So What Would You Do???

@mizzk1 (56)
United States
August 10, 2009 12:24am CST
Well my bf just told me today that this gurl txt him and said that she was pregnant for him. Now we will be together 7 months on the 12th. Like its so hard to not think about it. But i was just wondering what I should do. Some people say that if this was b4 me and him them I shouldn't break up wit him. And he keeps tellin me how he iz going to be wit me no matter wat. And how he don't want to be with her. But I told him that i would stick by him no matter what. And the only thing that I could really think about is how if I do stick by him and then get hurt in the end. So what should I do??? Would you stay?? And then im in love wit him.
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33 responses
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
will of course it will be your loss if you let him go and you just make her happy if you do so. besides its her fault if she become pregnant so let her suffer. as long as your boyfriend loves you and as long as he said that he will stay with you. dont push him out and let that girl be happy. make her miserable. its not bcoz shes pregnant it means they guy can go to her only bcoz of the child.
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@Maggiepie (7816)
• United States
16 Aug 09
[b]WRONG. It's BOTH the couples' fault--not just the mother's! And if he has ANY decency in him, he'll definitely be in his child's life (if it IS his). Man--you are the sort of clueless (expletive deleted) that populates Gerry Springer's & Maury Povich's trash TV shows! Good GRIEF! Are you really so blind & selfish? Whatever comes of this, the new girl, the baby AND the mother are all going to be hurt. Eventually, even the guy will be hurt, if he doesn't clean up his soul! Maggiepie "WHERE'S THE BIRTH CERTIFICATE?"[/b]
@deebomb (15304)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Talk to his friends and find out what their relationship was before he started going with you. Is he willing to support his child? If he is then you have to take into consideration that this woman and her child will be in your life as well as his. If he isn't then you need to think about being in her position because he won't support any children if you have then. Think long and hard.
@suchi60 (912)
• India
10 Aug 09
What is he impregnates you and moves on in life? I have a bad feeling that this bf of yours, is playing a sort of game. I may be wrong, but why should he mention her to you in the first place, if he didn't do anything to her. Is it his guilty conscience, or is he trying to pull it on you for something? Just be on the guard till you're sure that your bf is genuine before going headon with a serious relationship.
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• Philippines
10 Aug 09
It is you can answer your question. Since you know already the situation are going to continue your relationship with him. That you will be hurt in then end. But if do realy love him, tell your boyfriend to settle first the problem with the other lady and discuss it with you. If you can understand and accept the settlement then continue your relationship with him. But if you think that you cannot accept it learn to forget him. AS I said its only you and your boyfriend can answer yboth our situation.
@staraevp (81)
• Kenya
10 Aug 09
The paradox of this discussion is that you haven't said whether the girl your bf made pregnant was his girlfriend besides you or not. otherwise, if i were you i would live him since he wasn't faithful to you. but still this remains your personal decision. You can choose to stick to him or leave him. Issues involved here is trust, faithfulness and honesty. considering this issues and others like advantages and disadvantages of living him you can then make a wise decision. Take your time do not rush in making conclusions avoid scuffles and remember that you are not an exemption from such a situation also. wish you best solution
• India
10 Aug 09
Its already late. respond to it as early as possible. my idea is leave him to other lady and try to forget him bcoz the child would be the ultimate sufferer.Think what ever happen till now is good for you only.Dont get deppressed and start new life and marry the person whom your parents show you.Finally its upto you. i think you will take good decision about it.
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@MsTickle (25180)
• Australia
15 Aug 09
I have read the discussion responses quickly and everyone seems to have glossed over the fact of the B A B Y. Is it his? Did he cheat on you? People have asked the questions and you have not given the answers. Is this a made up situation? If the child is his he has a responsibility towards it. If he shirks this responsibility then he is not a good person and he will let you down somehow...especially if you want children with him. If he were a decent chap you would have known about this other girl...nothing about this situation really makes any sense.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
I think he is playing you. If you have been with him for seven months, and suddenly there is a girl that is pregnant by him, ?? what does that say? He has been out messing around on you. I think you need to be upfront and face the facts here. If you keep a watch, i am pretty sure, you might find him at another womans house. Sounds like he is a player, and your are an innocent bystander.
