How long do u run ur Laptop at a stretch??

August 8, 2009 1:46pm CST
I've always known a fact that a laptop can't be run for a long time at a stretch due to the battery problems...even if u connect it to the AC plug, still i've heard my friends talking about laptops getting heated quickly and performing lowly on an average routine...I haven't used any laptops...but i wanna know.. for how long do u keep ur laptop ON[not in stand-by], at a stretch???
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11 responses
@tdemex (3540)
• United States
8 Aug 09
When I plug mine in I take the battery out it runs a lot cooler. Mines been on for 10 days since I last turned it off. I run maint. programs at night, so I just leave it on! tdemex
8 Aug 09
thanx sir for the info...i'd pass it to my friends who have the heating problem on their laptops
• India
30 Jun 10
My new laptop has 6 hrs battery life.. A new VAIO..Excellent laptop...I use it without AC Charger about 4-5 hrs at a stretch..then charge it and use laptop so super fast...feel great...
@raj_ka (431)
• India
20 Aug 09
I too use my laptop right from morning to almost the whole day. What i observe is climatatic conditions effect a lot. When it was summer i culdnt touch my touchpad area as it was very hot to touch. Another thing is, i read somewhere that Operating systems also makes differnce. Whether it is true or not i culd feel that things as when i was using WinXP my laptop used to get heated very frequently , which is not there when i upgrade to Win7.
@zeethegr8 (785)
• India
24 Aug 09
One can always lower the performance level of your laptop when you're running on battery to stretch its battery life. A laptop works best when connected to the power supply. I keep my laptop switched on for about 4-5 hours straight with 3-4 hours intervals. Usually my battery lasts for 3-4 hours. And I avoid using the battery too much to preserve its life.
@hmrk12 (735)
• India
24 Aug 09
Mine is HP laptop which used to become very hot after a usage of less than half an hour.If I use the cool pad, I can work without much heat for about 5-6 hours.Beyond that it will be little hard to work as they systems will start perform slow.In that case I will just shut down the system for about 10 -15 minutes and then I will work.Then it will work fine.Some time, I will put the system in stand by mode for about 15 minutes.Now also the heat will go down and will work fine after that.We can also have some rest during these period.
@reyasmi (125)
• India
18 Aug 09
Hai, I have used around 10 hours in a single stretch. I have not yet faced any issues. Also every day I will be using atleast 4-5 hours in a single stretch. On weekend it will be more. Some times from morning to evening.. Regards, Reyas
@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
9 Aug 09
My laptop doesn't really get hot. I leave mine on all the time unless I'm planning on traveling or something like that. I work with a lot of patterns for my crochet and if I turn off the computer that means there's a good chance I will lose where I am on that pattern.
@sagnik42 (3592)
• India
9 Aug 09
The maximum I have run my laptop at a stretch is about 5-6 hours.I do not usually use my laptop much.My desktop does the job for me.Happy mylotting.
• India
9 Aug 09
Well i personally use a desktop.But some of my friends use laptop regularly but i haven't as such heard about this problem from them.They even download very big files by their laptop which obviously requires it to run for a long stretch.If you have heard about this problem then it must be that particular user who is facing this problem.
@rahulda (92)
• India
10 Aug 09
I generally use pcs 6hours a day. There are days when I wanted to download files and the laptop would be left on for 18 hours a day. I had to borrow friend's laptop so that I dont use it further. This is sth I did for many days. It did not seem to affect my lap at all though I dont advise it.
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
I run my laptop since I bought it and maybe just a restart is its rest period. I had my laptop since October of 2008. I bring my laptop with me all live during my training in Japan and came back here in Philippines not shutting it down. Maybe my laptop is too tired right now. lol