Why Is Obama Rushing everything?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
United States
August 11, 2009 11:25am CST
Does it seem to anyone else that our President is rushing forward with plans that are not fully developed or structured? The plans thus for put into effect have done nothing but run out of our tax money in supporting them. Now he wants to push Americans into a health care system with phrases like "trust me". Now I have gone online (you can go to the White houses website) to read the proposed health care. It is insanely long, very repetitive and (I am half through so far) a long read. I have a lot of doubt that the politicians putting in their two cents had read the entire document before coming out with their opinions (for and against both sides should read it thoroughly first). Though there are some good aspects of the proposed plan there are many rights of our people that will be forfeited as well. It is my opinion that every American should read this document and think real hard about what we would gain and what we would give up. Half way through and I know there is too much to be given up for my tastes but I will continue to read on every chance I get to know for sure. But, I got off track, the point is that Our President and his cohorts are pushing us very hard into taking this plan with out readily giving all the facts because hey have you read the whole thing?
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13 responses
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
11 Aug 09
You feel rushed too? I was wondering if I was the only one who noticed that. Are you a parent? In my experience, when my kids said hurry up....and tried to rush me through to an answer, it was because they didn't want me to know or realize all the facts. Ya think?
@animegirl334 (3263)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I think he's rushing it because there are a lot of pressure on him. He's the first African American president and everyone is looking at him to see if he can really do the job. People except him to be the next FDR and fix the economy so I guess he's trying to be like FDR and have a lot done early in the presidency. I think we should wait and see how his efforts turns out.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Aug 09
animegirl...trouble with the wait and see attitude is that once the damage is done....it takes another four years to undo it. IF it can be undone. It's not like we can say...oh well, nevermind.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Yeah but no matter who you are rushing leads to mistakes and let's face it we had enough mistakes made by our presidents the last few terms.

@venshida (4836)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I think one the reasons he is rushing is because he has set some goals, and he want to accomplish them early in his administration. He could also be concerned that he might be a one term president or the Democrat Majority will diminish in the next election making it harder for him to implement his policies.

@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
20 Aug 09
oh if we let all the bills he's proposing it only gives him leverage, next presidential candidate comes, he say, we'll you don't want to be left with a mess, do you, let me finish all that i promised you--just trust me
i think immigration reform will do it
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
13 Aug 09
There had better be votes in 2012 or this country truly will be in the drain. Then again if Acorn get's involved it won't matter again.

@Donna01 (42)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I have a copy & ran through it last night. Canada has this plan & they have a hard time getting health care. One lady said she could take her dog to the Vet, get a quick appointment & pay $10 for a shot with no problem. If she needed to get a shot, it would mean waiting 7 months to get the appointment. Then an avg. of 7-10 hours wait in line @ a clinic before you even get in. Then they determine if they; have the shot, if it's even covered & if want to give it to you. Another lady said her diabetic mother had a leg that could've avoided amputation if she didn't have to wait a yr. for surgery. While waiting, the other leg went bad as well & both had to be amputated. she is now waiting to find out if care & tramsport of her mother is going to be covered. She said the only way you get decent care over there is to pay cash to a private practitioner. I have a feeling that many Doctors are going to opt out of this. I also don't think it's fair that people who may not need healthcare should be taxed for opting out. America is changing.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Not to mention that Congress and the President do not HAVE TO participate in this plan....does that not say it all?
@Donna01 (42)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Of course not Debi. THEY'RE not going to eat the crap they throw at US. They will continue on with their premium healthcare same as usual, so why would they care. I remember waiting and waiting in clinics for hours when I was younger & had less healthcare. That memory had faded, but this has brought it back. It was no fun. Now their saying that the few pissed-off people at the townhalls aren't representative of the American public ! Are they dense or what !