@kitaboo1 (34)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Hello mizzk1 and welcome to! Hopefully I am not to late in responding to your discussion. I have recently been in this same situation. My heart was broken, I tried to stand by the guy that I was deeply in love with but it just hurted too bad. I feel like the reson for it hurting so much is one because at the time we were working on making a child. Me and my lover at the time was hoping and praying that I would become inpregnanated with his child and we had almost been attempting a pregnancy for almost eight months. The female that he ended up inpregnanating ended up conceiving there child during the three week brake up we had. So technically I could not be angry with my lover because we were not together. Are you sure that you guys were not together when this female became pregnant? Make sure you find this information out mizzk1, because you deserve to know! And if you really love him like you say that you do then I believe that you guys may be able to conquer this situation but if it ever becomes to hard for you to deal with or you become too unhappy then you have to do what is best for you. He will figure out how to manage being a father and being a great boyfriend if he really is serious about being there for you and with you. Don't give up if you truly love him but don't be a push over either. Well mizzk1 my words are starting to run short and the night is still young, so with that said kitaboo1 the baddest is out! Live free and be blessed.
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@jdyrj777 (6528)
• United States
11 Aug 09
So does that mean she is over 7 months along? And she is just now telling him? I wonder how many others he has out there. I would worry if i were you that he could dump me w/child so easy at the next pretty face that comes along. Sounds like a hard core player to me. Beware!
• United States
11 Aug 09
My decision would have alot to do with how far along her pregnancy is. If it was before you, then I guess you shouldn't hold it against him. But, alot for me would depend on how he handles the situation. Even if he doesn't want to be with her, is he going to be a real dad for the baby? If he isn't, then I wouldn't want him in my life because he would do the same if it were you who were pregnant. No woman needs a deadbeat dad as her baby's father. Seven months is really a short time in the grand scheme of life. I don't know how old you are, but you should be looking for a man of integrity - a man who is responsible all the time.
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@andy77e (5156)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Well I'm going to put myself in your position, and answer this assuming that I was you. Hmm... my boy friend seems to have no problem using a girl for as long as he wants, then ditching her after she's pregnant. This seems like a bad risk for me. I'd leave him for someone who owns up to his responsibility. Second, if he can sleep around with her, and suddenly run off with someone else, it's pretty clear he could do the same to me. My guess is, he likely said the same thing to his last girl, as he said to me, yet he clearly didn't keep his promise. Third, is it possible that a girl could be 7 months pregnant before figuring out she isn't over eating? Hmmm... I wager if I was a girl, and missed that time of the month for 6 months straight, and had been sleeping around, I think I'd know pretty quick I was pregnant. That's fishy to me, and we already know he didn't stick with the last girl he was with. Finely, and this is me personally, I wouldn't trust someone who would not get married, but wanted to fool around and play house. (playing house, is where I pretend I'm the wife, and he pretends he's the husband, and we pretend we have a marriage when we do not). Ok, now the bottom line. Hon, I'd leave him immediately. Of course I likely wouldn't have gotten with him. But we are different you and I, and I don't expect you to be like me. However, I think you are going to get hurt. Do you think the last girl has been hurt? She is going to end up a single mom, and do you think your boy friend is going to support her? Best of luck to you.
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@MissTina (124)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Every time you get with a guy no matter what baggage they may have there is always a chance that you can get hurt. You need to go with your heart and your gut instinct. If you feel you can be with a man who has a baby with another gal then that is no one elses choice but yours!
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@wkylady (48)
• United States
11 Aug 09
You have some things to think about. Some questions to ask him, such as: How involved does he plan to be with this woman and the child? What about child support? Does he plan on paying it? If he stays in the child's life, then there will more than likely be visits to his home by the child. All of this will impact your life together. Are you okay with this? Can you handle this woman and child being a part of his life? Things for you to think about.
