Signs of hard times.... do you see it?
By jpso138
@jpso138 (7851)
August 13, 2009 3:36am CST
Well a lot of things are happening with the world right now. We can surely see that a lot of companies going into bankruptcy and many people are losing their jobs. I can only imagine how hard it is if both the father and the mother have no more job and no more income. The prices of oil is going up and of course prices of commodities follow. When will this end? Have you felt it too? Will, I will share with you a picture that will surely show that its a hard time. I have seen a hermit crab with a different shell, its actually an old rusty can from a sardines can. It may seem funny, but surely it will tell us that truly times are hard cause even the hermit crab has lost its house and is just leaving in an old rusty can... Do you agree that its really hard nowadays?
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12 responses
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I have definitely felt the hard times of the economy. I work as an educational assistant, and personally I feel like as part of the classified staff we take the brunt of the budget cuts. At the end of last school year, I found out that I would be taking a 2% pay reduction due to a shortfall in funding of the 301 fund that pays for professional development. The irony was that my salary is not even paid out of the 301 funds, yet I was told that my salary would be helping to subsize the budget cuts. The hard part to swallow was that I was an instructional assistant that was 1/2 way through getting my Master's degree in Special Education. I am a very highly qualified employee in my position, yet rather than being rewarded for my continued professional development and years of service; insted, I was getting a pay cut.
Last month come the latest budget cut, the district cut instructional assistant's hours on half-day. I received less than 24 hours notice by the principal regarding the budget cut. The rationale was that the district did not want to touch instructional time; however, they increased instructional time for kindergarten and third graders by 45 minutes per school day. A move that I might say that developmentally was not the soundest due to it really making it too long of a school day for these students. This also came after the voters approved the override allowing the district to keep need funding that previously the district was scared that voters might overturn. My opinion was if they knew we were struggling with funds than why not campaign at that time asking voters to help support education and ask for the required funding?

@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
26 Dec 09
I understand you point. I have heard and seen many people suffering this past few months. My only wish is for the economy to improve. I am sure that not only you has experience such problem. In other words we are not alone. But the important thing is for us to adjust for the meantime that life and the economy is hard. Best to you and I wish you best and hope that life would be great later on. Let's continue to strive!

@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
26 Dec 09
You are right we are all struggling. I think some people realize this more than others. It is hard because especially at this time of year the focus is so much on giving and so many feel like there just is nothing left to give because so much has been taken from us and / or we are barely making ends meat ourselves that we just do not have any extra to share with others. I think there needs to be more programs out there especially at times like this for helping people to cope and adjust. Instead the state agencies and resources that are usually available have been cut so much that they are only there for a few people.
It is weird how many people need additional support and assistance but do not qualify for the majority of assistance programs that are available.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
The economy is a circle that effects everyone. It is much like the circle of life because we are all connected. The fate of everyone is linked. The behavior of consumers, producers, and investors. We have to work together.
One of the biggest reasons that schools are struggling is due to sales tax revenue being down. This is due to consumers not purchasing as much goods and services. As a result, their is less revenue for public services such as education.
The sad statistic is that teachers are being asked to do more with less funding. I have seen kindergarten classrooms this year with 30 students, where they only have aides for half of the day. In contrast to last year, these classrooms had 20 students and full day aides. With these high teacher to student ratios the quality of education diminishes for the students. We need to fix this problem with the ecomony not just because it is effecting people's paychecks, but because it is effecting need government services such as public education.

@zed_k4 (17589)
• Singapore
21 Aug 09
It is. I agree. Hard times are everywhere, and with everything being raised in prices and all, kind of hard to save at the same time.
With a normal salary, I usually give my mom a little, spend on bills and stuff and the necessary to save. But sometimes to save up even takes a toll. But I force myself to save, no matter what. It's very important. I think saving is important even in stringent times because we never know when we need to use some for health and stuff like that. Good discussion here, jpso :_)

@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
23 Aug 09
Hi there zed_k4, with such attitude of yours, you will certainly have a great future ahead. We can never be sure of the future and saving is one way to prepare. Truly this time is really hard, but of course the important thing is to work harder to cope up with the hard times. Best of luck to you and enjoy life no matter what. Earn and save, as well as enjoy.

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@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I think this is one of the problems that we all have about the uncertainity of the future. We feel like we have to plan for the future. Sometimes we forget that we need to take things day by day. We have to deal with today - the present before we can worry about the future.

@cotton0821 (259)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I wonder if the hermit crab was having difficulty making the mortgage on his tin can house, would the government help him out?
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
24 Aug 09
Hahaha, your post does makes me wonder also. Well I do hope that the hermit crab was able to pay the mortgage. It would be very dangerous if the tin can is removed. Well, I have heard a lot of people not being able to pay for loans this present times. I just hope that the economy will improve later on.

