Is it okay not to choose a best response?

United States
August 13, 2009 10:52pm CST
When I start discussions, it is okay not to choose a best response? I usually get more than one good answer. What do you think?
2 people like this
4 responses
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
Yes, it's ok. as long as you haven't found the best answer or companionable response related to your discussion, it's ok not to select one yet. if you select one now you regret it later for seeing another discussion better than you the one you seleted.
• United States
14 Aug 09
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
I agree with LetranKnight. It is okay if we think we want to have most comments to come to your discussions. Hence better not to give best response in very beginning. From time to time we still receive comments from other Mylotters. Hence what I normally do is wait for few weeks later only summit for the best response.
@busky5 (3164)
• Thailand
14 Aug 09
How to select the best response.I can't do that.I think you may think positive about responses.For me i saw more than one are the best responses alike you.I think it is ok to do those.
• United States
14 Aug 09
Yea, like this discussion too. There are a lot of good responses so I can't choose. I would give positive ratings though
@rberon1985 (5359)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
That would be fine. Actually it is really hard to decide in giving best response, but with me, I always give. I try to weigh the answer of everyone. If I find it more useful and more meaningful to me, i give the best response to him / her. Giving best response will help you to get more responses on your next discussion.Members will that this user always gives best response, let me respond to his / her discussion. I might be chosen.
• United States
14 Aug 09
I guess. I have given out a few on discussions where there's a great answer. I haven't thought about going to their discussions and getting a best response. Would be nice though
@aiwener (37)
• China
14 Aug 09
I'm not often to choose best response,but i often rate positive button on which answers i like.
• United States
14 Aug 09
Ah, that's a great idea also. Thanks