Drop-In Company

@cyrus123 (6363)
United States
August 8, 2009 8:23pm CST
Do you prefer people call first before they come to see you? Or do you like drop-in company? I prefer people call first before they come to see me since I live alone and I'm in and out a lot. Also, I like to make sure my house is clean before anybody comes. I would also hate for them to make a trip for no reason. We all have to deal with drop-in company from time to time and sometimes it can't be helped. What are your thoughts on this? Kathy.
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19 responses
@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I love drop in company! dont matter if house is staright or not they have to over look it for I have other things to do and they understand this. was always our way but now it seems lik eya have to make an appontment to visit thats not fun I like to see the surprize on faces!
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@Lakota12 (42600)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I cant be in a cleaning mode all the time! . and she should come just to inspect your home. and nope she has no room to talk! A house cant stay white glave clean all the time! PEople with lives just dont have that kind of time!
• United States
11 Aug 09
Great point about surprises and delight, there is great joy when loved ones come to visit, they can be family or friends...
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I like to have my house cleaned up before company comes, myself, especially if it's my sister who's coming. She hardly ever comes over but when she does, she always criticizes my housekeeping. The last time she came, which was my birthday, I reminded her that she came to see me, not my house. Of course, I said it in a nice way. Everytime I've ever been to her house, which is usually during the holiday season, it's always a mess, too, so she doesn't have any right to say that about my house. Kathy.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
9 Aug 09
Hello cyrus, I don't like it when people drop in unannounced and don't encourage it. Also I would not drop in on someone without calling first. It's just polite. I usually stop it by asking why they didn't call first and to do it next time. We don't make a habit of it here though, generally an arrangement is made to meet up some place outside the house like the cafenion. House visits tend to be more by invitation for a family type meal but the rest of the time it's meeting outside.
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@thea09 (18305)
• Greece
11 Aug 09
Sandra, no one can just be passing by my house, they'd have a complicated dirt track to negotiate first and it stops at my olive grove with a huge drop. It's pretty hard to give directions to as well as there are so many dirt tracks and I can't really say turn left into the dirt track by the olive trees as there are millions of olive trees. It often suits me when people can't find it as I'd much rather meet up at the cafenion. Kathy meeting up outside is much more fun, it gives you more chance to chat while someone else brings the coffee. It's more a morning and evening thing though as it's too hot to sit outside the cafenion or taverna in the summer heat, we need shade right up until the sun goes down. In the winter though I have a friend I meet up with for regular walks and then we happily park ourselves in a taverna for some mountain tea to revive us.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I think it's a good idea to meet outside or at a restaurant somewhere. When you meet with company at a restaurant, you have time to talk and catch up with what's going on in each other's lives. As for meeting outside, I enjoy the outdoors and this is a good time to enjoy nature as well as each other. Thank you for responding and happy mylotting. Kathy.
• Spain
9 Aug 09
I'd go along with that, Thea. We tend to meet up outside spontaneously- if we're passing someone's place, or they're passing ours, we'll get the chairs out and have a drink and a chat. However, if we want to invite someone over for a meal, or if we want to visit someone's house, we tend to check first.
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@anniefannie (1737)
• United States
10 Aug 09
i don't mind people dropping in without calling i am not a perfert house keeping and any one wants to come is welcome and if they come to look my house over they can stay away
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
This is a good way to look at it, especially if it's company you haven't seen in a long time. Read the answer that I wrote to Lakota12 below. I love my sister but she can be so negative sometimes. I know she means well but I think she should worry about her own house. She has a lot of health problems and I think this has a lot to do with her being this way. Kathy.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
i have a sister that has to to have every thing just perfert and spotless i used to worry about when people came if my house was not cleaned up but i don't now i keep it clean but it is not spot less.and sinse i have been sick it takes me for ever to do anything in between resting.have you heard about billy rays daughter on the news i am disappointed in her or him in letting her act as the rest of the singers and actres. have a good day
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
19 Aug 09
i strenuously discourage drop ins or visitors, there is always that awkward moment when you want them to leave and there is no polite way to say go away now without hurting feelings. i prefer to visit because then i can leave when i am bored and i do not have to play host which can be exhausting. i am not a social person, i am more of a solitary creature. i prefer the company of books and to visit inside my own head regularly.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
20 Aug 09
hi mama_bear! Thank you for responding. I know how you feel. I don't want to cause any hurt feelings and tell them to go away, myself. I like company but I don't always have much. Everybody is so busy these days. I prefer they call before they come. Kathy.
