How do i find out the owner of a home?

United States
August 10, 2009 3:45pm CST
my neighbors are damaging my fence by having this chow mix dog tied to it and its pulling it down slowly and talking to them for months has gone no where.. i know they rent the house but not who the owner or the rental company its through.. if the damage gets worse they are gonna have to fit the bill because its their dang dog and there are trees that they could tie him to they just wanna destroy my fence for some reason.. but since these people are refusing to talk or listen i cant find out anything.. do i call the cops or is there a site to find out the owners?! i dont know how far to go with this since the fence isnt totally screwed up yet but its getting there and i will NOT pay for it! but they dont even look like they can afford food much less to pay for it so i know i will have to fight for it.. what do i do??
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15 responses
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
10 Aug 09
Head down to your local archives. They'll have a list of all the owners that have ever been attached to that property as well as all kinds of other information about it ( surveys , taxes , etc. ). If I remember right ( I'll feel stupid if I'm wrong ) You lived in Nashville. Here's a link to their archives. If I'm wrong then you could probably do a search for the one in your town as well.
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@uath13 (8192)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Glad to be of service.
2 people like this
• United States
11 Aug 09
yep nash.. ok thats a diff link than what i found.. the one i found said it would give info but it might not be correct and this at least gives me the address to the place which i was also wondering.. thanks!
@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Aug 09
umm have ya tried looking at their name on the mail box..? or calling information and giving the address and asking for reverse lookup to get the name? or if you really feel like workin for it.. go to the local town / city hall, and ask them the names of the owners of that property, its public record.
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
11 Aug 09
also.. if they are tying the dog to YOUR fence? simply untie the dog
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@tessah (6617)
• United States
12 Aug 09
local library might have those records on film/disc/etc as well. townhall usually has a website too to access public records. might make it easier on you. worse come to worse.. call the cops and report the dog as a nuiscance.. the renters for trespass, something.
• United States
11 Aug 09
well im guessing the name on the mailbox is the renters not the owners so that doesnt help much.. i dont want to untie this vicious chow mix from hell because he will chase after me or kids etc and there is a highway next to us.. even if the dog is evil i dont wanna see him on the side of the road or get bit either.. i just need a car to get to the city hall and etc.. i never have a car during the hours they are open
• United States
11 Aug 09
go to city hall.they have records of ownership for tax purposes. sometimes you can file a complaint against a neighbor right there also. if you have a digital camera,take pictures as well.
• United States
11 Aug 09
i took some pics and video and i will see if i can complain there.. that would be cool if i could there while im there instead of going to the cops
@smileonstar (4007)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Hello, I would call the cop and tell them what is going on. Also, ask the neighbor and Im sure they might know something about this house. Put a note for them if you can...
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• United States
11 Aug 09
no one around here really talks to each other here so i dont know the neighbors on the other side of them and i have no idea if they talk or not
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
11 Aug 09
You should be able to get that information online. If you go to your county tax collector's website, you can enter the address of the property and you can find the name of the owner and a mailing address for them if they don't live on the property. You'll be able to write them a certified letter with your complaint and see if that helps your situation. Good Luck.
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Aug 09
i am searching everywhere and cant find a free site to tell me anything from the county grr
@CRIVAS (1815)
• Canada
11 Aug 09
Well I guess that it depends on where you live. Call your operator and ask for the number to your local information provider. Another thing that you could do is to call the NON emergency line of your local police, they will be able to give you all the information that you need. I hate it when people are inconsiderate of our property and I think that you are doing the right thing. If they aren't willing to listen to your friendly warning, it is time to take things to the next level. Hopefully they will listen to reason before your fence falls. I too have had some issues with the people next door and it is never fun, you are always worrying about stepping on toes and having to live next to these people. At the same time you should have to deal with this kind of thing. I hope that you find the answers that you are looking for and that the problem gets resolved, good luck and happy mylotting.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
yeah i know its like knowing that if i do something i will have to deal with these people every day but yet they cant/shoulnt get away with screwing up my property either.. so its a lose lose situation =(
@twoey68 (13627)
• United States
11 Aug 09
You should be able to go to your county courthouse, talk to the county clerk in the records office, give them the address of the house and they should be able to tell you who owns it. Actually if the renters damage your fence, I would think the landlord would be responsible for it since he rented the house. You might contact him, explain the problem and suggest he talk to them about moving the dog to another spot. [b]~~AT PEACE WITHIN~~ **STAND STRONG IN YOUR BELIEFS**[/b]
1 person likes this
• United States
11 Aug 09
i dont know who the landlords are =( i just need a car to get to the county clerk
@DawGwath (1042)
• Romania
11 Aug 09
Just call the cops. Here we have the so called "proximity cops", who deal with this kind of "domestic" situations. They have the whole authority of questioning the occupants, the proprietor and even the damn dog if they want to, and I think they also have the authority of forcing them to tie the dog somewhere else, since it's destroying private property, which if I remind correctly, it's not just an offence, it's a felony. So just call the cops, if they don't do their job, just use some poison (on the owners, not the dog )
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@jillhill (37354)
• United States
11 Aug 09
If you call the cops at least they will tell you what to to get the owner then you should be able to find out also what you can do....maybe if they go talk to them it could prevent anymore damage...shake them up a bit!
