Facebook Or No Facebook?

United States
August 13, 2009 11:44pm CST
I am an insane lover and user of the social network, Facebook. I am able to talk to all the alumni of my class, see and post photos of myself and friends and family, play hundreds of fun games and activities, and keep in close contact with my friends and family that live far away! I know that many people believe that Facebook is wrong in ways such as Myspace, with kids posting adult-rated photographs, and writing obscene things as well. But, I believe Facebook is a great way to interact with those you love and miss. What are your opinions on Facebook? Is it a no-go or a yes-go?
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24 responses
14 Aug 09
I enjoy using Facebook, the user-interface is very friendly and it's easy to communicate with your peers and friends. The surveys and applications keep you entertained, and that is what makes people addicted to the site. I'm more on a Myspace person, however. The reason for it is on Facebook, your profile design is static and the same as everyone else. On Myspace, you can change your profile design to your liking, and able to express individuality.
• United States
14 Aug 09
I definitely agree with you to an extent with the differences of myspace and facebook. I used to prefer myspace over facebook because you can be stylish and REALLY show your personality through your profile. The one thing that I absolutely hated more than anything was that I would try to view one of my friends' profiles and I swear I had to wait at least 10 minutes for it to load! Because of the animated background, the insane amount of graphics and photos uploaded, and all of the content written on the page. That is something I don't miss-- the slowness! lol
@mama_bear (1118)
• Canada
14 Aug 09
that is exactly why i love myspace, it is a truer reprsentation of my, page design and all! the upside with faceboook is blasts from the past are able to find me
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
Facebook is the most user-friendly social network site for me. What I like most about it is that I can directly communicate with my friends and check each others updates. And I also enjoy their applications and games.
@abenitez (501)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I personally like Facebook. It is a great way to keep up with friends, especially the ones that live far away.
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@neildc (17238)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
14 Aug 09
When I first heard of Facebook, I said I will not join it for I have Friendster for a long time. It's all the same banana. But when I tried it about 4 months ago, I found it more than Friendster. Though I have already friends at Friendster that were long lost friends, I also invited some and some of them already have account at Facebook. I love the gmes which Friendster has none. But after 3 months, I found out that I am wasting more time socializing at Facebook. So I found my way back to my home, my beloved myLot. I seldom check my accounts now with Facebook and Friendster. I need some extra income these days. Life's getting worse without it.
• United States
24 Aug 09
Yeah, I know many people, especially people that I am related to and never see, that got Facebook just because a few people in our family had it, and it made it easier to contact one another. That's my biggest reason for having it, just being able to stay in contact with everyone. I dont use the interactions and stuff too much, unless I have time and actually want to lol, which I havent been lately. Ive just checked my facebook and then I come right here :D
@jshekhar (1562)
• India
14 Aug 09
Hello friend, I was not a member of facebook until two months back and even after I became a member, I liked to use orkut more. However, recently I've explored the various applications facebook has and it is really great.I am less into orkut now and spend most of my online time on facebook itself. Talk about addiction!
• United States
14 Aug 09
I have never heard of orkut, is that basically the same thing as Facebook, a social network for friends and stuff??? Yes I know, the many different applications on Facebook are insane and addicting for sure! I swear, many of my friends go on at least once a day just so they can send "drinks" to all their friends lol, it's funny. It's fun though!
• United States
14 Aug 09
jshekhar..addition.. I have also have gotten addicted to several differnt sites. Mylot is one that I'm addicted to. I know that I am here to make money but these discussion so informative,cute,funny, crazy at times. Oh well, I like my addiction and it sounds like you like yours too. Keep smiling, no one knows what your up to next.
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
I am a no-go for facebook. Because i think i can't handle my other accounts like the one that i have in friendster. I know i can open it simultaneously but i prefer to focus on only one social network *first come, first serve basis* I will inform you if i changed my mind though. Don't get me wrong, a lot of my friends and siblings have their accounts too and sometimes i play their games there like Farmville and Pet Society. I always enjoy those games but not really into joining the network. My judgments are pretty unusual for a 20 year old.
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
Thanks for understanding friend. I thought i was weird by not joining facebook since it's the latest trend. I do not have any accounts on myspace too. I guess one network would be enough for me. Hope you accept my FR. Good day.
• United States
14 Aug 09
Hey everyone is definitely entitled to their own opinion!!! lol of course, this IS a discussion board lol! I know what you mean, I know plenty of people that started out using Myspace as their social network with their friends and they didn't want to use facebook because myspace was where they had established finding all their friends and what not, totally understandable! It sucks having to get used to a new social networking website lol, but I prefer facebook to myspace anyday lol.
