What 's your ideal life?

@kariter (138)
August 13, 2009 7:24pm CST
First, my family and I must be healthy. Second, I'd like enough money and I can buy anything I want. Third, I'd like a job I like. Forth, I need a lot of friends. Fifth, I'd like more children. What's your ideal life?
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8 responses
@sissi320 (328)
• China
14 Aug 09
My ideal life is happy without any pain, so that includes health without any illness, no economy worries and live with my love guys.
@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
That's good! Wish you have a good life!
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14 Aug 09
That I have hope and the strength to pull through anything. With these items, I'll be able to get better during times of sickness, or even extreme poverty... with hope and strength that's all I need to survive.
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@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
Health is the most important in our life! Thanks for your response!
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• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
The number one is health and next goes for wealth followed by happiness for the fourth is family making the fifth friends to be the sixth networks forming the seventh global charity achievement. The complete set of seven in my life I can leave this world peacefully and enjoy in the next life.
@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
Good idea! Your dream will come true!
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
23 Sep 09
Well, I would actually like to have some more money because right now I don't really have that much money to use for almost everything. I barely have enough food to eat, and the bills just keep piling on and on. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
14 Aug 09
Only one: happiness. Happy because of various factors, such as: rare illness / always healthy, many friends, have a prosperous and harmonious family, have sufficient knowledge, experience more, not poor, help others, and more.
@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
Good answer! Wish you happy all your life!
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@hsofyan (3446)
• Jakarta, Indonesia
14 Aug 09
Thanks Kariter. Nice to meet you...and happy mylotting...
@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
Hi,Nice to meet you, too!
1 person likes this
• United States
14 Aug 09
my ideal life? First, I live happy with my wife.second,people around me are healthy. third,nothing to worry about.Fourth,have a good job. now no one I can achieve.but it maybe come true when I am old.
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@kariter (138)
• China
14 Aug 09
It will come true! Thanks for your response!
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@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 09
My ideal life is have a house and enough money
• China
8 Sep 09
My ideal life is to earn enough money to pay for the debt. I can't hope to see my parents avioding the debt out of the family.