@phyrre (2317)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I really prefer that people call ahead of time and let me know that they're coming. Like you, I'm usually out and about and I spend lots of my time on the go or at work or whatever, so me not being home would be a chance they'd be taking. Also, it's my house and we're not always "decent" to have company over at any given time. I like to relax and while my relaxation clothes would be ok for some family to see, it's not ok for everyone. Plus, I like the heads up. We tend to stay up late and sleep in late (we usually don't go to bed until around 2 -4 in the morning and get up about 10 or 11) and my family likes to get up around 8 usually, so if they stop by there's no way I'm going to be up and able to greet them. Plus, it'll just start a fight because they didn't let me know ahead of time. Not to mention that it's just common courtesy to call ahead of time and let someone know to make sure that it's actually ok to stop. We've had family that no matter how many times we tell them to call ahead they refuse to and it's very frustrating.
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• Canada
9 Aug 09
Wow I'd fit in good at your place. lol
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hi phyrre! Your schedule sounds a lot like mine, LOL! I'm always up till about 2 - 4 in the morning, myself, and I sleep till later than you do sometimes. I'm embarassed about admitting this, though. I know some people think this is awful. I always have so much to do, for one thing, and I don't sleep well at night, anyway. If you really think about it, you might be surprised at how many people are up till all hours. Some people have to work these hours. I know I have. Kathy.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Kinda depends on who it is. Mostly I live kinda laid back and my house is usually "lived in" and not in shape for some people --- I I figure if they don't call, they really must want to see ME and not my house. I love company but there are some friends I'd rather give me some advanced warning so I could sweep the dirt under the carpet LOL
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I know what you mean. My house is usually "lived in", too. I prefer people call first so I can get the house in order and make sure I'll be here. Thank you for responding. Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Hi quita88! I tried several usernames when I first signed up with mylot but all of them were already in use. I picked "cyrus" because I'm a big fan of Billy Ray Cyrus's, lol. That one hadn't been used so I just settled for it. I've always been somewhat of a tomboy so it doesn't really bother me that much but I probably should have picked something a little more feminine. Everybody on here seems to think I'm a man. If you have been working as hard as you say you have, I'm sure your house is very clean now and I'm sure your company will enjoy it. I'm just glad that they let you know several days ahead of time that they were coming. That's what I like! Kathy.
@quita88 (3715)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Geez, Kathy thought you were a guy with a name like Cyrus LOL Well, I've been at it again. got company coming tomorrow and have been working my rear off cleaning:) But they are friends and did ask several days ahead of time. Had drs apts. yesterday so didn't get much done around here then, but they will be here in the morning and what my house looks like at this very moment is what they will have to look at for a few days! I ain't doing no more:) It is good enough for me and hubby, they can live in too LOL I'm getting ready to sit in my recliner and watch Big Brother!!! Thanks and nice to meet you. quita88
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• United States
10 Aug 09
I prefer that people call before they come. I have a 3 year old that still takes naps and he's ill if he gets woken up from his nap. I also like to make sure my house is picked up and cleaned up before people come over. One time my husband's grandmother stopped by before she went to her appt and I was not even ready yet. It was early in the morning and I was still in my pajamas and had not had a shower or anything. So if company calls before they come at least I know to be ready if it's early in the morning.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I know how you feel. I don't have any children but I keep a little dog in the house. She makes a mess with her chew toys a lot and I like to make sure the house is clean before anybody comes. I used to sell Avon and I had a lot of customers who preferred that I call before I brought their order. It saved me a trip, for one thing. Also, like me, they wanted to make sure their house was in order. I had one customer who preferred that I use the back door when I came because her children were still small and they got their naps in the daytime. If I rang the front doorbell, it would wake them up. Kathy.
@howard96h (11640)
• New York, New York
9 Aug 09
I think dropping in unannounced is very rude (excluding of course an emergency). My family and friends know not to do it and if someone did do it then I would open the door, tell them to call me first and send them away. If my actions sound rude that's ok because they were rude and inconsiderate to me by coming over uninvited.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hi howard96h! I don't blame you. I prefer people call first, too. When I was selling Avon years ago, I had to get to know my customers first and where they lived. After that, I would call first before delivering their order to make sure they were going to be home. What I would do is make an appointment with them. That way, if they weren't going to be home, it would save me a trip. Thank you for responding and happy mylotting. Kathy.
• United States
9 Aug 09
It doesn't really matter to me. I try to keep my house straight so i want be embarassed if someone drops in. right now my kitchen is a mess w/fruit jars & dishpans etc. i have been making peat preserves . they would just have to look over all that if they came. U can't can & have a neat kitchen, lol.
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• United States
9 Aug 09
You can can and put extra hands to work though can't you??? Hmmmm? (Sounds like a dance of some sort, is there a pole in your kitchen? heheheheee)
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@fwidman (11514)
• United States
9 Aug 09
People should definitely call first. I might not be home or I might not feel up to having company. I wouldn't want them to just show up, that is rather rude.