@bziebarth (228)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I believe that the "rushing" comes from one thought. Progressives believe that they know better than any other people. Conservatives are "religious zealots", "hicks", or "backwoods". They are not Progressives because they do not know any better. Progressives do not want debate. They know best and everyone else should just let them do what they want.
I would love to know what you think the "good aspects" of the current health care plan are. I also am reading the bill. I have not been able to find anything good about it.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Hospices across the nation do a fine job of counselling those who have terminal illnesses. We don't need a government panel to do this for us. Provide the pay for those who are already doing this within their own communities...WHY does Washington have to hire people to do this?
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
14 Aug 09
They don't it's just the only thing in there that makes sense to me.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
29 Aug 09
Funny how your descriptions are...reminded me that a while back in our history...the democrats were thought of as backwoods...hicks....and do gooders as my father would have said.
The Republicans were for big business, high finance and industry.
Funny how things have come full circle, huh?

@extendcradle (122)
• Philippines
12 Aug 09
He is a working President and inheriting a big problem from previous administration is a great challenge. On a personal note, he is not rushing everything, in fact he is abusing himself working hard for something that he thinks is worth working for. However, the fact that he needs to make the economy of US back to stability, it's a pressure rushing in. All eyes are on him and being President is one hell of a job specially the United States. On the brighter side, being the most powerful man can act on everything he wants to do even if it seems like a trial and error strategy

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
13 Aug 09
He didn't inherit a big problem from the previous administration....he "inherited" a big problem from the Federal Reserve....an institution that is not answerable to any government whatsoever and who has orchastrated recessions and depressions in the past. And he's not trying to get us back to stability, he is deliberatly putting us in debt to China and others so we can go under economically big time...and become a part of the the grand and glorious New World Order! WAKE UP...it is NOT business as usual in Washington. The old RULES do not apply anymore.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
12 Aug 09
But he is rushing which is why mistakes have been made in the programs that have been put into affect. Cash for clunkers is a perfect example. If they had waited even a week longer to run the numbers more accurately there would have been no need to jump out and throw more cash at the program what a week or so in. I am not here bashing that program (though I do not agree with it) but the fact that it's main issues could have been avoided if given even a few days more thought.
@extendcradle (122)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
oh, that's too bad. However, there is also a negative thing on waiting for the perfect time to do decisions because in fact, there is no such thing like that. But somehow the administration has a contingency plan for their action or somehow their variables must be dynamic so to cope with future challenges. And that is the hard thing to do or to establish.

@mehale (2200)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I agree totally with you! The harder he tries to rush this bill through congress the more I wonder WHY?? There has to be more to it! For pete's sake, I seriously doubt that more than a handful of members of congress have actually read the proposed bill - so how in the world can they be ready to vote on it??
At least now they are talking about dropping the public option...maybe they will try spending some time reading the bill and then listening to the voters before they make a decision - I doubt it though.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
17 Aug 09
We can only hope they do what is right the only thing is no one believes they will, I wonder how these people got into office at all. (no I did not vote for any of them).
@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
11 Aug 09
I'm surprised nobody has said my answer yet. Obama and his cronies are running our of time. He came in with a honeymoon that he knew wouldn't last. He had a finite time to run through the most ridiculous load of garbage while most of the American public was too blinded by his awesomeness to actually look at all the damage he was causing.
His approval rating has plummeted faster than any president in the first few months and if he can't pass this steaming pile of dung that he calls a health care plan within a month even the democrats in congress won't sign on with it. I've NEVER seen people so angry at their senators as they are now and I do mean angry. Congress has had low approval ratings for years now, but this goes far beyond people disapproval. Obama's a sinking ship and he's taking the democrats in congress with him.

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
12 Aug 09
I agree that the people are very angry. I agree that he's running out of time because his approval rating is dropping so fast and so soon. People keep saying that Bush got us into this mess....ok, so how does what Obama's doing get us OUT of this mess? He's lied about what he was going to do, about new taxes, about ending the war, about closing Gitmo, the list is very long....so after they get done making Bush the bad guy...I want them to tell me how Obama is any better!
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
11 Aug 09
and yet if you speak against him his supporters will shoot you down...and it took Bush years to get to this point and he's still the bad guy.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I posted a discussion asking that and only one person tried to come up with something he did good and know what it was, that a black man had become president. All his supporters get on here and cry how Bush did this and that and Obama is a saint yet they cannot say one thing in his defense other then he is black?! OK he made history yeah good but what about the rest?
@piasabird (1737)
• United States
11 Aug 09
Well, he came out of nowhere and bum rushed his way into the precidency and that worked.
As far as I know, this bill is just the House bill and not even final. They're still working on one for the Senate.

