Should those who have more children than they can afford be helped?
By vanny
@vandana7 (101558)
August 13, 2009 4:54am CST
Hi everybody, I wanted to know how many of u all ever felt resentment helping a family that has more children than they can afford. I have known of a gambler and a drunkard's family, each with four children. The ladies were always asking help from friends and relatives, instead of working, or at least being responsible about having children. One of them was asked why she had so many, she said her husband wanted a daughter! Could she not have adopted one after the first child? If she cant love another woman's child, how can she expect somebody else to spare something for her child at the expense of some pleasure of their own children. I dont know if my thinking is wrong, but I do feel that she was selfish in having so many children. What is ur call on this?
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16 responses
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
13 Aug 09
Usually I do not resent helping someone as when I help it is without conditions. I am with you on what she should have done instead of having so many children, and being dependent on others for something she could have done herself. But then it is a done deed, and cannot be undone. So I would still help her in a way that would benefit the children. Gifting of clothes, books or medicine and such. Though somewhat inconvenient, it would teach my children the value of help.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Dont u think if help is given, it will set a bad precedent for others and even next generation? And the kind of help u have mentioned is not objectionable. Expectations are much higher. Like adopt my daughter, or take over the responsibility of the elder one. Relatives feel at liberty to think like that.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Oftentimes, relatives use devious means to pull out monies. Like approaching some family elder, or other respected member of society. U said that limits would be known to the hand which gives. When it comes to such social pressures, the limits are trespassed. People dont understand u need to save for ur own children's education, as they think the relative's need for food today is more important. Mind u they themselves wont shell down a penny but have no compunction in asking such help be rendered. Not everybody finds it easy to ask. When the money is indeed required for children's education, there will be compromises, which would not have been necessitated in the first place. I often think relatives receive help because of these social compulsions, and not out of love. At times it may just be because we ourselves are scared that some day we might need the help of that relative. I wish it was more out of genuine love and concern, rather than all such things.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
13 Aug 09
Yes it may raise expectations. Only the very pushy or desperate would start demanding. But the hand that gives also knows the limit. So as long as things are under control, I would still do it.

@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
13 Aug 09
I agree with you. There are so many people in this world that have children for all of the wrong reasons. This is not only selfish it is downright ignorant. I'm not saying if someone has one child and can't afford it they are bad. I'm saying if they continue to have child after child and yet they spend their money on the things they don't need they should never have had the kids to begin with. It's unfair to these children that have to grow up in these homes. They don't ask to be brought into this world and they surely don't ask for all the problems that go along with irresponsible parenting.

@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Thank you for the best response. Really appreciate it.
The sad thing about these situations is there are many people out there who would love these unwanted or unneeded children if the parents would be unselfish for a moment and give them up for adoption.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
We cant do much, can we? Except enlighten such parents, at the risk of being termed mad, selfish, and what nots. :( I liked the way u put it. All points so briefly, and with focus on children, which is what it is all about though the question does not mention it. U deserved the best comment. :-)
@uath13 (8192)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Personally with the way humans are overpopulating the world right now I'm beginning to think every couple should be limited to one child. One would be far easier to afford & the surplus population would begin to dwindle back down to numbers that the earth might be able to actually sustain.

@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Hello maximax8, I agree with u. I stand corrected in so far as divorced ladies are concerned. And also those who get twins, and triplets and so on. It is difficult to think of a solution. One solution is what I came up in the discussion with I_LUV_U. I must admit it came to my mind after reading ur views. Please let me know what u think of it.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
So far this is the best response. I think there should be a law, one woman one child. This law should be there for about 25 to 30 years, or may be 40 years, till the world has adequate land remaining for growing food, and living, to pass a new rule, one woman two children. :-) At present, the way we are going, we might have to wage wars for food supplies.

