Are Latter Day Saints "Mormons" Christians?
By acekala
@acekala (163)
United States
8 responses
@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
14 Aug 09
the word christian comes from the word christ, anyone who belives and follows christ is therefore christian. It's like person saying "i'm not christian, i'm cathlic" which makes me want to smak this person because cathlics are christians since they follow christ too. even people who don't belong to any christian religion but belive in christ are christians.

@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
15 Aug 09
LDS are very different from the rest of the christian religions, but they do follow Jesus nontherles, I think this would make them christian by definition.
Christians although belive in satan, don't worship him, this is why they are not satanists. Although i must say that many satanists would say that they are christans in order to stay in their powerfull positions in the government, but they are not trully christian because even though they might belive christ exists they don't worship christ.
I on the other hand belive in jesus, but i don't belive in the way he was pertrayed in the bible, the only writings that could possibly be from jesus himself or from someone who was close to him are teaching a contradicting bible. I do love jesus in those scrols and i belive it's closer to the truth. he was teaching to love one another and said that love is our strongest power. he didn't really teach about god, he said that there is only one god and that god is love. this is the kind of prophet i belive since i know those scrols haven't been mutalated by people in order to make more money or make people do as they are told. Although i do belive in that jesus i don't worship him (which in this writings he said he doesn't want in the first place) there fore i'm not christian.
I have seen cathlics who think they are so darn religios and say that they are not christian. Honestly, it makes me wounder sometimes why I know more about cathlic religion then people who actually belive in it lol. this alone makes me want to smak people who say it.
@acekala (163)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I'm not questioning your Christianity but you yourself have refered to smacking people twice, Wasn't it Jesus who said turn the other cheek? I certainly agree with your contention that Jesus expects us not only to believe in him but to follow his teachings, this I think is what makes us fundamentally Christians. Jesus in addition did ask for and accept worship which is stated in Matt 8:2; 14:33 and John 20: 27-29. Based on what I have researched and heard directly from LDS members I think that they use Jesus as at best a selling point to get people into their church so they can cram their first False Prophet Joseph Smith down your throat. Thanks for the comments.
@acekala (163)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Well I think I see what your saying.However my contention is that you have to believe in the divinity of Christ to be a Christian. Polytheistic religions with false prophets are cults according to the Bible, Therefore I think the mormon religion falls into that category. To use the argument because you belive in something makes you that thing, I think is fallacious. Here's an example Christians also believe the existence of Satan but that doesn't make them satanist. Good post. TY

@youngpatrol (425)
• United States
15 Aug 09
Lacey would agree with me on this, I am sure. I have found out that with the Mormon Church they think its ok to Baptize someone Mormon that has already been Baptized. I was told that you can only be Baptized once in your life time by other churches. Its also the way that I was brought up. As far as I know it is wrong to be baptized a second time. Even in Gods eyes.

@mrakobesie (1246)
• United States
16 Aug 09
In Russian Orthodox religion it's ok to be baptised a few times. some people get baptised again because it's belived that if you have a hax then baptising with a new name will fix it. Some people would get baptised a second time with a new name because they belive that as long as noone knows the name you were baptized with last time, they will not be able to do any witchery on you. strange belive, but people actually buy it and do get baptised a second time some times.
@acekala (163)
• United States
16 Aug 09
When you are baptized that is your public profession of faith and you are acknowledging that you accept God as your savior for your sins and that it is through his grace you are saved. It is a strange belief I agree that they would give into superstition in that way. In addition I want to point out that being baptized is not a requirement for salvation only accepting Christ, However I do believe it is a great way to profess your faith publicly. I myself have been baptized as a Catholic first than Mormon than Baptist so I'm extra sin proof, just kidding. I'm glad so many people have responded to this and I really appreciate the insight from all those here that have contributed.
@laceycyoung (330)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I, think what my husband is getting at is when they tried to Baptize my first husband into the mormon church and he was Catholic. He had already been baptized and yet they were telling him it was ok to be baptized again. That was about as wrong as could be. The church had a way of blessing children who were sick so I had started going back when I had found out my daughter had a heart condition, well when they tried that stunt I left again. I have never gone back.
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@sarahruthbeth22 (43143)
• United States
18 Aug 09
As an non Christian I thought what made a Christian was their belief in Christ,period. There are so many different types of Christians and Mormons are just another type. Don't you all have Christ in common?Isn't His message that really matters?
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
14 Aug 09

