Would You Be "Proud" if This Happened in YOUR State?
By anniepa
@anniepa (27955)
United States
August 12, 2009 10:48am CST
The town hall meeting in heavily Republican Lebanon, PA started out so badly Senator Arlen Specter felt it necessary to issue this warning:
“If you want to stay in here, we’re not going to tolerate any demonstrations or booing. So, it’s up to you."
His words apparently fell on deaf ears as an attendee who hadn't been chosen to speak came walking up the aisle shouting at the Senator minutes later. Here's more from the article I linked to above:
“Do you want to be led out of here?” the senator told the man, pointing at him. “You’re welcome to go.”
Specter then walked toward the heckler who was being pushed back toward his seat by another member of the crowd.
“Now wait a minute,” Specter shouted repeatedly into the microphone. “You want to leave? Leave.”
“I’m going to speak my mind before I leave, because your people told me I could,” the protester said once the room quieted down. “I called your office, and was told I could have the mike to speak. And then I was lied to because I came prepared to speak.”
“I’ll leave,” the protester said, as several police officers stood nearby. “And you can do whatever the hell you please to do. One day God’s going to stand before you, and he’s going to judge you and the rest of your damned cronies up on the Hill. And then you’ll get your just deserts. I’m leaving.”
The man received loud applause and shouts of support as he walked out of the room.
Trying to regain control, Specter pleaded with the crowd “to figure out some way to have an orderly procedure.” And he tried to respond to the protester.
“When he says that I’m tramping on constitutional rights, I have to disagree with him,” said the senator, who switched from the Republican Party to the Democratic Party this year. “I’m encouraging constitutional rights. I’m encouraging constitutional rights by coming to Lebanon [Pa.] to talk to my constituents. I could be somewhere else. I don’t get [any] extra pay. I don’t have any requirement to be here.”
But Specter’s assertion that he was not required to attend the town hall was not received so well.
“You work for us!” shouted several members of the crowd. “You work for us!”
(End of excerpt)
Whether you agree with Senator Specter or not or even if you can't stand him, was it too unreasonable for him to ask the crowd “to figure out some way to have an orderly procedure”? Does anyone REALLY think "mob scenes" like these benefit anyone?
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10 responses
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
12 Aug 09
"I could be somewhere else. I don’t get [any] extra pay. I don’t have any requirement to be here.”
Let me dispense with this one first before i go any further. I find those words to be arrogent, he Is in fact required to be there, at least in the spirit of the office he serves. The senator could have chosen many other ways to put that, but instead, made the unfotunate choice of using those words, the crowd's reaction was apropriate.
Now for the rest of my thoughts.
I posted in another thread, my outrage at the conduct we are seeing in this debate. It is in fact disgracefull, on ALL counts and sides. This gentlman committed no crime other than being caught up in it with the rest of us. He wasn't part of one of the few genuine "hired mobs" but he was caught up in the same frenzy that is being stirred up by them. the same can be said by those on the pro side of things, being caught up in the frenzy and out right violnce of groups like the SEIU. It Is completly obliterating any real discussion. I want to post what I posted in the other discussion Imentioned because I think it is of great relevence and importance, it is something we should all sit back for a few minutes and consider carefully.....here goes.....
"[sarcasm] yeh, thats right, the republican and democratic national parties are sending racial hatefull emails and sending thugs to peoples houses. [/sarcasm]
COME ON! You are ALL falling right in for it, your being PLAYED like cheap violins. FOOLS! This is EXACTLY what they want you to believe and fight. They DON'T WANT reasonable debate and conversation, NONE OF THEM The Unions, congress, insurance companies, the white house, big national lobbies, NONE OF THEM! And they want nothing more than to drag us down a dark hole of sensless bickering, vicious attacks, misplaced blame, rumors, mis truths, half truths, out right lies, fear and VIOLENCE! .
I can honestly say after weeks of watching the "conversation" on the national health care issue, I have never been more embarrased to be an american as I have over the behavior I am seeing in our government, the big commercial interests and most shamefull of all, US.
The "people" .
Shame on the collective us. After behavior as we have.....no, as we and the world have witnessed, shame on us . We do not deserve the gift our founders have given us. After behavior like this, they would have turned us out on ships and sent us back over to monarchial rule and forsaken us.
So go ahead, blame every one but ourselves, blame the republicans, blame the democrats, blame every one but US for our conduct and blame everyone but us for allowing the transgressions of our government because we the "people" have allowed them to be committed."
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Well, he said "I could be somewhere else..." AFTER the disruptions, if that makes any difference to you. He could have put it better, to be sure, but somebody says something that "could have been put better" everyday. The fact is he DIDN'T have to go to that particular county where he'd obviously not be among friends.
@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
13 Aug 09
I agrea completely, they absolutely must go back to the drawing board, and KEEP it there untill we have had a sane reasonable coversation on what needs to be done. Thst's the problem with this one, it was rushed through the drawing board and plopped on the public, then, they expected no discussion. In fact, there wasn't even a decent conversation BEFORE the drawing board.
