what do you think, the advantage of having a pet?

August 9, 2009 9:43am CST
people say, pets brings color to your life. how do you say pets brings something to your life, than those who dont have one?
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6 responses
@Porcospino (31366)
• Denmark
16 Aug 09
I think that there are many good things about having a pet. My pets bring me a lot of happiness, and when I am in a bad mood it makes me happy to spend some time with my rabbits. Just watching them while they are playing or eating is sometimes enough to make me happy, because they are so cute and wonderful. We also have a cat, and she brings us happiness, too. I always get happy when she jumps into my lap, and she is a wonderful cat. When you are depressed it is a good thing to have a pet, because then you simply have to get out of bed and take care of that pet. In the nursing home where my grandmother lives they have "adopted" two cats, and I think that is a great idea. Most of the residents love the cats, many of them had cats in past, and they enjoy having a pet again.
• United States
13 Aug 09
Pets give a lot of love and entertainment. Everyone of our cats has its own personality and way they show love to us. My heart aches when we have to leave them because they look so downcast, but it's so flattering to see their joy when we return.
@sharra1 (6340)
• Australia
11 Aug 09
I think it depends on the person. There are some people who have pets but just keep them for show and do not love them. I love my dog and I find that he gives me some form of love/affection in return. Each type of pet is different but with dogs they regard humans as their pack leader and it is in their nature to always protect and look up to their leader. I find that a dog who is loved and cared for will give love back, the same as they would in the wild. It is good for people to have pets like that as they are very relaxing and the pet does not judge. The affection has no strings. I cannot think of the right word but they give you undying loyalty and affection. I find that this is great for me when I am feeling upset as it is like having a best friend whose shoulder you can lean on.
@mcat19 (1357)
• United States
9 Aug 09
Pets are also good for a person's health. They can lower blood pressure and provide a will to live. They give depressed people a reason to get out of bed. Walking a dog gives a person excersize. Pets make you smile and provide joy. I would never be happy without my 4 cats.
@taface412 (3175)
• United States
9 Aug 09
It;s funny how some people think of pets as just animals, but in my family while I was growing up they were more than just animals, they are an extension of the family. There has always been a pet of some sort in my family, cats, dogs. I think not only do they add color to your life if you let them they add security, happiness, laughter, surprises. They are like kids. I know when I come home from work my four dogs are waiting for me, two meet me at the end of the drive and the other two juts wait in the yard with those big brown eyes to welcome me home.
@yelrihs (298)
• Australia
10 Aug 09
definitely. i love dog. i reckon dog is the closest one to me after family and partner. friends come after dog/pet. i reckon they are loyal to you till the end of their lives, not many friends are like that.