Do you have a habit of losing things ?
By ivan2000bd
@ivan2000bd (1009)
August 8, 2009 10:39pm CST
when i go to my office, in the parking lot when i leave my car i always left my mobile phone or car keys inside the car. after coming in the office i remember the things that i left in the car. then i have to go back or to send some one to bring back the things. i forgot everything. few years ago i went to a mosque to say my prayers,. after coming back to home i realized that i left my brand new bicycle out side the comunity center. i just felt thunderd about myself. this incidents are happening to me over and over again. do you face the same problems in your life ?
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31 responses
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
9 Aug 09
I understand exactly what you mean, ivan. I even walk into a room, then have to ask myself, "Why did I come in here?" Now that's crazy.
@mipen2006 (5528)
• Australia
9 Aug 09
Dunno. But I've got so much stuff hanging round my neck, it's not funny. Seriously, I'm aware of the problem, so I try and plant thoughts before I act.

@aeshamel19 (142)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
yes..i always lost my handkerchief that's why i tend to always put it inside my bag...
@stephcjh (38473)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I have not experienced this lately but it has happened to me several times before though. I always have so much on my mind at all times and I do forget things sometimes. It is not very often though.
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
9 Aug 09
in my case it is very often. this is why my cauligues always pay attention to me.
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I have the same problem too. In the morning, when I'm in a rush, I'll always forget something. Its either forgetting to put on my contact lenses, which I do often, or forgetting something important in my bag. Really annoying when you have to run home because you forgot something when you're already late...

@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
10 Aug 09
usually when i wake up late in the morning then i start up doing mess with every thing. like i forget to take my tie, brash my shoes, even forget to take breakfast.
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
10 Aug 09
i am completely different from you but i am trying to practise the same.
@underdogtoo (9579)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
I do lose things from time to time but I would not consider it a habit. I have a little trick which is to keep things in one place in order to have just one place to check when looking for things. Sometimes,my wife rearranges things which makes me unable to locate my things, keys, etc.
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
9 Aug 09
this happens same to me . do you have any prevantion for that ?
@lynnemg (4529)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I think that we all go through those times. I have misplaced my keys almost everyday for the last two weeks, and it seems that every time I set out to run a specific errand, I get there and find that I have forgotten something that I needed for that particular errand. For example, I went to pay my utility bill a few weeks ago...three different times. Each time, I pulled up to the place and remembered that the check and the bill were sitting at home on my desk. I could have written a different check and they could have looked up my account easily, but to me, it was easier to go back home and get it. I didn't think it would take me three tries to get it right.
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
10 Aug 09
OK i understand. is this the problem HAPPEND by growing of age. as we passing our times we are randomly having these kinds of problem .
@galileo2008 (1168)
• Philippines
9 Aug 09
Me too! One of my problems is that I tend to be forgetful when it comes to placing my things in different areas. I forgot where I placed my keys, my cellphone, pair of shoes. It just happens everyday and sometimes it just doesn't feel right. One time, I had my pair of eyeglasses on, and then we were having some chit-chats with some friends. After we had our lunch, I forgot where I placed my eyeglasses! I was kinda worried because I don't want my friends to think that I am an absent-minded freak, so I just looked for it all by myself. And then one of my friends wondered why I kept on walking back and forth, and I shouted, "I don't know where I placed my eyeglasses!", and she was shocked because I was wearing them all the while. It was really embarassing! haha!
@ivan2000bd (1009)
• Sweden
10 Aug 09
thins type of incident happens with me very often . In case of me it is slightly differnt. usually i dont wear glasses. but my problem occurs with my car keys. some times i put the keys in to my pocket and search it throughout the whole house . and after getting tired by searching all the places finally i get it from my`pocket . at that time i feel just through the keys to ...........
so we have same problem. have a nice day. happy lotting
@rubypalmes (269)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
I had a lot of experience in losing or forgotting something, there was a time that me and my classmates watching movies in our college days, when we are done watching we decide to go out to the movie house then suddenly my classmate april noticed that i don't have my bag with me anymore, that's the time i remember that i had a little bag when we get in i forgot it inside.
its funny experience "MEMORY GAP".. HHEHEHE
@vangie6_1963 (92)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
i have a habit of forgetting were things are and i really get sad looking for them when i need them , i simply can't find them .then when i don't need them i come across them when i sort things . its sad but i guess being organize helps a lot.
@guanguansanren (53)
• China
10 Aug 09
i am a very careful man,i seldom lose mine,it is a hard time,there are so many thieves,so when i come outside,i will pay attention to my bag\pocket,i do not want to let the losing give bad feeling to me.
@jamztown (8)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I have a terrible memory. Over the years, repeated critical lapses have caused me to just make a habit out of somethings. For example, when I first got my own place, I would lock my keys in my apartment on a weekly basis. After having to walk an hour and a half through a blizzard to get the spare set from my roommate, I learned to check my keys every time I leave automatically. Repetition is the key!
@JoelleRenee (131)
• Canada
10 Aug 09
O completely I don't think it the matter off losing things for me. It's more my memory haha i always have a specific place for everything and i forget where that place is.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
9 Aug 09
hi ivan2000bd oh yes seems that I cannot for the life
of me remember to take my sweater with me once I took
it off and laid it neatly on a chair. I have lost sweaters
in the movies, and in restaurants. I have gone back but
somehow the sweater never made it to lost and found or else
somone else decided to just tak it. even here in Gold Crest
I lost a large black sweater that was given to me, nobody
knew where it went, or rather someone just plain took it for
themselves. which was silly as if they wore it I would at
once recognized it as my sweater. so I must tell myself over
and over check the chair before you leave and pick up anything
that belongs to you, hatley.
@shinokyoku (56)
• Indonesia
9 Aug 09
well, although I might say I have, but my brother is worse than me.
here an example, "where's my cell?", soo I help him look for it, unfortunately, It has fell off his bed while he was sleeping, wew, that's hurt. . . and many more things he forgot and order me to help, -_-
@epicure35 (2814)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Yes, this "habit" is fairly common for a number of reasons. First, and most factually, it is called Poor Visual Memory, a trait shared by many. But, this "habit" or trait, can be remedied. You have all heard the term "absent-minded", I'm sure. While it sounds like just an idiom or euphemism, it refers to the fact that it is important and necessary to train one's self to focus on one's actions and to be mind-ful of what they are doing. Training or retraining one's mind and actions can lead to better habits, though it takes both work and understanding. It also underscores the importance of Order in one's life. You've all heard the maxim "a place for everything and everything in its place." This is a vital, time-saving piece of advice and a good way to form or re-form good habits, even in face of the trait of poor visual memory. Putting things uniformly in a particular place brings focus into play and saves mountains of time. Clutter is another problem that can be erased by focus - that is, physical and psychological clutter. Many of us have way too much on our minds, much of it useless "clutter" and much of it the burdens and stresses of everyday life. We need to simplify and remove mindless clutter, thus become less "absent-minded" and more able to focus on what is important and necessary , training our minds and spirits to focus with intent on the truly meaningful necessities of life.