Have you ever let someone cry on your shoulder?

August 12, 2009 12:52am CST
Om my shoulders? Nope. But i always offer my shoulders to my friends but the problem is that instead of me lending my shoulders, i am the one who always cry on someone's or my friends' shoulders. hahaha. i have never tried someone cry on my shoulder..really.. hahaha. maybe im nnot a good listener, too.LOL!
2 responses
• United States
2 Sep 09
Sure, that's what a friend does; taking on the posture of just listening and allowing that person to either vent or just sob. Recently, my friend did just that before she left the city to go visit her cousin.
• India
12 Aug 09
ya my dear friend i have a very good friend.... she always used to tell all her problems and her worries to me and she used to cry infront of me.... i always ask her why did she do like that and the answer she gave me is that it relieves her of her pain she is enduring with the problem if she cries infront of someone and as iam her bestfriend she is crying on my shoulders..... actually i dont know if its true or not but as long as she is happy i dont have any problem