Girl eating herself to death - we can be the next
By g_vickie84
@g_vickie84 (576)
August 14, 2009 4:51am CST
A little 5 years old girl of Indian origion is eating herself to death. She currently is in London. She normally eats about 10 kilograms of rice, 24 eggs, six litres of milk and 5 kgs of potatoes in a week. At such a small age she is so obese that she can not walk properly and she has severe respiratory problems. Her parents are worried about there daughter's disease. She even goes to the neighbours asking for food.
She seems to have some harmonal imbalance due to which she is eating too much.
In today's world obesity is increasing because people keep on sitting in front of their computers, TV's eating chips and all. The outdoor activity has reduced. In this girl's case it is not her mistake but in our case we are delibrately destroying our healths.
How many of you feel that obesity is becoming a big problem in today's world? How can we tackle this problem?
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16 responses
@angelajoy (1825)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
I think obesity is a problem that's becoming really serious nowadays. This is because of our increasing dependence on technology that we no longer have much body activity. Our market is also flooded with delicious but unhealthy foods. The best way to cure obesity is to exercise. Dieting doesn't really help because this would just increase your appetite and then make you eat even more.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
yes dieting does not really helps in weight control. Once you return to your normal diet normally the body returns to its previous weight as well. And it is bad for health also. But the best thing that we can do is excercise. Even if we eat a bit of unhealthy food and fats regular excercise can keep our bodies fit.
@beaushell (339)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
It is a sad reality that many people have bad eating habits. And it is a fact that obesity has become a very common health problem all over the world. What we can do is not to stop informing as many people as possible beginning with the children and youth of our community. We need to create venue for experts to speak to us the truth about this problem. And we need to take heed and not ignore warning signs we hear and see all around us.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
16 Aug 09
Yes by making the people aware about the health problems will be agood idea. I think if people are aware of the problems they can get because of this obesity then they will start taking more care of their health. And this education should be started right from childhood and continued till adulthood because most of the times the adults are aware of the issues even then they do not take care of their health. So I think teaching them is more important.
@laydee (12798)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
Tsk tsk.. I don't really know if we could do anything at all. There are a lot of health promotions by sports and gym but it's really up to the parents to take control of what they do as role models for these kids.
I actually have a cousin in that same predicament. He was left with caretakers when he was younger (I don't really know the reasons of my uncle and aunt as to why they did that) only to be visited once a week but was given enough food and money.
Now, that he's older, he's depending on food for security. He can't stop eating until he pukes literally.
They don't know how to stop him and they can't bring back the years when they neglected him.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
16 Aug 09
Yes most of the times such kind of problems come becuse of the negligence of the parents. They should spend time with their kids. Only parents can take care of the children, not the caretakers.
And you are right that there are lot of health promotions but what I feel is that if we eat balanced diet and do some physical activity all these gyms are not even required. Some physical activity along with balanced diet is enough for maintaing a fit body.
@opalina143 (1240)
• Morristown, New Jersey
15 Aug 09
It is hard to imagine that her parents can't control her eating, she is only five, couldn't they just tell the neighbors not to give her food? If she can barely walk how is she getting to the neighbors to get food anyway? And why would the parents feed her so much when she is just getting fatter and fatter? Just because she is hungry doesn't mean they have to keep filling her face with food- its the parents fault.
I personally have a big problem with weight. My family is old fashioned and Italian and we love to eat, but I was able to stay within six or seven pounds of my idea weight until college. Then I was diagnosed with an illness, and went on two medications that say "this can cause weight gain" and I gained 128 pounds! Now I am 125 pounds overweight, and even though I'm off those medicines now, it has permanently changed my metabolism and I can't seem to lose the weight no matter what I do. I haven't gained anymore, but I just can't seem to lose. I know my health is bad and it makes me very depressed to be so fat and ugly. Sometimes when I look in the mirror, I want to kill myself. But obviously, I have not so far.
It's hard to be a fat person in a world that wants everybody to be thin, in addition to knowing you will not live a long time.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
yes partly it is that girl's parent's fault. I mean they are aware that she is getting fatter and fatter even then they are feeding her whatever she is asking. But one thing in this case we have to take care is that she is ill. She always have this urge to eat something. So she just eats and eats. But it is runing her health. It is not good to be fat and that too at such a small age. Hope that this girl receives the required medical attention so that she can lead life like a normal human being.
