A Question

@oindy54 (3445)
August 9, 2009 12:02pm CST
Hello, I was wondering why there are so many discussions trying to figure out the MyLot earning system.It is clearly stated in the FAQs that Discussion activity earnings are calculated based on a proprietary model and that we are not supposed to try to calculate the system since their mathematicians have worked hard to build up this model.I mean why don't people realize that the more they post,the more they earn!I mean I would prefer to keep posting discussions,responding to others and commenting on responses instead of worrying about how much they are paying me per post!It is a wise way I guess to interact and earn at the same time.Please share your views. Happy mylotting.
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8 responses
• Belgium
9 Aug 09
I think this is because mainly of two reasons. First is that most of people say that they are not on MyLot for money but they get panicky when the earnings are not according to their expectation level. Even I am one of them. Secondly it is very easy to make people participate in these kind of discussions so to increse the participation in their discussions people start these kind of discussions. And this method works most of the time.
@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Aug 09
...but then they get deleted
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
9 Aug 09
Yes but what they fail to realize is that such posts get deleted and along with those,their earnings are deducted too.So in both ways they are the ultimate losers.I hope users take out some time to read the FAQs and the guidelines to earn more from this site. Happy mylotting.
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• Belgium
9 Aug 09
It is a loss for them too and it is a loss for the people also who actually reply to such kind of discussions. Everybody loose there earnings when the discussions are deleted.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Aug 09
Those who keep discussing the earnings are also the ones that are earning less beacuse their posts will be deleted. Those who respond on them will be penalised too as they will lose their response. The sooner users realise that the less they think and talk about earnings the sooner they increase and they will be into a win-win situtaion. Those who talk about them are then the ones who complain about losing posts, about not earning .... and those posts go too
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Aug 09
tsk tsk... and I'm at work too
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
9 Aug 09
Hey, What a brilliant response!But tell me am I violating the guidelines too with this discussion?I hope not!Let us think of a slogan to inspire users to talk less and think more and post more...of course I mean the quality posts and not one-liners.
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@mysdianait (66009)
• Italy
9 Aug 09
Unless this is a repeated topic I see no violation
@ashar123 (2357)
• India
10 Aug 09
I have seen this in many discussions and people still are not stopping discussing on how MyLot increases every member's earned money here. I have always looked that while I answer to any discussion, I always try to stay and say about the topic and maintain quality. This is another thing members here on MyLot do not look for that while they are replying, they must reply a little lengthy replies of about 10 lines minimum. I have seen many replies of just one line. In my opnion, MyLot's system model also looks out for number of line a member replies to a discussion before increasing its earning.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
10 Aug 09
Yes that is true.Longer and valuable responses have an extra edge over the shorter ones in terms of earnings.I have seen the difference too so I agree.I too try to write in some detail so that I can express my ideas more elaborately and earn at the same time.I wish everyone took out a little time to read the guidelines and ask experienced users for more tips to earn more from this site.
@sid556 (30960)
• United States
10 Aug 09
Impressive.....a newer member who actually took the time to read the rules!So many come on here and don't and then wonder why their discussions get deleted and they aren't earning. I think that rather than worry about the money end of it, if you just get into the discussions and getting to know people, the rest will just happen.
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@oindy54 (3445)
• India
10 Aug 09
First of all thanks for your appreciation.And yes I agree on your points.Since those discussions get deleted too,it is a better idea to post relevant topics and continue to interact and share.As you said the rest will happen.
@AmAllen (119)
• United States
9 Aug 09
I'm with you. I am not worried about thier system. I just really enjoy the discussions on here, the money I earn is just a perk. If you are just here for the money I'm fine with that, excep for the useless dribble that is posted sometimes, that really annoys me. If thats the reason ou are here is all about money then I don't think you are getting the full mylot experience. :)
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@oindy54 (3445)
• India
9 Aug 09
Yes for me too the earnings are an icing on the cake.Being out here itself is such an enriching experience.And yes,the mindless posts do annoy me,seriously!Have a great day.
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• United States
9 Aug 09
I think people are trying to configure a law of averages into the mix so they know an idea of how many posts to shoot for. The thing with mylot, though, is, I think they prefer quality posts to the quantity of them. I think it is in human nature, and people want to schedule some regular time for mylot, but want to know that their rewards will match their efforts put forth.
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@oindy54 (3445)
• India
9 Aug 09
Yes I think that is the possible reason why everyone is so eager to know the earning system.And yes,many have not yet realized that quality gets preference over quantity.Everyone should post a discussion of some length as it boosts our earnings as you said.Happy mylotting!
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• United States
9 Aug 09
One day the emoticon will be mine. I noticed, too, that people tend to want to know the thresholds for some perks, like emoticons, the ranking system, copy and paste. Is there a clear chart in the FAQs when you become eligible for stuff like that? Or do you just learn as you go?
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@oindy54 (3445)
• India
9 Aug 09
We learn as we go.Also there are several experienced and helpful mylotters out there to guide us if we have a query or doubt in our minds.The more you go about mylotting,the more experienced you become.Have a great day.
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@dpk262006 (58677)
• Delhi, India
10 Aug 09
Hi Oindy! I just enjoy discussions here and do not start any discussions about earning systems or earnings getting reduced or pay out in a month. I am here not for earnings, I am sure about it. I just participate in my dear friends' post to share my knolwedge and beliefs and to share what is on my mind.
• United States
10 Aug 09
I'm confused about this myself. I haven't earned anything and I think I add at least a little bit of effort to my conversations and responses.
@oindy54 (3445)
• India
10 Aug 09
I guess quality discussions will help boost your earnings.Try to write at least 5-6 lines per post and comment back on responses made to your topics.Tasks also are an added bonus.If you do them,you earn easily.Hope you have a great time out here.Happy mylotting!