Suggestion for you on the dental issue, look into the vocational rehab program. Years ago, my ex wife needed a bunch of teeth pulled and dentures, she went though these guys and they paid for EVERYTHINg. It is income based and it is designed to help people with circumstances that keep them from working, including medical conditions. She fell in to the medical condition catagory as she had missed a lot of work in the past because of abscessed molars and other major problems.
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@Taskr36 (13963)
• United States
12 Aug 09
The one and only thing I'm proud of is the fact that people care enough to go to these meetings and voice their opposition. Did this guy act like a jerk? Probably. Did Specter act like a jerk when he said "I don't have any requirement to be here"? Definitely.
Here's the difference Annie. I'm not paying that guy's salary. He doesn't work for me. I AM paying Arlen Specter's salary and he does work for me, or more directly, for the people of PA.
I fully agree that many of the people attending these town halls are getting out of line. The problem is, this is directly caused by our elected officials getting out of line. Pelosi is calling them astroturf, Specter is saying he doesn't have to listen to them, just that he has to push this through fast, Conyers is saying it's foolish to read a thousand page bill before voting for it, Chuck Schumer calls hundreds of billions of taxpayer dollars "chump change".
So far many of these people like Specter holding town halls are only doing it to cheerlead the bill and have not been showing much interest in what the voters have to say. All they're doing is insulting voters and trying to marginalize them by calling them astroturf, angry mobs, etc. The fact that the majority of Americans oppose this crap is completely irrelevent to arrogant politicians like Pelosi and Specter. All they care about is their own agendas.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Aug 09
You'll be surprised to know I agree with you about being proud of the fact that people care enough to become engaged in the process. In the past so few people would show up at these meetings that everyone had more than one chance to speak their piece but now I guess "too many" people are attending, and that's a GOOD thing. However, people have to realize it's sometimes impossible for every attendee to get the time to say everything he or she wants to say. From what I've seen and heard about this particular constituent at this particular town hall meeting it seems he claims he'd been "promised" he could speak then it turned out he couldn't. I'm not sure how that happened or why but I really don't think approaching a U.S. Senator in anger and "getting in his face" is the way to handle it. Specter is far from my favorite person right now. I know I've said I supported him in the past but I'm now on the fence as far as who I'll vote for in the primary next year. Still, he's been a public servant for many years and deserves some respect, as I think most everyone does.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I heard that the republican wheels are requesting their followers to stage these attacks and disruptions at town hall meetings in order to destroy any chance of a health bill being explained. Just like they did in Florida to keep the vote counters from doing their job. It's just more republican tactics to try and bring down the Obama administration, and at the same time bring down the government of the land that most of us love.
OK... You repubs can jump all over this statement. If you have been paying any attention to what is happening you will have to agree. I even saw a picture of Obama with a Hitler style mustache. Now, that is going too far. It was reported on our local FOX news station that a man was standing across the street from an Obama rally with a pistol strapped to his leg. And the police could do nothing about it because he was on the Church property located across the street. There are some real weirdos out there and I hope that none of you on this board condone such as this.

@xfahctor (14118)
• Lancaster, New Hampshire
14 Aug 09
It used to be pretty common to go to the highschool parking lots here and see hunting rifles mounted in students trucks, they were either headed for the woods after school or had been out early before school. Nowadays just about every school prohibits carrying on school property, as does federal law, but by state law, the only place you cannot carry a fire arm is in to a court house.
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@iriscot (1289)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I didn't see the Mathews incident, we don't have cable or satellite TV so we don't get CNN or MSNBC. We only have affiliate stations of ABC, CBS, FOX and PBS. I find that PBS gives the most un-biased news reports and one I enjoy watching late at night is "World News Tonight" hosted by Martin Savage. So I guess I'm out of the loop.
I used to consider myself a Moderate and have voted for both Republicans and Democrats. But there were a lot of things that I didn't like about the G. W. Bush administration and believe that our country will suffer because of his rein for some time. I voted for his father and backed a lot of things he stood for.
Two things that I don't stand for is "abortion" and women being baby factories just to so they can live off of our tax money (I think you know what I'm talking about). So I really think that I have always been "down the middle of the road" to speak. I don't believe abstinence works and support preventative ways for a woman to keep from getting pregnant. Rape may be a different issue.
I believe there are news sources that spin things the way they want just to get people excited and stirred up.
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@piasabird (1737)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Did you also post about the Code Pink chicks who did their little disruptions during the Bush era? How about the Moveon.org folks? Or are you only upset over this being against your Democrat president and his representatives?
And your title is amusing since I live in Illinois and my state is nothing to be proud of (Blago, for one).
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@bziebarth (228)
• United States
13 Aug 09
You bring up some very good examples from the Bush era. I would add Hillary Clinton's yelling and screaming about people protesting the war supposedly being called unpatriotic. Then there is Dean's complete loss of control and just yelling noises during his campaign. But, it is only bad if they are not the ones doing it.
@iriscot (1289)
• United States
13 Aug 09
We could also add the fact that republican employees disrupted the vote count in Florida to ensure that thousands of votes didn't count. This was documented on film, they even tried to bust into the counting room where they had no authority to be.
