Do you feel that Dogs hold the title of "man's best friend"

August 11, 2009 9:27am CST
I haven't had a variety of pets in my life, mostly just dogs and cats. Do you believe that there are other animals which can be classed as "man's best friend"?
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4 responses
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I think dogs are everybody's best friend and I Think there are other animals can hold this title, cats are very good animals too :-)
1 person likes this
• India
14 Aug 09
Hi there, would you agree that cats do everything on their own terms" as the above lovely lady suggests?
@Care4Pets (176)
• United States
11 Aug 09
An age-old question and the bottomline is NO. There simply is not another domesticated animal that is as loyal and forgiving as a dog. While cats are terrific (I have several myself), cats own you and do everything on their terms, not their owners. No matter how cuddly and playful, a cat is acting that way for themselves, not for their owner. Dogs, on the other hand, are loving almost to a fault. I mean look at what happens to hundreds of dogs every year. They are beaten, abused, abandoned by their families, dropped off at a shelter, and yet, when a kind person comes to adopt them, spends a little quality time with the dog...voila! The dog is a loving, playful, warm soul again that will follow their master anywhere. Even for those dogs that were lucky enough to find good pet parents the first time, they are loyal, crave attention, and obey on command. Honestly, who could want more from a pet? There's no denying that a dog is still and will probably always be "man's best friend".
• India
11 Aug 09
Your response gave me goosebumps and pleasant chills all over the body, what truth you speak! Thank you
@derek_a (10874)
12 Aug 09
I have kept cats, dogs and horses, and I would say that horses could also be classed as one of man's best friends. They have served us well over the centuries. These days, they are used mostly for riding and leisure but in years gone by they have carried on journeys, and worked out land and machinery for us. - Derek
• India
13 Aug 09
I have never had the opportunity to have a horse, I only know them through films. So don't really know what is fantasy and reality. Yes it is true they have been a real blessing to mankind, helping him with the land etc, like oxen and cows are in India and so they are revered. But there seems to be a deeper level of emotional intimacy to be had with dogs then horses etc....but then again I don't really know, as I've never experienced the love of a horse (wish I had)...what do you say?
• India
12 Aug 09
Once you start feeding a dog, no matter how old it is, it follows wherever you go, be loyal to you. it turns its life towards you and do whatever for you just for the food you gave. nothing qualifies, to be the man's best friend...
• India
13 Aug 09
Actually I disagree. But once upon a time I thought like you. I was once followed home by a dog, he accompanied me for 2 kms. I too thought all he wanted was food. Upon reaching home, I gave him nothing. This was the first day of Navratri. The dog came into my house, and slept in the corner of the room without interefering with anyhting or anyone, he just nestled into the corner. That night (still having received no food) he left, but returned again on the 9th (last day) of Navrathri. I felt something in my heart, like it wasn't a coincidence, and the dog showed no interest in food or water. He had a disabled leg which he could not bend, and would always just settle quietly in a corner of the room placing his unbendable leg over his head...appearing to do yoga...quite funny. Thereafter slowly and gradually, his visits became more frequent. He never showed any interest in food. Where I live there are lots of ex-pats from America and Europe here, food is ample and Westerners are natural dog lovers. I used to see him on the streets with many different types of people, sometimes he was being fed, other times he would just be yelling with happiness after meeting an old friend. Anyway gradually his visits increased and eventually he adopted me full time. I am a strict vegetarian so will never entertain meat in the house, he gets a boring diet in my house. I have discovered that he has many many friends in the town where I live, some of them in a 10km radius, and when most people see him they all say what a ROYAL figure he is. He choose me out of so many people..people who very fond of him, who gave him chicken, eggs, lamb and even fish. But he has left them all for a mere plate of rice and curd......why?'s not because of food......something else.....something to do with the heart.
• India
30 Aug 09
umm.....I think you'e missed the point......others were giving him much better food, including meat, chicken and fish......I was only giving him curd and if it was purely coz of the food then.....he would pick the person who was offering the the best food........
• India
13 Aug 09
first of all thanks, for sharing such a touching experience! but it seems to be a little exaggeration, because any dog would do the same. its your that has made it touching. I agree that is has some thing to do with the heart but still, it started with the little food that you offered. and you are good in writing.