@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
15 Aug 09
some even claimed that they're the ones to be saved if you don't join their group. well, catholics had that scare off method long ago, they stopped that now

@acekala (163)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Fear was a big tactic in the LDS church I don't know if it currently is now. And your right for years they preaches any other religion was an apostate one. Which according to them means were not true Christians and condemned to life outside the gate which is their doctrine for hell.
@laceycyoung (330)
• United States
14 Aug 09
I was baptized Mormon. Of course since then they have changed there name to the latter day saint's. But back then it was just the Mormon church. I never realized there was anything wrong with the church until when I was about 23 year's old, and the Bishop tried to marry me off to one of 7 men that were single. I didnt want to get married. But when they insisted that I marry one of them or they would choose for me, I quit the church and never went back again. They are pretty strict. The older Mormon church was different then LDS. They believe that all women had to learn how to sew, can goods, preserve anything they grew. Women were not suppose to handle men job's. Like being Doctors and stuff like that. I found myself downgraded by them since I enjoyed pitching hay on the farm, and according to the church law's that wasnt allowed.
@acekala (163)
• United States
14 Aug 09
Im glad you have found your way out and hope you are currently having a relationship with Jesus Christ from the Biblical sense. I know that currently the LDS church does not permit polygamy, which if I know my history was changed do to political and federal pressure,of confiscation of land and other church property. The thing I find most bizarre about the plural marriage situation is that the same thing they condemn Warren Jeffs for doing is the same thing that Brigham Young and Smith put forward years ago. Good coment ty.
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@acekala (163)
• United States
17 Aug 09
I think you right. Unfortunately their will always be some extremist in any religion, that take things to far. the funny thing is that I seem to remember that one of the ten commandments was to Honor your father and mother, not to disown them. Thanks for the post.
@laceycyoung (330)
• United States
16 Aug 09
They have some very strange church law's. I personally do not like there law's, there rule's and regulation's. To me when they tell someone they have to disown a part of there family because they question the book of Mormon, that is a bit extreme. I was told, I should disown my mom because she questioned some thing's in the book of Mormon. I am sorry but just because, someone in our family feel's different then we do, we shouldnt have to turn our back on them.
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@abish1987 (188)
• Philippines
21 Sep 10
I'm an LDS or what they call MOrmons. And yes we are Christians! We believe in Jesus Christ as our Savior, Redeemer, Great Mediator, Friend, Comforter etc. If you have further questions, you're free to view this site
After you learn something I exhort you to pray about it and I believe that the Holy Ghost will prompt you and give you the answers of your prayer.
@acekala (163)
• United States
21 Sep 10
Wow went from almost a year without any post on this one good way to bring me to I have reviewed the website you previously mentioned and also the literature provided by the LDS church. I'm also proud to be one of the few people who have been accepted to debate the the LDS faith on their apologetics website. If there's a specific post in this thread or any other question you have please feel free to ask it. I'am more than happy to provide references to support my position. TY
@6precious102 (4043)
• United States
17 Aug 09
If a Mormon confesses that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and has accepted Him as his Lord and Savior, I'd say he is a Christian, just misinformed in some areas.
@Fire10 (293)
• United States
7 Apr 10
Here's a pretty descriptive - and, in my opinion - quite convincing LDS perspective on the issue.
Because I can't paste the link, go to:
Paste this in the search box :"The Only True God and Jesus Christ Whom He Hath Sent"
Read the 2nd article that has Jeffrey R. Holland's name listed under the title.
I'd be interested in hearing what anybody has to say about the article :)