one that fits me.
• United States
13 Aug 09
i love sylvia but yeah her stuff is so expensive!!
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I found I didn't fit from the word go. As soon as I moved out of my parents home I quit going to their church & found my own thing.
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• United States
8 Aug 09
yeah i seemed to never really fully believe it growing up which i never understood why but now i know lol.. so yeah im the same as you
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
i do. i was a catholic before. now i am in different belief. anyways, my whole family is in the same faith now as i am now. i was the one who got converted. but then they were converted to my faith not because of my influence. but rather the influence of their own set of friends who have the same faith as me. i got converted when i was 12. they were converted a year after me. they were older than me, my siblings are little older than me. i don't like being catholic as never get to learn more about my faith. more like a tradition than a real faith.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
thats cool
@bestboy19 (5478)
• United States
8 Aug 09
I'll have to admit I don't know too much about other religions. What I do know does not draw me to them. My religion gives me the peace and security I need.
• United States
10 Aug 09
i think thats whats really important
@cannibal (650)
• India
9 Aug 09
I was raised in a Hindu family and I call myself a sort of an atheist today. I'm glad my parents never forced me to believe anything. Of course there were some rituals which they suggested to me follow but only after properly explaining the scientific benefits behind them, with no trace of God or religion. I guess my parents realized early that I was never going to follow anything blindly. However, although many people from my community and neighborhood knew my atheistic leanings, none of them criticized me. In fact I was overwhelmed by some of the even devout Hindus saying something like "All beliefs or no beliefs as long as your Karma are fine, no God is going to punish you." I seriously appreciate that! In fact, some experts in the scriptures also tell me that it is possible to view the scriptures through an atheistic view. So, in all although I'm an atheist not many Hindus will try to ostracize me by any way. In fact, that is what has led me to revisit the religion and now I'm kind of studying and favoring the monistic aspect of Sanatan Dharma (Hinduism) which is similar to Buddhism. Although it's just now that I've started, the basics seem pretty fine for me.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
thats really cool that they accept you
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
9 Aug 09
Most definitely was... The history of clergymen in my family traces back to the 1200's... My ancestors, as far as its noteably been written, were rather devout... I've never outright told my family that I'm Wiccan.. I just leave it as a address it as it comes up type of basis. I do believe that often times, people stay with the religion that they were raised out of comfort and even more than comfort, out of habit, familiarity, and fear of judgement.
• United States
10 Aug 09
whats funny is i have found that the beliefs i have now i have had a lot of relatives have the same kind but my family tried to cover it up so that i would never know them and stray from the faith i was raised in
@ki2ng03 (12)
• United States
9 Aug 09
thats a great assumption you said about people who grow up with a religion and only halfway follow it later in life i know a lot of people like that. As for me i grew up with a strictly religious family who went to church every Sunday there was no choice in the matter but after moving to another state with my mom when i was a child we didn't go as much i guess technically im catholic but for me id consider myself more spiritual than religious. but who say religion is something you should follow i live my life by my own rules and still manage to be a good person in all. I like to think people shouldn't really follow a religion as much as they should be studying it and it doesn't hurt to expand your boundaries learning something about each religion gives you insight about the people and who they are. A lot of people like to believe in just one religion but if gods really do exist how would you know if your miracles came from your god they could have come from another god like Buddah or Sheeba watching over you i think its just a matter of being open minded i think one of the best things is finding a true meaning in quotes from the religions. if you think about it a lot of people who go to church are people who have felt guilty about things they've done so they try to seek redemption with god but if god can see everything you do then wouldn't that mean he or she couldn't also see the remosre you feel for your actions?
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• United States
10 Aug 09
yeah i think just following and learning and going with whatever you feel is right is the best. a lot of people now have seemed to just make their own belief systems out of pieces of different things which to me makes sense.. i dont believe one way is the only way thing etc..
• India
9 Aug 09
I believe in all religions and respect them.Some parents forced their son's to choose the religion as they are but i think every one has freedom to choose themself.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
i really think that parents should let their kids choose or at least let them experience pieces of other religions so they arent raised close minded etc
@sunny68 (1327)
• India
8 Aug 09
it very much depends on the environment in which you are brought up. fortunately for me i was brought up in a multi cultural society. and i had friends from many different religions. it also gave me the opportunity to learn about other religions. if you ask me all religions are the same i mean they have the same philosophy. how you interpret it makes the difference. i still have many good friends from different religions and i enjoy their company.
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• United States
10 Aug 09
thats cool you were raised around a lot of different types of beliefs
• Romania
8 Aug 09
I'm not quit a religious person and I was raised in the ortodox religion and personally I find some things a little too grim but I have the respect for all religions, if it gives that person a way of seeing life in a good point of view I'm ok with it. I've seen how the other religions are and find it that we all share the samebeliefes.. of course with some differences. But hey everybody is free to have their own beliefs, that is if it's not something that might influece you or the others in a bad way that's only when I'm against it. But in the end we beliefe in God, even if He is mentioned with different names is still the same Holy Father. This is where I find it weird that some think that their religion is better than another and stuff like that or that others posses the true learnings and others are even considered out of the christian culture... pride and differences do truly blind many.
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@1hopefulman (45114)
• Canada
18 Aug 09
I believe in knowing the truth and living the truth as best I can. When I saw that my birth religion did not go by those standards I examined many religions and chose one that I believed to be the closest to what is presented in the Bible.
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@meapas (2436)
• India
8 Aug 09
There may be many religions but there is only one God, so how does it going to make any difference.
@meapas (2436)
• India
8 Aug 09
There may be many religions but there is only one God, so how does it going to make any difference.
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• United States
8 Aug 09
many people would disagree with that.. i agree with you but some people are very obsessed with their way or no way etc..
@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
8 Aug 09
yeah. happen to me. luckily my family was pretty open about it and they allow me to choose my own religion..
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• United States
8 Aug 09
that was really awesome of them!!