@hmfryklund (389)
• United States
15 Aug 09
WOW... No offense, but what are this child's parents doing about any of this??? I know it says that they are very concerned about her health, so they should be putting a stop to this! This girl is only 5 years old, her parents need to step in, and step in NOW! What is going to happen to this child in about 5 years? Obesity is so common, especially in the United States, mainly because of what you had said, and more such as fast food restaurants, junk food, video games, etc. And many parents let their kids do this type of stuff just to make them happy and not bug them, which is BULL!
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
16 Aug 09
Yes even her parents are very worried but that girl needs medical attention also as in her case it is because of medical illness and not only because of the eating habits. Her parents are trying there level best to get her the required medical attention but they are not able to afford the best treatment.
And you are right in saying that sometimes the parents let their kids eat anything which is bad. To keep their children happy for sometime they are runing their full life. This is not correct.
@wangjihong350 (887)
• China
15 Aug 09
My husband is also fat, I control his every day diet, insisting that his campaign every day and saw you said, I think you should take her to the hospital to see a doctor to determine accurately, I think she should be timely access to treatment, making her a more healthy life. This is a very serious problem, she should go to the hospital in a timely manner.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
16 Aug 09
It is good that you are taking care of your husband. In early stages obesity can be controlled easily but if it goes beyond certain level then it is difficult to contorl it. In that girl's case I read that the girl's parents are not that rich so they can not provide her daughter with the best treatment but they are doing whatever they can do. Hope that girl gets fine soon.
@mrbranan (1012)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I believe it is a problem and for the same reason you stated. I also think that parents have have started using the TV as a babysitter. I parent is the one who decides what is best for a child and if you feed your child that much you have to expect that they will be over weight. My youngest daughter goes to school about four blocks from our house and we walk to pick her up everyday when weather permits. It is the little things that we do every day for the health of out children that make the differents. If we act like parents and do what is best for our children and not give in every time they want something then it is our fault when they get sick.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Yes you are correct. It is small small things that we do as parents so that our children can get good habits. In this girl's case this is not her parent's mistake as this is a result of some harmonal imbalance. But in some cases this is happening due to the negligence of parent. They let their children eat too much chocolates, chips, candies etc. This results in their child gaining more weight then he should. But if the same parents will restrict their children and let them have these kind of food stuff occasionally, go with them to the parks in the evenings, play with them then their child can be much more healthy. But this all depends on how we decides to bring up our kids.
@worldwise1 (14885)
• United States
14 Aug 09
Most people who are obese, g, did not start out with that goal in mind. Often it is the result of years of poor eating habits. Hormonal or glandular problems only figure in a fraction of such cases. In the case of the little girl, I believe that her parents should bear the blame . Everyone knows that if you continue to overeat it will eventually lead to obesity and health problems. They should have sought help as soon as they realized that there was a problem. I have a little great-grandson who is famous for the amount of food he has been consuming since he was a baby. He is about to turn 4 soon, and he still eats like there's no tomorrow. Now, this child is not obese, but I have warned his mother that if she continues to allow him to eat uncontrollably like this he will most likely end up obese one day. Personally, I think that if anyone feels they have to constantly be eating there must be an underlying problem. I remember a little girl in my neighborhood when I was a young adult who ate all the time. It was a big joke to her family - until she got so fat that she clearly had difficulty just moving around normally. I don't understand why a parent would allow their child to eat so much just because they ask for food.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Yes normally parents allow their kids to eat as much as they want to. Some times if the kids are taking much more food than normal then they should try to consult some doctor or to find some way to bring their child to normal eating habbits. Otherwise after their child will grow up this will lead them into difficulty. As in your great-grandson's case as he is still young so if care is taken now then he will be ok but if he continues like this and their parents does not take care then he will become fat.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
If by reading this discussion you are encouraged to try to desrease your weight then I think this discussion has done its work. Only thing required to reduce weight is some excercise, may be 15-20 minutes, little control on the eating habits. And just try to avoid lifts if you can. You will be able to see the difference in very less time.
@neelianoscet (9615)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09
Obesity is really a problem from what i read from other articles, obesity in children when they grow up still obese. They have tendency to have coronary heart diseases and diabetes which many parents should be warn. They need to limit the food intake of their children. More focus in having a balanced meals with all the go, glow and grow food and never allow children to eat food that is beyond her ages. many complications are accompany by bad eating habits. It is necessary for parents to discipline their children to eat only food that are less in fats, carbohydrates, sugar and calories. Excessive intake could make children gain excessive weight which hard to loss if she acquired the habit of uncontrolled eating..