@maximax8 (31044)
• United Kingdom
13 Aug 09
Sometimes a married lady gets pregnant without intending to. She has a fifth baby and finds it difficult to manage financially. It is kind of people to help support her in her times of difficulty. Often a lady has three sons and wanted a son and a daughter in the first place. She will carry on trying until she gets a little girl. Sadly it is challenging to adopt a baby or child in my home country.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Hi Maximax8, U have enlightened me. I thought most people dont adopt because they are not capable of loving another woman's child. In the case u r referring, it is genuine helplessness as it is law that is stopping u. I apologize if I have caused any pain. As to intention or lack of it for getting pregnant, I beg to differ. I think we get thrown out of jobs if we make a blunder that costs company a big loss. I think that level of responsibility should also be there in home sphere. After all, a child needs food, clothing, shelter, medicine, and education. And all these are expensive. And this has to be given for almost 15 years, it is as good as retirement planning. Would u be able to spare monies for elderly folks who do not have enough for their old age? Then why the laxity here?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Hello Maximax8, I would love to have a friend like u. Every word u write makes me feel that u r a good soul. Thank u for responding to this discussion. U have indeed given me something to think about and revise the beliefs I have held so far. May be there is a way that doesnt hurt either the giver, or taker. We just have to find it. :-)
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
13 Aug 09
Hi vandana I agree that a couple should decide on the size
of their family depending on their income. its unfair to the
kids and to the taxpayers who have to help those with too
large families that have to have welfare support. better
to be able to provide for one or two kids and be able
to do it yourself than to have six and have to go on welfare
to just barely feed them and clothe them.With the economy the
way it is now I would think that restricting the size of families
'for newly weds would help them to be self sufficient. it is not
fair to have more kids than you know you could possibly
care for then expect other people to assist you.

@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Ok Hatley that is true but what about the people who the economy has whittled away their savings and then they lose a job? Is it wrong to help them until they get a new job? (not indefinitely of coarse) Many people in our area first had not received raises in years (we have not seen raises in over 3 years ourselves not even cost of living)then lost hours, then their jobs. Many of these people have had to dip continuously into their savings while trying to tread the proverbial water. When these folks lose their jobs it is most of the time devastating. Many have been on job searches for months (though most of our friends took low earning jobs until they can find what they need) and savings are gone, is it wrong to help these folks? i just am curious where the lines are since nothing is black and white.