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• United States
11 Aug 09
i just took some pictures and video and gonna see if i can find the cops number for this area since i dont wanna have to dial 911 etc
@kprofgames (3091)
• United States
10 Aug 09
I do not know where you get that information for free. There are a variety of websites out there where you can get it, but you have to pay for that information. I would approach them again and see if they will move the dog. Honestly - they should use the tree. If they still will not move the dog, then call the police because they are damaging your property. I would call the police because then it's on a police record. If this gets down to small claims court for fixing the fence, then you have back up documentation that they knowingly damaged your fence. I know what you mean about not being able to afford things, but just because cause people don't have something, doesn't mean they can't show proper respect for others. Their dog is tied up in the wrong spot, you've tried talking to them about it and they don't listen. If this were me, I'd talk with them again and if no results, then I'd call the police so you have a paper trail. I'm sure the police can find out and if they are needed to be called again, they will contact the landlord and bring them up to speed on what their tenents are doing.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
good idea.. well the first prob was they were tying him to the wire part so we kept asking them to tie him to the bar which after 12 times in asking over a 3 year period they did and now im seeing its messing up the bar and pulling the fence gonna send hubby over there i guess and then call the cops
• United States
10 Aug 09
Hi should be able to find out who owns it by going to the courthouse and asking about that property and just who owns it and is responsible for any damages done to your property by them. they can search plat maps there and should be able to tell you exactly who it is and an address and phone number that you would be able to call. Good Luck flutterby
• United States
11 Aug 09
im pretty sure its my fence since i have a gate attached to it where as it just runs the side of their property so im thinking its mine.. even though i wouldn't wanna see a screwed up fence there but it wouldnt be up to me then.. i just need to have a ride to these places to find out =(
@Angelgirl16 (2171)
• United States
10 Aug 09
After reading your post, I feel very fortunate to have great neighbors. We help each other as often as we are in need. In fact, I am on extended vacation every year and I never have to worry about anything pertaining to my home, if it is in their power to take care of it. You most certainly can find out who the owner of this rental property is. You just need access to a computer. Go to public records or the tax collector website for the county that you live in. Type in the address of any property and you will find the owner name and address. Sometimes this address will be in another state because the owners sometimes leave their property in the care of a property management company. It has been said, "good fences make good neighbors." Good luck to you.
• United States
10 Aug 09
the one i went to said that it might not be totally accurate and not used as a legal thing which makes me wonder if its gonna be correct or not.. it has their name as the owner and i could have sworn they said they rented.. yeah they are horrible.. they have been screwing up my fence with this awful mammoth dog and then they are loud sometimes and they have a teen daughter that her bf just pulls in and honks his horn for a half hour till she comes out.. i mean i have never been one to really get to know my neighbors anyways but i have never had any probs either.. any time we were even friendly they acted like they were scared of us which i have no idea why.. yet they are screwing up my fence which will just make me get mad at them.. they are just really bizarre..
• China
11 Aug 09
To enable the police to solve it.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
Regarding searching online with some confidence on accuracy, you might try calling the appraisal district for your city or county and ask them if they have an official website. Most unofficial appraisal sites and public information sites charge fees or, as you said, have shaky accuracy. As several people have said, the courthouse isn't all that painful. Even if not delighted to see you, it's not a big deal for them to find the public record you need. Best of luck getting the owner to respond . . . that's no easy second step.
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• United States
11 Aug 09
the biggest prob is i have no car during the hours of the place.. other wise i would have just gone that route anyways but i may have to figure a way to do it
• Malaysia
11 Aug 09
maybe you can check from local authority or from the management committee of the house. they should have a record who is the owner for their reference.