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Yes obesity is the main cause of all these heart diseases. One thing I can not understand is that people are well aware of the ill effects of obesity, they can see it when they just start getting obese but even then they do little do contorl it. It is their body which they are neglecting. It should be the first thing in priority for which they should take care.
@zoey7879 (3092)
• Quincy, Illinois
14 Aug 09
To be eating that much high starch food, I would say that there is some physical imbalance somewhere. When the body is in ideal condition, people don't have cravings for insanely imbalanced (high sugar, high starch, etc) or large amounts of foods.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Yes in this girl's case this is because of harmonal imbalance because of which she wants to eat this much food daily. And you are correct in good physical conditions people will not have craving for large amount of food. Hopefully this girl gets the treatment she needs and she is able to lead a normal life.
@desteny114 (886)
• United States
14 Aug 09
That is sad I can imagine my baby having to go true that when he turns 5. At the moment he is a little over his regular weight but it is just 2 or 3 pounds. The Dr. told me that it was ok because he barely started to walk so he would lose those pounds. I do like to eat junk food and there are times that I do eat when I use the computer but I do try to limit myself to eat less junk food. I was 150 pounds I am working at it and so I have lost 10 pounds and the weird thing is that I started to lose weight when I used the computer more often. At the moment I am not working but I have to take care of my kids and the house and two dogs. I don’t think that people actually gain weight because they use the computer well that is if they don’t wasted all the day just sitting there. I think that the computer has helped me lose weight because I try to finish everything fast so I can have time to use the computer before I have do other things.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Strange that computer has helped you to loose weight but if it is working for you then it is good. But you are correct computer is not responsible for obesity. Too much time in front of computer is responsible for it. But good you are taking measures to reduce your weight. Cheers.
@shantha_45 (332)
• India
14 Aug 09
Hi, You are correct in your observation.
In nowadays fast life obesity is becoming a big
health problem. Life is getting more computerised.
Even entertainment we get sitting at home.
Due to everchanging life pattern and work style
no time is left for that rare commodity called relaxation.
We dont find enough time for exercise.
If we make it a pattern of life for regular
physical exercise this problem of obesity can be minimised
if not removed completely
Happy mylotting
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
14 Aug 09
yes we are not finding enough time for exercise to keep ourselves fit. But I think just to keep ourselves fit we need only 15-20 minutes of exercise daily. We do not want to become body builders. We just need our bodies to be fit. And for that I think we do not need that much effort. But people do not seem to have this much time also for their health. Computers have given us so many things but we are paying a big cost also for those things.
@izardy (60)
• Malaysia
14 Aug 09
this can be avoided if the parents feed their child right. what i mean here, this could be done as per food pyramid, right food at right quantity. when u love ur children u r not suppose to feed them with everything they want, we actually need to control them. however, when a child is already obese and we need to reduce their weight for the sake of their own health, the best things to do is buy healthy product or what they call as food supplement and do some exercise! i'm obese and currently on a diet program and it works with this food supplement stuff !!
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
15 Aug 09
Yes love for child does not mean that you should agree to all their demands. We as parents should understand that this will create serious implications for their children if they grow fat. So for the sake of their own children they should teach them proper eating habits. This is very necessary for their overall development. If the physical health is good normally those kids are mentally intelligent too.
@webearn99 (1742)
• India
14 Aug 09
This is an unfortunate disorder which is generally linked to some mental disorders. In extreme cases a surgical solution is there. The size of the stomach is reduced by stapling, so that the subject does not have enough space to accommodate excess food. This is usually followed by counseling for the cravings. It is a long and a very traumatic process. Let us hope the baby girl recovers at the earliest.
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
14 Aug 09
Yes it is very unfortunate that this girl has got this disorder. Oh it is good to know that a cure is there. But I read that the parents of the girl are not rich so they can not afford costly treatment. Hope that girl recovers soon.
@Donna_hit (63)
• China
14 Aug 09
I am very sorry to hear about the pity little girl and her surprising amount of food she can eat one day-maybe the amount of food I can eat in one week. At last, obesity kills her, a bad result. Eating too much and no exercise can lead to serious problems, which has been a common sense already. But many people ignore it and result in healthy problems. What a pity!
@g_vickie84 (576)
• Belgium
14 Aug 09
Yes it is surprising how can she eat this much food in one week. But this is life. She got this as a disease so she can not do anything about this. But the pity is that some people, being aware that obesity is not good for them, just ignore it. This way they are doing bad for themselves only.