My Husband is a THIEF
By charblaize
@charblaize (1026)
United States
August 15, 2009 9:05pm CST
This is like the fourth camera I have had that got stolen!!! He is the only one that I know would come into the house and take it for something he doesn't need. I don't even have him living at the house anymore, then I went to my cousin's baby's funeral. Then tonight I cleaned my desk and living room and NO CAMERA.
He has took my Dale Earnhardt JR jacket, other camera's, T-shirts/Sweater and who knows what else that I haven't found yet. I know I am getting very disgusted and this stuff is getting expensive and pathetic. It's terrible that I am looking for getting a lock box but who knows if he would TRY and get into it or steal the whole thing!!!
arggh, very disgusted and angry right now.
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25 responses
@rosepedal64 (4188)
• United States
16 Aug 09

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@jellymonty (2352)
16 Aug 09
Bloody hell!! Girl divorce his a$$ and make sure he pays twice the amount the camera costs. Unbelievable...
you would think your husband should be there for you but his there to get you.. how ridiculous..
So sorry you're going through this hun. You deserve so much better..

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@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I am ready for one, it just costs too much. He don't work and he don't care about anything but himself and what he wants. I will never get money out of him, thats for sure.
thank you.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
16 Aug 09
change the locks..big time.if starts breaking in,call the cops on him.
if he doesn't need them,he's probably doing it to make you mad.
chances are he would take the whole box..but if you own where you live,drill holes in the bottom and bolt it to the floor.there's no way he could quietly remove that.
@scarlet_woman (23463)
• United States
16 Aug 09
ok,i read the other rent.
um..ask the landlord if he'll change the lock-or offer to pay for it,they usually allow that if they get a key.
i would get a portable mini-safe instead,and chain it to something in the house if you can.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
i have a little lock box in my van and i always have my keys and will start putting my things in there that are of any value. I am just surprised he hasn't taken any of my ringss yet......
@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Have you called the police and told them your suspicions? That is breaking and entering and petty theft at the least, not to mention tresspassing. How does he get in? Secure your house or apartment, change the locks, add window locks, etc. Get an order of protection so you'll have a legal leg to stand on if he begins harassing you in other ways and that will also increase the penalty of the charges of B&E, etc.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
since were still married he has access unless I put a restraining order on him and that just costs more money out of my pocket and don't think that would keep him away anyhow, plus if i do that then I might not be able to go and pick up my son when he is at grandma's since dad stays there. It is complex but hope I can get it figured out shortly/soon......
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@dragon54u (31634)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Report it next time you are robbed! It will lay some very useful legal tracks for divorce proceedings if you choose to do that. The more the court can see that he takes advantage of you, the more liberal they will be in giving you child support or limiting his visits if you want to go that route.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
good thing about a small town, they all know him and how he is. thank you for the insight.
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
Hello charblaize,
Can't you change the door locks so he can't come into you house?or are you still living together?
This so upsetting,if he keeps stealing your things,then,maybe he can even stealy your money whenever you got cash keep in your house.
I don't think it's safe living with someone like him...can you have any safer place to live in my friend,and move all your things too.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
He has stolen my money, money off my debit card and food stamp card. Now I just keep all money on a card and change pin numbers. He don't them anymore and NEVER gets my food stamp card.
He is staying at his mothers and the house is mine (rental).
@jaiho2009 (39140)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
hello again friend,
But i guess you can report him to the police.You can have at least make a complaint since you two are not living together.
@nijolechu (1842)
• Canada
17 Aug 09
That sounds really awful. I don't know if he is angry at you or what. I hope you report him to the police and get your possessions back. Could you put them in a storage locker or at a Friend's house for safekeeping?
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
i am definetly working on that now, finding where i can put them and get things away from where he may look and may not look. have a lock box in my van and thinking about putting it there for he never has my keys or i can even take the one key off and keep it in my pocket. thank you.
@tammytwo (4298)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Are you legally separated? Maybe you should file a police report or restraining order.
I would be very upset as well if someone were coming into my home and taking my things. Taking legal action may be your only defense against this. It may not be the way you want to go but may become necessary.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
yes, i feel it is coming down to this and it just seems so unrealistic to go that route with your own husband, but he also needs to know that i am tired of it and fed up to my eyes with all this bull......
@Celanith (2327)
• United States
16 Aug 09
First of all you leave a lot unsaid. Are you and your husband seperated? Do you still want to be married to him? Do you live in a community property state. If he is legally your husband and he has contributed to the household cost, expenses and even things you bought and you live in a community property state he might be within his legal rights to take it. Do you have a restraining order against him? If he is giving it to someone else, why? Who bought it? With what or who's money. Your angry but like I said you left a lot unsaid and so even if he took it you may or may not have legal grounds. If he is not living there why is that, did he move out or did you kick him out. Who owns the house. Does he have a key to your house? If so why not change the locks for starters and get a restraining order. Sounds like you either need a counselor or an attorney.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
You could more less say we are seperated, he has been staying at his moms for about two months now, mainly because I will not let him do his habit in my home. Its a rental and I am the one paying for everything, he does not work. I feel he is "trading" these things to support his habit. (not a good one) He does not have a key and i have not filed for a restraining order, Yet. I will be calling an attorney tomorrow to discuss a possible divorce.
@sophie_dfuss (2365)
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
I don't think that your husband is a thief. Maybe he is a kleptomaniac. Kleptomania is an obsessive impulse to steal regardless of economic need. You should talk to him and ask him why he does things like that. Maybe he doesn't want to steal it but because he has kleptomania, he is implused to do it. You need to be calm and understanding to him.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
everytime he steals; its for a habit. he likes trade it because he don't work, don't have us give him money for the need (I won't support it). I do call him clepto; as i did in another post. This has been going on for about 6-7 years and I get tired of trying to replace these things that I love and work for.
@Citychic (4067)
• United States
17 Aug 09
Hello Charblaize, that is a shame you can't even trust him with ur camara, so why don't you just get a lock on the door. The question is this is he still your husband? If so there is nothing that the police can do if he decides to come to your house and take something out. Because according to the law, everything that is acquired between a husband and a wife during marriage is considered, joint property. So you would have to get a legal divorce from him if you want to try to hold him liable for something.
So you might as well get over it and just go on and let him have it if he calls himself stealing something from you. 