@coolcoder (2018)
• United States
13 Aug 09
If the children are in a stable, loving home with a mother and a father and are being provided for, then by all means, have as many children you'd like. However, if you're another Nadya Suleman (aka "Octomom"), then I firmly believe that Child Protective Services should take your children away and place them in foster homes because there is no way that they're going to get the love and attention that they're going to need. The world's been in worse situations before; parents might have to sacrifice some of their own comforts to provide for their children, but it can be done.
@OpinionatedLady (5965)
• United States
13 Aug 09
Octomom is a joke when it comes to the aid given. Fertility treatments should not be given to people who are living off the government period.
@I_LUV_U (2519)
• India
13 Aug 09
Exactly, they are selfish. Never help them. Everyone that have so many kids despite knowing the spate of population in India are all nothing but selfish. Look what's happening in India, how miserably people are suffering the consequences of over population. We have already become the densest nation on the planet and soon will knock over china for the most populated spot as well. Unemployment, poverty, illiteracy, lack of personal hygiene, epidemics, insecurity, violence - population is at the root of every social evil, every misery. I'm too disgusted to say more. Sorry, I went a bit overboard, just had to get this off the chest.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
Hello I_LUV_U. :-) The response is what I expected from a young person like u. :-) But can u come up with slightly humanistic approach, keeping in mind that they are selfish, and if I might add careless, irresponsible, and what nots. :-) We are seeking a solution here. For example, each family has a safety net to which every member contributes initially, and it is managed with consent of every head of the family - democratically. Only part of the returns from it are used to help any family member who is in a mess, and there are ceilings upto which such funds will be available. Rest of the funds are ploughed back. Just like some trust or insurance. And once the person who took this help comes to a decent position, he or she repays the debt with some agreed amount of interest to the trust. This is just an example. I was looking at solutions of this sort. Since there will be ceilings built in, such irresponsibility would automatically be curtailed by the stipulations as everybody would want to be eligible for it. Thanks anyways. If it makes u feel any better, I felt that way when I was young. But doing that is not a solution, is it? :-)
@srganesh (6339)
• India
13 Aug 09
If we are the close relative or friend of that family,we can help them once in a while at a hard time.But we can't be more generous to give them a helping hand through out their life.After all,we too have our own family and we have to look after ourselves.So,the best thing is to find some way for that lady to earn a good job so that she can manage her family.Cheers!
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
If the lady was willing to work, she wouldnt be bringing that many children in the world in the first place. Generally, it is laziness to take precautions. Thanks anyway, for admitting that it is difficult to plan for another family and indirectly admitting that the lady should take up responsibility, at least by working. People generally tend to pity a woman who cries, especially when she is crying for her children. They dont question why on earth she had one if she couldnt feed the child. Not very motherly thought, isn't it?
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
13 Aug 09
i think that in this day and age it is irresponsible in this day and age to have more than one child, fair enough okay more than 2. the planet just simply does not have the resources to cater for more people. furthermore if you are going to have many children then you should be fully prepared to care for them without help from the state. the tax payers dollars can be used on better things than caring for those who are being irresponsible because they think that they can just keep birthing babies because they can get money out it. it is simply not fair to the rest of the population.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
15 Aug 09
Yes, I too feel the same way. Soon there will be no land to grow food. And we are not yet sure how our rains and hurricanes work, how can we study it on other planets. I also feel that more children means more felling of trees, and more felling of trees means more green house effect, what are we really leaving the next generation with...
@kawalsukhi (641)
• India
13 Aug 09
yes vandaa you are right. People just take it as funny that they particularly need a boy or girl.My uncle's son is having 5 childrens and first 3 are girls and then a boy and the a girl. They want a baby boy. If they got it why for sake of just enjoy....the fifth one ???? why anyone take care of anyone's child??? are you agree with my points...thanks a lot for taking such an interesting topic.
@suchi60 (912)
• India
13 Aug 09
I totally agree with you that the people belonging to the poorer section of society tend to spend much of their time in love-making irrespective of the fact that it could lead to preganancy and childbirth. This talk of wanting a boy or girl is an excuse to escape the public dissent, and they should never be given alms in any form.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
It is not only poorer section of society. :( Even those in higher brackets are doing it without any care for tommorow. I once heard a most funny reason. The population of other religion is increasing so let us also increase ours. When food will not be there sufficiently, I suppose they will be fighting over it. Unfortunately, it is the kids who suffer, and others be they relatives and friends, are forced to forego some of their pleasures for such irresponsibility. I would under normal circumstances suggest that such irresponsible parents should be looked down upon. However, it would again be the child who would be ridiculed.
@kathorxe (43)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
Parents should consider the future of their children. If they know enough that they can`t raise more than 2 children why make it 3? And if they got lots and too late for family planning, I guess they better work harder than the usual. Asking for help once in awhile would be acceptable but making it a habit is quite unacceptable.
@hmfryklund (389)
• United States
14 Aug 09
To be honest, I know quite a few people like this, and it secretly makes me just sick to my stomach that they are mooching off of everyone else, including everyone around them (taxes) because they want to have a million kids and not take birth control and end up not being able to support their family. Im not saying every family is like this, but many that I know are, and they take every advantage that they can. They choose not to work because they admit they are lazy, they are provided free food and housing, and even get a HUGE check at tax season.
What is wrong with this picture?? lol here I am, a fulltime working mother and has a fulltime working husband and we live in a small trailerhome with two daughters and we can barely afford anything at all, and we recieve absolutely no help what so ever. *sigh*... What has our world come to?
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
15 Aug 09
Is it so difficult for politicians to crunch numbers and realize that the people who will be hurt most are those who are struggling to make two ends meet. The rich dont even have to cut down on their additional set of clothes, and the poor is anyway being fed by the government. The hardworking person struggles and struggles, and struggles, as if he or she is the slave of the nation. I agree with u this is thoroughly objectionable. Given as a loan on lesser interest rate for a short while is acceptable. Long term assistance for having children is not acceptable.
@dbabcook (388)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I do have big issues with people who continually have children and cannot support the ones that they already have. Ie do not believe that the government should assist them after a certain time. I have known woman who, knowing that they are about to lose all assistance will intentionally get pregnant just to ensure that they get to continue receiving all of the freebies that the state offers them.....Wrong Wrong Wrong. I believe that there should be limits, for example after the 2nd child you should be required to stand on your own 2 feet. Or they should impose some sort of classes and stuff that would have to be taken in order to get or continue to get any assistance from the state. I could go on and on with this situation so I should stop now while I'm ahead.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
15 Aug 09
Yes. Then why dont u all raise a voice on this. U do that and may be we Indians will copy that. Right now, we just believe in aping western humanistic policies, which I am afraid are not that human as they rob hard working people, and deny the person really entitled to assistance. And India does need to see some stricter policies across seas, otherwise Indian politicians will do nothing about it. And it is a time bomb in a way which will hurt not only Indians but rest of the people on the globe. China has taken stern measures, when will Indians do.
@vandana7 (101558)
• India
13 Aug 09
I agree, provided it is both ways. In general, however, if the relative who is slightly better off, refuses to help or has some luxury, he/she gets branded as selfish, because the poorer relative approaches everybody in town, especially some rivals of the better off relatives, and has interesting stories to tell for receiving some financial help. It is a kind of social blackmail. I think nobody should question how much help is given, and why only this much. In fact, I think in these days of population explosion, governments should have a criteria for having each child so that later on the burden is not on government or the relatives.
@mariechrislynong (25)
• Philippines
13 Aug 09
These people will never learn if we continue helping them financially. What we need to do for people like these is educate them agout family planning. They should be responsible with their actions. They are not children anymore, so they should already know that life is not that easy. They should start family planning.