Freedom in America
By epicure35
@epicure35 (2814)
United States
August 10, 2009 5:51pm CST
Why do you think so many in America (and the world) are afraid to speak out about the eligibility issue and actual birth and vital records of Barack Obama? Why do you think he uses the "smokescreen" of a fake birth certificate, when he's already admitted to being at least a dual national, therefore, not Constitutionally qualified as natural born?
1. Fear of reprisal, retribution from his Chicago thug "administration".
2. Fear of threats and intimidation to self and family?
3. Fear of job loss, loss of license (as with our mainstream media)and intimidation, including "hell to pay", blackmail, destroying reputation as in Sarah Palin?
4. Fear of Nazi tactics and hiring goons to beat you up for "dissent", in reality seeking only the truth?
5. Fear if BHO fomenting racism, which he loves to do, but, why, since he is both black and white?
6. Fear of martial law instituted by his brown shirt army?
7. Fear of being ostracized, being made fun of, an object of derision, or called stupid?
8. The murder of Quarles Harris; "suicides" of Mark Levy and David Kellerman; "resignations" of Jeffrey A. Taylor, David Souter; illegal firings of Gerald Walpin, Fred Weiderhold, Steffan Cook, or anyone else who does a good a job and reports waste and fraud and illegality?
9. Fear of George Soros, Oprah Winfrey and their money, as well as any number of radicals and leftists who want to destroy America and institute New World Order, with selves as rulers?
10. Fear of truth? Fear of fear?
Any and all of the above? What could be the reason? Why?
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2 responses
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Aug 09
ALL OF THE ABOVE. People are terrified of what may happen to them if they speak out. We now live in a country where if you have a freaking bumper sticker stating something unflattering to 0bama you can get arrested (it HAS happened!), where if you have a bumper sticker supporting Ron Paul you are labeled a right wing domestic terrorist by the current administration. EVERY SINGLE TIME ANYBODY openly says that they oppose the agenda of BHO, they are attacked and called a racist despite the fact that many of our LEGITIMATE objections have NOTHING to do with anybody's ethnicity! People who question the citizenship status of the man who has provided NO PROOF of it are ridiculed, marginalized and now given the dismissive label "birthers". Look at how they treat KennyRose here! Even the so called "conservative" media is afraid to address the issue, and has joined in the idiocy by dismissing legitimate questions as to whether 0bama is constitutionally eligible to hold the office he is in. People who have nothing to hide do not hide things, thy certainly don't spend millions of dollars and change the laws of the land to prevent their past form seeing the light of day! Where's the "transparency" we were promised?
It is only going to get worse, now that the administration is ILLEGALLY encouraging people to rat out their fellow Americans at their snitch site - despite the fact that it is against the law to collect such information against private citizens.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
1 Sep 09
I wonder what they call the BLACK people who speak out against Obama? What unflattering name do they call them?
I embrace the epitath of 'birther'. And I fully expect to someday pay for it in a FEMA camp. OH WEll...I'll be daamned if I will be part of the last FREE generation of Americans...and SAID NOTHING!
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@floydfan716 (47)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Maybe they allow it(If it's true) because he's the best person for the job. Even if he wasn't born in America, I don't care. He is the step in the right direction to fix the problems of the country.
@AngryKittyMSV (4317)
• United States
26 Aug 09
We have a pesky little thing in America called the US Constitution which bars anyone except for a NATURAL BORN CITIZEN form holding the office of President. If the man currently sitting there is constitutionally ineligible to hold that office, every single action he takes, decision he makes and legislation or treaty he signs will be null and void. THAT IS NOT GOOD FOR AMERICA! He is NOT the best person for the job, if he is there ILLEGALLY.