@piasabird (1737)
• United States
11 Aug 09
1257 Days, 20 Hours, 22 Minutes, 08 Seconds
Until Obama leaves office. God help us all.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
11 Aug 09
yeah but he snuck the cash for clunkers clunker out of no where. A bill that failed to keep it's self a float without financial help in a matter of days. Talk about not really thinking it through for goodness sake it all they need was a math student to figure it wouldn't have worked numbers wise.

@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Debra, Im with you girl.
The more you research into the Emanuel family the more chilling it gets and I'm so upset the media is doing absolutely nothing to expose them.
I mentioned before Benjamin Emanuel--Rahm's father, told the Jerusalem press:
"[i]Obviously he will influence the President (Barack Obama) to be pro-Israel...
Why wouldn't he be? What is he, an Arab? He's not going to clean the floors of the White House.[/i]"
Do we need this kind of mentality in the White House???
For god sakes, his father was an Irgun militant--WAKE UP PEOPLE!!!This is clearly a family affair and their the new Cheney--but could becoming far worse! Obama is not anti-war, same cup of tea.
They got a bone to pick
Just like modern day Pharisees--the word itself means "seperatist", always `very political, distinguished themselves from the common man never wanting to be "contaminated" despising those who didn't stick to their very Laws--like Jewish Zionist! Lets keep in mind this was a people Jesus himself rebuked in his day because of their hypocrisy.
I find it ironic CNN today was heralding a 'Israeli American' today at a town hall meeting who claimed Israeli had one of the best health care systems in the world--is the media playing as Obama administrations 'eyes and ears', CLEARLY.
Their no friend to me!..as much as they tell me so. Im not buying it--
You go girl
, for refusing to buy the bull they keep trying to feed us. Now, I hear their gonna preach to the choir..oh great, lets just bring back the Roman Empire for god sakes.
And lets keep in mind, this is not about us, the "Angry People" wanting to take Healthcare from anyone--what i'm saying is just that it needs to be done wisely and incrementally--why are they bum-rushing me??
Obama's requested budget cuts (100 million) don't even add up to his heyday spending of:
410 billion, house appropriations
787 billion stimulus spending
3.69 trillion proposed budget for 2010!!
You need to have a discerning spirit in these days because politicians will tell you anything just to get their agenda pass.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
25 Aug 09
So much stuffed into a few paragraphs..lol... All of that is true and should be taken seriously by everyone.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
11 Aug 09
There are two possibilities-One rumor is, he told the Democratic Party that he would only run one time, because he knew he was going to cause a s-storm over his so called 'change', and quite frankly, I think this man is so arrogant and so egotistical, that he is already bored with the job. Another is, he knows eventually everyone will find out about the skeletons in his closet/and or background that he has been trying to hide. That's my two cents. Hence the 'rushing'.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
11 Aug 09
your first one is something I hadn't heard yet but I do think the second may be a part of it.
@virusxtreme24 (805)
12 Aug 09
I believe that he is being pressured by his fellow Democrats, a.k.a Pelosi and Reid into making an incomplete healthcare system. They should take their time which I'm sure the U.S people would like better rather than a bad healthcare system which is flawed and rushed out.
@your9vacher (9)
• China
12 Aug 09
I still believe his politics is great,though I'm not an american,everyone's rushing has reasons,I'm rushing because i still wanna make something
@hotsummer (13837)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
i think it is better to slow down a bit specially in USA where lifestyle is usually fast. specially in terms of politics cause it is crucial in the lives of people.