@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
The government might help if you have a mortgage; although, if you are renting there is no assistance programs out there to help individuals out. So, I hope the hermit crab has a morgage on that tin can rather than renting it for his home. It is crazy that everyone is upside-down paying more than the current market. People that are renting are just as stuck if not more so than homeowners. We have to either continue paying high rents because apartment complexes are not decreasing the rent or we have to move. The moving costs alone can just about get to the point were it is not economical to move. The worst part is that even if you move you may find yourself in a worse situation because many apartment complexes are having financial difficulties. I have heard of problems were the management company just locked their doors and shut down leaving tenants without utilities. These times are so challenging to know what one should do.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Note to the wise, if you do rent, you can try to negotiate a lower rent when it i stime to renew your lease. Do not expect any dramatic reductions. I've lived in my apartment for 4 years and the best I was able to do is get a $10 reduction. Over the course of a 12 mont lease, it is a saving of $120, and every little bit does help. Still I am paying like a $100 more a month than what a new tenant that would walk-in and rent a vacant apartment is paying. So much for loyalty!
@kykidd (6812)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I think things are tough all over right now. I think it is kind of funny, but really symbolic, the picture of the hermit crab.
I wonder if the main problem with the economy is the media. Bare with me here, while I explain. The media keeps talking about how bad the economy is and there are commercials on tv about saving money and not spending, etc.
So, what is happening, is the people who haven't really had any change in their income, aren't out there spending. We need these people to go back to their old spending habits, and quit being so worried.
The only way to turn the economy back around is for people who have money to quit saving, and start spending. They aren't making any money on interest right now anyway, so why not go back to their former lifestyles!
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
Hahaha, actually I intended to use that picture to put a little humor into this post. But true indeed it will somehow show that truly it is hard nowadays. Well, you certainly have a point there. If people do not spend their money, many more will suffer. But sad to note that we cannot dictate what they should do with their money.

@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
I agree to a point about the media. It is pretty rare that I turn on the news just because I am tired about hearing about all the problems and bad stuff going on in the world. A couple times when I have turned on the news though they have had some encouraging stories about ways people can help the local community. One of the cities in the local community built this whole website and resource guide to encourage people to buy locally to support the local community. I do think the media is trying to get the word out there that people need to work together in this climate to help each other.
@med889 (5940)
13 Aug 09
I do agree that there are many difficulties nowadays and all we need to do is to stand to the challenge of life and to be brave no matter how impossible it may seems so.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
You are certainly right. It is important that we must be strong be able to adjust. I hope that everything will change for the better soon. I see a lot of people losing jobs both the husband and the wife. Its really frustrating and I pity them. But as long as you have the will and determination, I am sure that it will be okay.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Here is the thing we can all adjust to a point; however, what happens when you have cut back all the expenses that are possible and it is still not enough? I mean we can all turn off lights, unplug things when we are not at home; however, basic shelter, food, heat, water, air conditioning (in the summer) these are necessities.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
20 Jan 10
Yes there are things that we can do to save on money. But as you have said, what if this is not enough. Well, I guess, were just gonna have to work more to earn more. We will just have to be careful with our health considering that it can also stress us out and in return get sick and need more money for treatment.
@liannejc (56)
• Philippines
3 Feb 10
Times are not always hard. I belive we always have a chance to choice under given circmstances. We made our choices and we have to bear with the consequences. Our government is a given fact and unchangable. Many claimed to be perfect but failed to prove it. It might be different idiologist in one room is not effective but they call the otherwise undemocratic. Nevertheless, we have our own life and we need to choice for our children and our children future.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
6 Feb 10
Yes, you are right. Life is a matter of choice. What we do will certainly shape our future. But then we have to understand that there are factors that affect our life no matter what we choose. But if we put our heart and mind to what we do and fight to survive, there is always a chance to make our life better.

@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
23 Sep 09
Yes I see some really hard times ahead of us, I don't really know when all the bad times will start, but I think that the birth of them have already begun. Hopefully with God as our friend, he will help us through. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@strawberrychocodahi (4817)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
Well, it does not only affect the prices of commodities but call it Signs of End times, it is much more real to me. All the injustice and crime happening around the globe. Evil is getting more evil by the day. The corrupt are being more corrupt. So the poor will also increase in number.
Be it the cause of the government or not, economic crunch and so, but we don't see some improvement in our own country right. I might say that whoever will seat as President, will just inherit those debt in world bank.
That's reality, why people migrate to other countries, to be able to sustain themselves and their families back home. Because they will never see something good when they are just there and do nothing. Life is really hard these days.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
You are certainly right. In our country there is something wrong with the system. From the government to the public. There are a lot of corrupt officials and of course lazy citizens. I hope that one day thins will change and that our country will improve. The whole things relies on attitude. Until we change we will continue to suffer.

