How to Get More Traffic to on my Blog?

August 9, 2009 7:01pm CST
Hi friends! I just started building up my blog using google adsense and I would to know what is the best traffic site for my blog? Your help is greatly appreciated. thanks!
2 responses
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
Probably you can sign up in linkreferral. I usually join forums and just put my blogs' URL in my signature so that anyone interested can visit my blogs!
• United States
10 Aug 09
I currently earn thousands of hits per day with traffic exchanges (and some extra money) but I don't think that a blog would do very well there as people only view your site for 5 to 20 second. But I did find another link referral site that might work for you. Add me as a friend and I'll send you the link. Steven Shirey