How do you feel about our government doing what they please without our voice.
By itsmychoice
@itsmychoice (382)
United States
August 15, 2009 4:53pm CST
What bothers you about this government? What would you change to make the government listen to us? How would you express your demands for an open government concerning their spending bills. I would really like to get the real truth about the government, but feel that people are really happy being bamboozled. I don't know, but I have questions about how I have to listen to false speaches that totally have a severe consequence with my life and others, but nobody wants to get the government mad, then they would have all kinds of damage from government coverups.
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5 responses
@N4life (851)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Our Constitution made us a representative democracy or a republic. This means once we elect our leaders, while we can lean on them they really are supposed to vote what they feel is best for our country not what the polls say the people want. Our founding fathers did this because they did not trust the people to vote orhave referendums on every issue. This is in part to protect the minority from the majority. Most people today do not have the time and or the intelectual capability to fully understand the complexities of governmental decisions. Many of our politicians fall into this same unfortunate category. I don't want the inbread, can't read but could rule the world, old man from down the street yelling at my representatives, making demands and influencing ourrpresenatives decisions. People forget America's creation was due partly to a negative reaction to democracy. We are not a democracy, and for good reason.
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@Rollo1 (16679)
• Boston, Massachusetts
16 Aug 09
If that's not an example of liberal elitism, I have never seen one. The inbred, illiterate old man from down the street? That statement gives the lie to the concept of the Democrats as the party of the average man.
When we are discussing issues like bailouts or health care reform we are not discussing understanding the mechanics of government, we are talking about the direction of the country. Certainly one does not have to be an attorney or a politician to know what direction they want the country to go in.
If representation means "do whatever you want" then there wasn't much point in fighting The War for Independence. The King and Parliament already did practically whatever they wanted and as I remember it from the few years I spent in school, the colonists felt that was it was unfair to be ruled and taxed without representation.
So, what is representation? I quote from the book "The Meaning of the Constitution" by Angela Roddey Holder:
"Elections are held every two years for all 435 members of the House of Representatives. The men who wrote the Constitution felt that a short term of office would force the representatives to remain in close touch with the people whom they represent and would ensure that at least this branch of the Congress would remain in close contact with the will of the people."
Certainly some in Washington may view themselves as superior to their constituents, but legally they are not. They simply stand in their stead, representing their interests and when they express clear opposition or support, that representative has no right to subvert the will of the people he represents and make his will supreme.
I think you might prefer a more feudal form of government with a ruling class and a peasantry.
@N4life (851)
• United States
16 Aug 09
There is a huge difference between a real debate about the issues and the idiots fueled by the fascist right wing, using classic shout down techniques to squelch any discussion. This is interfering with our representative's ability to do their jobs. Politicians are already corrupt enough, this is just another way of corrupting them more.
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@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Its, where were you when the republicans did the same thing in 2004 - 2006? I remember when I felt the same way as you did, but at that time we had president Bush who came out and said he had a "mandate" from the American people to do what ever he wanted to do. Obama hasn't come out and said that he has a "mandate", but his party does control the entire government, just like Bush's did. If you are unhappy with your government you can always do what Sean Hannity told one of his listeners; "win an election".

@thegreatdebater (7316)
• United States
16 Aug 09
its, you can still write your congresmen, or women, and most importantly, you have to vote, and get candidates that you THINK you can trust into office. You would be surprised how rewarding it is to go door to door and talk to people. I did this myself during the last election, and I have no regrets at all. I met alot of good people, and I might have made a difference. I wouldn't think twice about doing it again in 2012. I understand that people don't like Obama, but it really upsets me when people get upset over what Obama is doing, but didn't have one problem with it when Bush did the same thing.
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
The republicans didn't do anything that hasn't been done before, look at what happened before bush.....Clinton. And besides small people don't have a chance to get close enough to the White House. Only the elite that belong to the Illuminati. Most presidents were either with the elite or were movie stars. That leaves me out. I do have better ideas, but being a simple citizen, "with a legal birth certificate and some common sense" But still wont have a chance.