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@skysuccess (8857)
• Singapore
10 Aug 09
mizzk1, I think before you decide what your step will be for this relationship, you will have to seek out some true and honest answers from his end. To begin with will be whether he will be taking up responsibility for his child at the other end and if he will be going back to this girl who is having his baby. It would also be sensible to check if the baby is actually his, to begin with. Since the both of you are already 7 months together, getting some facts here should really be able to tell you if your boyfriend here has been two timing and how he handles crisis and controversies. No offense taken, as I feel that it would only be the right thing for you to do before you decide to risk everything on this other party. I feel that a measured approach on your end and that your boyfriend come clean, before a decision on your part, would be the best advocate for now. Take care and have a nice day.
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hello mizzk1 and welcome to mylot! This is a very interesting discussion. First off I am so sorry that you even ended up in a situation like this. Are you positive that the female that texted your boyfriends phone got pregnant before you guys got together? I feel like this a very important question to consider before taking action. If she did indeed get pregnant before you guys were together then you technically can not get angry with him. If you really love and care for him and you want for your relationship to work out then you will stand by your man's side through thick and through thin especially if he is worth it. Good men and love are hard to come by and if he is someone who loves you and treats you right then you shouldn't just walk away. Honestly just last year I was in the same kind of situation only that my susposed to be lover had cheated on me and I did love him with all my heart but how could I stay when I was giving him my all and in return the only things I asked for was love, honesty and respect? What I got in the end from Ryan was neither love, nor honesty nor respect. How could he have loved me when he cheated in the first place, and to put the icing on the cake he already has a baby by this girl and she is known as a nasty female? My advice to you mizzk1 is for you to do what is best for you. I know that this situation and coming to a decision about things is not going to be easy because this is about your life and your future. Keep your head held high, and if you do decide to deal with this and remain in a relationship with this guy, do not treat that child wrong because he or she did not ask to be here, it is not there fault for being bored. Wishing you all the best and success in life. Nakita Likely, well until next time mizzk1 nakitalikely3617 is out! God Bless!
@mizzk1 (56)
• United States
12 Aug 09
thank u....u really helped!!!
• United States
15 Aug 09
Hello NakitaLikely3617! This is really some good advice you gave mizzk1! I think that I am going to go ahead and shed some of my insight on this discussion. Well I got to go but until next time life free, and kitaboo the baddest is gone! Keep it Real!
@larish (2239)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
It is really up to. If love is enough reason to with him then let it be. Help your bf find the solution to his problem. Make things workable, it can also be a bonding moment for both of you. Don't focus on "what ifs" stay focus on what should be done on the problem that arise. Being love has risk, it is your turn now to make this risk workable on you.
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
Do you know the girl in the first place missk1? This thing already happened with a friend of mine. And in the end, it turns out that it was just a fraud. First and foremost, you need to talk with your boyfriend if it's really his' then if possible, you can arrange a DNA test to make sure of everything. A lot of movies and shows does this so good luck!:P
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@suesan35 (478)
• Sri Lanka
11 Aug 09
There's always two sides to a story. But what matters is how much faith you have in your BF. Did you know about the former girl friend or did you come to know about her only after he received the txt from her about being pregnant? If you have been together for 7 months, that means he must have got involved with you soon after he made her pregnant. Did he tell you why he left her? How sure are you that he received a message from his ex-girlfriend? On the other hand, her being pregnant means that both of them have not taken any precautions. In that case, both are to be blamed. If they were not seriously involved with one another, would they take such a risk or is it that your boygriend is just one of those people who does not care about what happens in the long run? I'm not saying he is, but these are questions you should be asking yourself? If you really love him as you say you do, stick by him by all means but be careful and make sure you don't make the same mistake that his former girlfriend did. More than anything listen to your inner voice and act on your gut instinct, only you would know for sure how true he is or not.
@kathorxe (43)
• Philippines
10 Aug 09
The girl must be pregnant for 7-9 months already,if she`s not, then am sure your bf cheated on you. If that`s the case I think you better leave him, let hem face the consequences of his actions. He fooled you once, don't let him fool you again.
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