I agree Illinois has had two crooked Governors in a row. One is in prison(Ryan) and Blago should be in a cell right next to him. If we are talking about prison, there are a few top dogs who were in the Bush administration that should be there. Most of you know who they are.
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I think most of the Code Pink activity was before I joined myLot. I believe in everyone making their voices heard but I also believe we all should be respectful of each other. By the way, that would be our DemocratIC President. It's an adjective when used in a sentence in that way...lol! Sorry, that's one of my biggest pet peeves.
@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
12 Aug 09
No, I wouldn't be proud if my Senator told me that his presence was a great gift to his constituents and implied that he had no obligation to talk to them or listen to them. I wouldn't be proud of the fact that his office promised someone a chance to speak and then told him he couldn't. I wouldn't be proud of the fact that he obviously felt that being orderly meant "I talk, you listen".
In fact, I am not proud of my Senators. I certainly wouldn't be proud of any elected official who thinks he is above the average citizen. He stands in our place, representing our views and concerns. If he feels he stands above us, he's not our representative at all.
I bet a lot of Hollywood entertainers would love an audience who had been told they weren't allowed to boo. What a set-up.
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@revellanotvanella (4033)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Is it really that easy??
They just tell you these people are all MIRACULOUSLY might I add, extremist republicans, and all Obama supporting "constituents" buy it??!
Dont you find it even a little bit threatening that their ok with going so far to call opposition LIARS, accused of "spreading lies to incite fear and anger." If anyone's making ANYONE angry its OBama and his administration saying its ok to call any opposing protestor a L-I-A-R, Who does that?!! It's not even politically correct and their doing it right to our faces!
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@laglen (19759)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I think thats a good question but let me ask you, would you let ANY other employee say things like
I could be somewhere else. I don’t get [any] extra pay. I don’t have any requirement to be here.”
“You’re welcome to go.”
Not to mention the other crap that spews from him. Hopefully his constituents pay attention and let him know that he is supposed to be working for them!
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@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I think he's going to have a battle for reelection next year! However, in al fairness he didn't make the "...I don’t have any requirement to be here..." remarks until it had gotten a bit out of hand. I give him credit for having the b@lls to show up at that particular place because he'd just switched parties a few months ago and Lebanon County is probably one of the most heavily GOP areas in the state so he had to know he'd be facing some unhappy campers.
@Fortunata (1135)
• United States
13 Aug 09

@anniepa (27955)
• United States
14 Aug 09
Wow, "nobody aid a word" about Code Pink or Cindy Sheehan? How WAS life in that cave...lol? I guess I must have had crappy upbringing because my parents taught me it's not right to be disrespectful to anyone, even if you happen to disagree with them.
@crysontherocks77 (1273)
• United States
13 Aug 09
first of all, I didn't hear about the town hall meeting in PA but I did watch the one that they had in Maryland when Cspan had it on tv today. i think the people in both places have a right for the concerns to be heard. i think it would be more appropiate if they had everyone sign a paper before going in saying they will be have in an orderly manner and if they don't behave in an orderly manner then they will be escorted out. Then if further action is required then they are well aware that the people who hold these town meetings have there right as well.
That being said. Both sides have the right for their voices to be heard. What I was hearing in the MD townhall is probably similar concerns to others across the country
My concern is this: if this is all the town halls are going to be instead of answering questions in a dignified manner they just need have a website that people can go into to send the questions then have two or three people that will be responding. I'm not talking the house having a website, or the senate, I'm talking about each individual senate and house rep having a site for people to send there questions regarding this particular bill.
Back to the crowd getting out of control. I think that the men and woman that wanted to speak should have been given a clip board with typical questions they were wanting to ask then the senator answer them without every single person asking similar questions. This way if there is a question that is unique to a certain group of people that maybe there be a spokesperson for that group to come in to the meeting and ask the question. It would just seem to be to me a more dignified way of doing things instead of each party lashing out at the other.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Great response! I couldn't agree more that both sides have a right to be heard and both sides have legitimate questions and concerns. There has to be a way to discuss and debate the issue in an orderly and civilized manner and then come to some kind of compromise that everyone can live with.
@pokerdonkey (5)
• United States
12 Aug 09
Honestly, I don't really care about the people getting out of line at these town hall meetings. Let's be honest: they are yelling at POLITICIANS. I don't think very highly of politicians, and as a matter of fact, the majority of them don't deserve anything better. Congress has a higher % of ex-cons than a Steak-N-Shake in south Detroit. Congressmen and women are the most corrupt people on earth. For crying out loud, they just OK'd a bill to spend half a billion taxpayer dollars on luxury planes-FOR CONGRESS! Yes, it was repealed but the fact that it was voted yes on initially (400-30) goes to show the character of the people we elect. We deserve it, America. Stop electing stupid & corrupt people if you want anything to change.
@anniepa (27955)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I guess the point is we DID elect them so we owe them the same respect we owe anyone else, in my opinion. If someone's a known criminal, that's different, but Arlen Specter has never been charged or convicted of anything. I agree we should stop electing stupid and corrupt people but it's our fault we have what we have now, isn't it?