@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Here is the problem with our country and government it is founded upon the principal of capitalism. Our nation feeds upon the greed of the all mighly dollar. We try to capitalize on each other's pain, grief, and sorrows. Until we change the fundamental principals of how our society operates we will continue to be in the same boat. Obama (whether you agree or disagree with his politics) has tried to shift the fundamental principals back to the original vision of our forefathers that being a democracy run by the people for the people. He has tried and working to put in place more of a social network where everyone benifts and there is less corruption and greed.
The problem is that in these hard economic times people are turning desperate. They are turning to crime. Perhaps due to people feeling the system has failed them. The issue might be that they are just trying to survive and do not see any other way. I am not condoning people's actions I am just offering insights to reasons that it might be happening. I know where I live their has been a rash of break-ins especially with the whole housing crash that has left tons of people unable to afford the houses they bought.
@benny128 (3615)
13 Aug 09
I agree it is hard out there at the moment, but even in economic times there is still money to be made.
Also us the general public need to sit up and take some responsibility aswell as the banks lending policies.
As banks wouldnt be lending if there was no market need from the general public aswell as businesses.
Hopefully once this economic situation increases people will stop living on credit and living above what they can afford.
But during this economic climate people are making alot of money while some people are loosing money you just need to find the niche to enable you to make money, for me I am investing in shares as once the climate is over the share prices will rise but you need to have the money to buy the shares.
Good luck to all,
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
Yes, I have seen that too. There are people who are also gaining from this situation and there are those that are making it big. I guess there are still opportunities but only for the chosen few. Many are indeed suffering. I just hope that this crisis will be over.

@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
Part of the whole lending mess came from the federal government (I think it was President Bush) removing a lot of the banking regulations that provided safeguards against such lending nightmares as what we have seen with the housing markets and banks.
I agree that some companies have made thousands over the years off of consumers and know they are whinning over their folly of mistakes that occured due to many banks coming up with get rich schemes.
After all, a big part of the housing problem was these interest only loans were people were advising people you could get rich off of refinancing taking the equity in the home investing it in the stock market and continuing to pay just the interest in your home.
@aireanna18 (1914)
• United States
25 Dec 09
What is interesting to me is that this problem has existed for so long, and the government is know just trying to fix it. On the eve of 9/11, the country was on the brink of a recession. It was only the war on terrorism and investments by the government in Homeland security that bolstered the economy enough to keep it from coming to a crashing halt. Okay President Bush tried to help the problem by infusing cash flow through tax rebates into the economy; however, the problem was that most people paid-off bills rather than spending the money, so the initiative really did not help much.
My point is that the government and economists knew what was happening for so long, and they have yet to come up with a plan to solve the problem. The biggest issue is that we keep trying to fix things in the short-run. It is like trying to put a bandage on a wound that gushing blood. It holds for a moment until the pressure of the blood is too much for the bandage and it just comes right off. This is what keeps happening in the economy. Finally, we have President Obama who understands that we have to find permanent solutions for the long-term. The problem is it takes these long-term solutions more time to resolve the problem; although, there is at least some hope that there will be light at the end of the tunnel of all of these problems.
@crysapril (25)
• Philippines
11 Jun 11
i agree with that. my Parents worries where they will get money to send us for our allowance and other expenses weekly especially we study far from home. i have 3 brothers (2Iin college, 1 high school and i'm a fresh graduate so i still depend on them for my everyday expenses.). she wishes that i could have my licensed soon and have a work to help them.
@jpso138 (7851)
• Philippines
22 Jun 11
I understand the situation crysapril. When I was still a student, I was in the same situation such as you. But somehow, we made it through. Life is not all hardships, but from my point of view, you have to work, work, work and do some sacrifice to succeed. There is no easy route for such. But for as long as you have the determination and the will to succeed, then you will surely make it.. Best to you always and I wish you great success in life!
@mayex28 (7)
• Philippines
29 Sep 11
I agree sir...sometimes I'm wondering how life could be when all people suffer from all of this. I've seen a lot of people suffering from hardships and even my own self. I might is not fare. Yet, I'm still thankful because God doesn't give me problems that he knows I cannot handle. And I know through those obstacles I've been through, made me realized how lucky I am because till now I'm standing with head up and say to my self, I'm strong enough to fight for my own good. ;)