@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
yea, but the other camera's and all we weren't married. i just get sick and tired of him taking "prize possessions" and things he don't buy and trade for his "habit" and i am just screwed..this has to come to end someway somehow. i am considering divorce. i mean these cameras had pictures of our son.....come on....
@marguicha (225145)
• Chile
16 Aug 09
As it seems you don´t live together anymore, I´d change locks in the entire house. It´s the least expensive thing to do. And maybe I would file a complaint somewhere so he doesn´t break into the house later.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
its a rental so I would have to check with the landlord, but like i said before he used a card to get in the last time it was locked. He would try to do anything to get in if he knows there something here he can take.
@pranavpillai93 (267)
• India
16 Aug 09
It sure does not feel good hearing about the kind of relationship you have with your husband. But I really think he should not be stealing your stuff! Maybe you should have a nice long talk with him. And one more thing I got to say is that I am amazed that you don't leave your house locked! Why how can you count on all your stuff being where it was when your house is not locked when you are not there? Anyway, my Regards!
@MizFel (89)
• Nigeria
16 Aug 09
Wow!!! please do take it easy! we don't want the house to explode. Since both of you are in a tight position the best thing to do is to change the locks or even the door itself. keep him out!! tell him that of he needs anything she should give you a call! Am also guessing he has equal rights to the house to! but i think its best you move your things to one room and his to another if that's the case. Separating your belongings would be the best thing right now so as not to get in each other's way! Hope its not too bad as it sounds! Best of luck! Pls stay safe!
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
he has no rights to the house, its a rental and I am the main one paying for everything, the only things he has still here is his clothes. he stays at his mom and dads.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
yes i did and then he got angry at me, guess for catching on to it.
@silverglint (2000)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
If your husband does not live in your house anymore then why is he still able to enter at his own will? you should have your door locks changed or at least another lock that he doesn't have a key to. You may have conjugal rights when it comes to your possessions but that is not the way to exercise it, just by taking whatever he sees inside your house.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
17 Aug 09
many people understand that, like friends and family but he is in his own mind i guess. thanks and i appreciate the thoughts.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
16 Aug 09
hi charblaize if he wasnt your husband you would report him'
to the police, so just do it,it looks like you aNd him are
headed for splitzville so turn him over to the police now
'aNd next decide when to file for divorce.he haS no right
to take your things. chaNge the lock and if he still manages'
to get in call the police again.hes a thief and thieves should
be reported,simple as that. if he was a nice man he wou ld not
sneak around stealing your things. put a stop to it now.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
thank you and I will. the cops here say since we are still legally married, he has access to the house. one day i even locked the door when I left and he got in--using his ID card.....arrghhh
@kawalnarang (1095)
• Trinidad And Tobago
16 Aug 09
I am sorry to know this,, but u call him husband,, nobody should interfere,, hope u get over this pain
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
being out all this money and not being able to have things I work and pay for is getting old. it may not be long he will be Ex.
@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09

@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
He wasn't thinking or just thinking of what he wants and think he needs. It is hard to accept that it came from him, then with him lying to me is beyond imagination. I never get the items back, especially when he went and sold our 19in TV I went and confronted the guy and he told me he bought it and wasn't giving it back. I should have got the cops then and seen what happen but I know sooner or later what comes around goes around and just waiting for that time. Let the Lord help me in this mess.
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I hope I can get through this and other stuff that is happening also. I am going to keep praying and see what the Lord has planned. (hope good)
@shivamkapila (764)
• India
16 Aug 09
Well he is your husband sit both of them and talk if still no resolution come then report to the police
@charblaize (1026)
• United States
16 Aug 09
it don't help talking to him, he just tells me he didn't do it, then a month down the road he will admit it; thinking i would forget, which i am not, that is my money i spent on the stuff and not him. i am going to go see the girl today and see what she says and if it don't get taken care of....then I am going to call the police on both.