adding a new concept to your frustration in building a downline.

@lyssak (47)
United States
August 12, 2009 9:34pm CST
We all come to this idea that we want our prospect to stick with us by seeing the potential of what were are handing out to them. Some people see the money first before seeing the long term accomplishment.They are in the now cause they have so much things to think about, so much things to pay for, mostly their bills, which make them jump to the opportunity when they first see it, but when they find out that money is not pouring like they tought so, or better yet like they always led us to beleive, so they quit. Since you for yourself have enter the game for the same purpuse you find it hard to communicate with the one s you so hardly sweat to put under you and to finaly find out they quiting by lack of understanding of the system and you support.Poor you, you guy are in the same boat. and so you end up decepointed, frustrated and quiting so you can jump again back in another program. That's how we end up getting burn, jumping from program to program, business to busness. One of the biggest obstacle we all may find , is the fear we have to sponsor someone when a money transaction is involve, and at this right moment all kind of subconcious programming pops up and boom!!! your attacked with the directive of failure. We all go there and we know it. In this order, what you think would be a solution? Don't kill your self thinking. it is pretty simple. So how about giving away the opportunity in a form of " I PAY FOR YOU". If you pay the start-up for some one else who pay the start-up for someone else. Surely people can give something if you are a giving personality and care about the end result for others you will love to be part of what you're doing. Create this concept around the mindset of giving and helping others succeed around your business. Untill then Have a gorgeous day. to your success, Lyssak PS: Thank you for passing by and reading me.
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