@sehlers (163)
• United States
24 Aug 09
I really like Facebook, even though the games there can be quite a time sucker. I recently had a reunion with a group of folks I had seen in about 25 years. We all had run into each other on FB and the one who lives way out of state decided to come back for a visit, so we all got together and had a wonderful time. That would not have been possible without Facebook. I've also made some wonderful new friends there and have also found a job through networking on Facebook. I haven't noticed so much adult content on Facebook. I don't use Myspace, so I can't compare the difference. What I do know is that any issues I've seen have been dealt with quickly. Also, the couple of very young people I know on there have a bunch of their moms' friends and friends and we watch out for them and monitor their profiles.
@cher913 (25781)
• Canada
14 Aug 09
i like going on facebook and have a whole lot of friends and family members on there. i maybe check it every day or every few days. for me its a good way to keep in touch with people i dont get to see that often.
@carrine (2743)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
hahahhaa! at first i was lost in Facebook, and i told myself no to this network ever. LOL but right now im really having fun with Facebook, sending stuff to my friends, its cool and cute really.. i love Facebook now.
@jules67 (2788)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
I have a Facebook account , though I must say that I am not an active member. I do log in only when I get a message from friends or relatives of mine. I do look at the pictures and videos of relatives who have posted new things so as to keep me updated. Other than that, I do nothing else with the site. But honestly, I would still want to keep my account.
@vingyan06 (2486)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
I love Facebook! It is indeed a very good social networking site. I keep in touch with many old friends and family at Facebook. I enjoy playing some games at Facebook such as poker and pet society.
• India
15 Aug 09
Yeah of course facebook is a good way to interact. But it's good only as long as it's clean. I don't see why people blame websites like facebook when kids watch adult stuff. They can even have adult rated pictures in their science texts or math notes. You can't simply make a child go good by banning facebook on him! Facebook is a good social networking website and it may even help in the personal development of the kid. Happy mylotting!
@dbabcook (388)
• United States
15 Aug 09
I myself am a bigger fan of Facebook than I am MySpace. I saw more negative material on MySpace and rarely see it on Facebook. Ok and I'm a big kid (42) who absolutely loves Farm Town and the other games on there such as Cube Crash. I have even signed my daughter up with a Facebook so that she can stay in touch with her friends and family as I do.
• United States
14 Aug 09
I love facebook, I'm pretty sure I couldn't live without it because I use it to stay connected to all my friends over the summer. Facebook gets a bad rap from people who haven't even used it and its pretty ridiculous if you ask me.
14 Aug 09
I think facebook is awesome it keeps me up to date on what my friends and family are doing and let them know what is going on in my life. I enjoy looking at everyones pix and competing in games. It is something that I check in on several times a day. I am still kinda new to it and still learning but, I would recommend it to all of my friends.
@indahfth (11161)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 09
I also like you. I use facebook to find out all the alumni news of my classes, and view their latest photos. besides, I also use facebook to exchange news with relatives who live far away.
@xnekox (97)
• Australia
14 Aug 09
Facebook is a yes-go for me XD but then thats because i am biased coz i am addicted to the games such as mousehunt, pet society, etc etc. But yeah, i definitely think that Facebook brought a new type of connection to people. Like i found friends that i haven't seen for like 10 years into my account. Its quite amazing! And theres also incidents where i find out that a friend of mine knows another friend of mine, like in situations where you would never have guessed they were friends! But yes, i think its a cool way of interacting ... though it can be bad sometimes ... lol
@indyoke (79)
• Indonesia
14 Aug 09
Recently i'm intensive in using facebook. Maybe many controversion or pro and contra about facebook existing. But as personal i think many benefit we can get from facebook. As social networking facebook has did great job cause many people in every country and region can connect and communicate by direct, chating, sharing photos, and know each other through comment and wall status. Every technology has two side effect positive and negative, depend on the people who use it. I think yes-go for Facebook.
14 Aug 09
In the begining i thought it was fun to be on facebook, but now i just think it's boring.:(
• United States
14 Aug 09
Its a Yes-Go! I love, love, love Facebook. I have been a user with this website for over 7 years. Its just about the only way I've been able to keep in contact with old classmates. I have a lot of family on the site and its a great way for us to share pictures and keep in contact. One of the great things Facebook has done is not add all the colors and personal changes like Myspace. All the profiles are kept clean and neat.
• India
14 Aug 09
I'll Say a big NO! It'll be very interesting at first but later you'll get bored!! Just like a Gadgets!