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@sblossom (2168)
9 Aug 09
I agree with you. I think without advanced management and just drop-in is very rude behaviour. To me it maybe affects my plan for the day, to people who drop in maybe can’t catch me. I prefer to have a call at least 3 days ago, so I can manage my things and to see them. Here it’s not only polite matters. It’s also a practical thing. I live far away with my friends. I can’t imagine they just drop in after a couple of driving hours.
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@Shellyann36 (11384)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Oh I prefer that people call first. My relatives and friends all know this. Now, if my sis is coming over she will normally give me the heads up and its no problems but if she is bringing someone with her like her bf or a friend she will give me plenty of notice. I don't mind if she comes over and the house is a mess but I don't want other folks to see it that way. It just depends on how close to the person I am. If I trust the person and know that they are not going to walk away from the house thinking bad thoughts (if it is a mess) then I am fine with them being over here. A few years ago my then best friend was also my neighbor. She started dating this guy on the internet and they were going out on their first date, well she dropped by with him out of the blue. I was in some shorts and a raggy tshirt with my hair up in a pony tail canning strawberry jam. I looked horrible. She did at least knock on the door (most of the time she just come on in the house) but I didn't invite them in! I was rather upset that she would surprise me like that. I stepped out on the deck and went through the whole introduction process and then told them I had to get back to my jam. Needless to say I told her not to do that anymore. LOL!
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
If my sister comes to my house, which she rarely does, she will criticize my housekeeping. Sometimes if I have cleaned my house, she will still notice something wrong. She always calls before she comes, which I appreciate, it gives me time to clean up. I love my sister but she's very negative, anyway. She has a lot of health problems and this is probably the reason why she's like this. I can imagine what kind of mess you must have been in if you were canning strawberry jam! I don't blame you for being upset. Kathy.
@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
9 Aug 09
people should definitely call first. i work 2 part time jobs and study full time, im hardly at home, and home is just a place to sleep for me.. so my house is like a war zone.. i prefer to tidy them up first before anyone visiting...
@xmapril (75)
• China
9 Aug 09
nowadays we do not have too many friends .we live our own lives. when i am lonely ,i want someone to come to me and talk with me ,but it is hard, maybe in this world happiness is meant to be little.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
We all deserve to be happy. I live alone, myself, and although it does get lonely at times, I try to keep busy. Everybody is so busy these days and we just don't take the time to visit like we used to do. Like I said, though, I'm in and out all the time so I prefer people call first before they come. Hugs! Kathy.
• United States
10 Aug 09
I think people should call at the very least. Dropping in is a very country thing to do, I think, and I'm not a huge fan of it. Don't get me wrong, I'm a rural boy to my roots, but a little courtesy is a good thing!
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hi jamztown! I agree with you. I'm a country girl, myself, and I think people should call first before coming. Like I said in my discussion, that way, I'll know to be here and also I will have the house cleaned up. Thank you for responding and welcome to mylot! Kathy.
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• United States
9 Aug 09
Immediate family could just drop in at one time... I had no problem with that and friends could stop by and be welcomed with no problem... It is always best to call and announce your intentions but there are times and relationships where no call is required it is known as an open door policy... I have nothing to hide...
@Grandmaof2 (7579)
• Canada
9 Aug 09
Yes Kathy I agree. Now that hubby and I have split the sheets my place is usually pretty much spotless, as he was a hard man to keep house for. I do however appreciate a call first because I tend to be a bit of a slob when it comes to lounging in my P.J's all day. I live in my P.J's and I need to get out of that habit and dress properly. Call first please.
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@dreamr802 (985)
• United States
9 Aug 09
It really depends on who it is. If it's one of my best friends, I don't really care because they've seen my apartment kinda messy before...but if it's an aquaintance or someone like that, I would definitely prefer them to call me before they come over. I'm lucky that my boyfriend is a really clean person so the apartment never gets that bad.
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@sid556 (30953)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Hi Kathy, I really don't have a problem with my friends dropping by. They're my friends and if I am busy with something, then we are close enough that I can tell them and they'll respect that. They also know that I am in and out...not always home so if they stop by unannounced, I may not be here. What I really, really don't like at all is if they call or run into me and say they are coming over and don't. I have one friend who does that consistently. I used to end up stay here waiting for here....no more. I tell her not to even tell me when she is coming over....just show up.
@jellymonty (2352)
9 Aug 09
Oh I hate it so much when somebody just drops in without letting me know first. I consider that very rude and inconsiderate as there is no way I would show up at anybody's house (whether my relatives or friends) without me calling first or they giving me an invite. Most times if you show up at my place uninvited chances are I won't be that receptive towards you and I would totally hate you for that moment as I wasn't prepared to have you come over. This is why I always make sure my place is all cleaned up as there has been an increase in the number of people just showing up without letting me know first. They should be a law that bans that really..
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