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@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
At least Bush showed his credentials that proved to be the real article, and not the toilet paper copy Obama put out on the internet. Why did he need an army of lawyers who by the way got payed with tax payer money, then talked to some of his buddies in the courts to seal his records. I suppose that was in the countrys best interest, to have some illegal alien come and be President? Who do you Democrats with the emphisis on RAT think you are? You all are a bunch of thiefs and fill your pockets with dirty money from your corporate America kick backs. And that is saying it in the nicest way I can. I am not as Republican as you may think. I don't approve of any polititions any more. And there are better ways to run a government with more power of the people, instead of the government telling us citizens that we don't know how to run the country.
What a bunch of morons in the congress, or maybe not, because they still control the slaves who have little money to defend their rights, by changing the original laws of the constitution, to build a new world order. And you know damn well what I say is true, and you wont open your eyes. You think you will get your way from the Democrats, but down the road they will shaft us all, as soon as we turn around and bend over.
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@PrincessThinker (234)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
First, I do not know which government are you refering to. But as for my government, what bothers me is too much politicking and corruption to the point that they don't really do their jobs on time and with efficiency.
Some political theories I have read say that there is no longer any solution to this kind of government. The only resolution as for them is to eliminate them all and start a new generation of strong and straight leaders. They will be trained and will have mindset of a strict but clean government.
But killing all people will not justify having a corrupt-free and outstanding government.That means that he or they will have no distinction from the corrupt politians already. Much more, how will a few straight leaders govern if they have no one to govern because they have already eliminated their constituents. The end will not justify the means in this scenario.
As for me, I will try me best to be law abiding inspite of rampant injustice. Because law abiders are least noticed.As long as I do what the law says, the government will not mind me or think something 'fishy' of me. This is only my personal opinion.
@saphaige (14)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
Government is like a tale a myth that never comes true. No matter how hard we try we can never have a perfect government. People would change once they reach the top because of selfish and greedy reason. We say there's a corruption but we can't do anything because as an individual we don't have proofs and if ever we have, they are still that powerful to throw it away. Best thing we can do is start with ourselves.
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Nobody said anything about perfect. What I am saying is to prove that everything can be fixed without smokescreens being put up, like Obama's birth certificate, and health plan, what about how he said he would not raise taxes to fix the problem? Well listen to the latest forum from him and you will hear from his lips that taxes have to be raised to fix all this crap he created in the first place.
We all knew that it could not be fixed without raising taxes, because they keep throwing money away to corporate welfare and the Big Pharma biz. You don't care about the direction of the country as a whole, just that your Democrat party wins their temper tantrums. Forget about which side your on and start the fix with the citizens rights. Where do you think this dumb idea of cash for clunkers is going?
First, people who turn in their older cars wont see the money until they destroy your clunker, and see if your car was elegible for the program, or your credit did not go through, then the outcome is that your car is nomore, and you don't have a new car,all because they want your old car first and you have to wait about two weeks to see if you qualify, but your car was destroyed anyway, and your out of the picture and shoved out of the picture. You people are really dumb to be so gullable. The whole thing stinks of corruption. This money could have been better spent to help pay down the debt to forigners who are just about to be the owners of the US of A.
@madugulagopi (1093)
• India
16 Aug 09
hiii friend i think that problem is not only of your country but that problem is with every country with elected representatives.They dont seem to care about what people has to say and what their needs are their main concern hoe to protect their chair and how to win again in the next election. They want to carry out their whims without knowing the outcomes.Its very sad to see yhe democratic governments go in such a way...
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I agree about it not only an American problem but it is of the whole world, because of the fack that money is the fuel to start the fires of deceit and destroy all human rights with the hidden agenda being anything they can make a buck on. Even when a vote is taken as in Iran, the votes were not counted. This is something that will come around 360 degrees and bite them in the A##. But meanwhile someone will suffer through all the misdeeds of that government.
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
My misspellings are just a ruse. If you start about the spelling, then you are just making excuses to go around in circles, and not paying attention to the post, which is the important thing, not your drivel. Just another politician puppet in the rough thats your place in life, just pimping out the public to your ideals and hope you will catch more victims in your vile government wasteland. Go back and see other posts and replays of mine proving what I say is the truth. And I wont rely on any news agency to tell the truth, because they are part of your problem, in which you base your observations, not the truth.
@itsmychoice (382)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Sorry, these posts are replyts to the great###****, not towards any other.