I hate being lonely

United States
August 11, 2009 2:07am CST
Tonight is one of those nights where I am VERY tired, but still cannot seem to fall asleep, so I am up and I'm all alone, my boyfriend must have fallen asleep because I have been calling him but he is not answering. I get emotional when I am tired, and so I am feeling extremely lonely and a little depressed right now, he and I had a huge fight yesterday, everything was okay today, we talked, but I still like to talk to him at night before I go to bed, its nice and calming...its irrational, but I just miss him right now and wish I could hear his voice Do you ever get lonely sometimes? What do you do to cheer yourself up?
5 responses
@breepeace (3014)
• Canada
28 Aug 09
I know exactly what you're going through. I get emotional when I'm tired, too, and I love talking to my boyfriend at the end of the day to reconnect and calm down. If the conversation goes well, it lulls me off into a restful sleep, and if it doesn't then I continue to be sad, so it's kind of a double edged sword. When I need to cheer myself up I do something I really enjoy like watch one of my favorite (bad) movies, a favorite TV show, read a book, call a friend, go for a walk or have a bath. Sometimes I like to pamper myself by giving myself a pedicure, painting my nails, doing a facial or something of that sort. I always rationalize it that those nights when I can't spend time with my boyfriend or speak to him, I may as well spend time pampering myself so I look a little prettier or more well rested then next time I do see him. Exercise is also a good outlet for staving off depression and keeping yourself busy. I find watching a movie while lifting weights (canned goods usually LOL) or doing some other sort of exercise keeps me busy, distracted and does my body good.
@med889 (5941)
11 Aug 09
When I am in such a situation I feel to talk to someone I love and if my love ones are all asleep then I can open my laptop to continue to write myshort storie or I simply play on my laptop.
• United States
11 Aug 09
I know what you mean. I'm staying up late too. Staying up late, not doing much, and not knowing why I'm not sleeping. What I find cheers me up is a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate. It warms me up and leaves me feeling cozy so I don't feel so alone even though I am alone.
@beaushell (339)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
We all feel lonely and it is not a very pleasant feeling. The world looks gray and drab. We tend to forget many of things that should make us joyful because we are focused on that one thing that makes us feel bad about everything around us. But you know what, I once heard it is a matter of choice. You have to decide to be happy to feel happy. Its the same with loneliness, being lonely means you decided to be one. The next time you are attacked with the feeling of loneliness try to decide to be happy, find things and reasons that make you happy and concentrate on it. I also tried it and it works!
@myx_03 (540)
• Philippines
11 Aug 09
I hate being alone too, actually its my weakness... Being alone... What a sad thing... Like you, I always miss my girlfriend too, and I want to be with her always... And to tell you honestly, I want to get married with her so I won't miss a thing, everything in her...