have you experienced toothache.??

@janebeth (2032)
August 15, 2009 10:33pm CST
hi friends, i know some people experienced this situation. that's why i came up to do this topic and to ask some advice.. i saw my sister yesterday crying because of toothache, i was so touch watcing her while crying, she's just 10 years old.. i wish i can help her during those times.. what's the best way to cure tootache?? does candies and chocolates are the main reason why our teeth will be destroyed?? have you experienced also this things?? what will you do?? how many times you visit your dentist?? thanks friends and have a nice day..!!
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21 responses
@clorissa123 (4926)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I experienced a bad toothache before, it is so intolerable. It was like a pain inside of your head, which makes you sleepless, and unable to resist anything. I have to take some advil or tylenol to cease the pain for while. It was the greatest pain in the world. My suggestion, take the pain killer as soon as possible. Sometimes, ice might help ease the pain a little.
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@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
thanks for the information, i will try the ice.. have a wonderful day..!!
@lala501 (1532)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I have never tried a painkinller for a toothache. I didn't know they made any with toothache. I have tried the ice though. It seems to make the pain worse though, then it kind of numbed it up, but it still hurt. Does the advil and tylenol cease the pain completly for a while? Or does it just decrease the pain for a while?
@donzik (25)
• Nigeria
16 Aug 09
hello friends,fourtunately and unfourtunately i had experienced toothache and i must say its was terrible going through all the pain,it makes you feel the whole world is coming to an end,you hadly use that part of your toothe to eat because when you do you have food particles stucking in that tooth and gives lots of pain. after some visit to the dentist it was discovered that i had a hole in one thooth while another was broken.The dentist made some mixture which was whithe in colure but a little solid and insertesd it into the part that had a whole in it and said when dried it will fill up the hole and which would make the tooth back to normal as for the broken one it had to be removed but the process is not painfull. From my experience i understood that certain things leads to this 1 non regular brushing of your teeth 2 excessive eathing off sweet things 3 using your teeth to serve as opener for drinks 4 too much drinking of cold things avoid this and you have a healthy teeth.have a nice day...
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
thanks for the information, i will surely follow those things..! GOD bless...
@Qaeyious (2357)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Barring any rare disease, tooth decay is usually caused by food particles being left in the mouth for a long period of time. Most can be brushed away, and with a dental hygienist, ideally seen twice a year, they can get down deeper into the roots to get to places where brushing will not go. Me, I have the preliminary stages of periodontal disease, that will cause my gums to deteriorate. Now I have what they call "pockets" around my teeth where more food particles can get stuck even deeper, so they recommend cleanings four times a year, with an occasional really deep cleaning where they use local anesthesia. Wikipedia has the culprit being an acid-producing bacteria acting on sugars, but also remember, carbohydrates and starches (bread, rice, potatoes, corn, etc.) when mixed with saliva also produce sugars (the mouth is the first step in digestion, that is what it was designed for) When the tooth enamel gets eaten away to the nerve center of the tooth, you have a toothache. The only cure is to have a dentist drill the bad part of the tooth out and fill it with a filling. The only non-dentist way is to pull the tooth out, but if it is not a baby tooth (one that wasn't going to be replaced naturally anyway) there would be the issue of having the permanently missing tooth. It was a long time since I had a major toothache, but I remember brushing my teeth more gave some relief. Here in the US there are over-the-counter local anesthesia you can buy to put directly on the affected area, but it is a very temporary solution.
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@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
thanks a lot for sharing those information qauyious, i better teach my sister about that, but i think it should be remove, it's baby tooth anyways.. i know it will be replace after..!! have a nice day..!!
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 09
Hi janebeth, There is a few reason why we have this toothache. One of them are because we have a sensitive tooth. We can't consume iced things like ice-cream, cool water or something cool. And I face this problem last month. It is hard to put something to my mouth because of it. But since I used the sensitive toothpaste the problem become lesser and lesser and I din't have it now. The toothpaste brand that I used is sensodyne. Good luck.
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@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
i also heared about that toothpaste, i will try that also.. thanks for it..!!
@dorannmwin (36392)
• United States
16 Aug 09
First of all, candy and chocolate and soda will destroy your teeth. That is for sure. I've had really bad toothaches before and when I can't get to the dentist right away, I will take a baby aspirin and rest it on the tooth that is hurting me and just let it dissolve on there (regular aspirin works as well, but it tastes awful), I can't explain why but it really does make it quit huring for a while. I can also admit that I don't visit the dentist nearly as often as I should because I actually have a terrible fear of dentists after having jaw surgery when I was in my teens.
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@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
ah i c.. thanks for the response and have a nice day..
@shhheila (1845)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
ya i experienced toothaches since i was young, now that im adult, still i have toothaches for some time... what i did was dring ice cold drink and let it stay on my mouth and it really hurts my teeth! but then later it was gone... i visit the dentist to pull out my tooth that aches... thats after a week on my toothache
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@arkansos (545)
• India
17 Aug 09
Well excessive soda, like ten bottles a day will destroy your tooth. Under that you're fine. As for choclate and candies, they are harmful if they keep sticking to your teeth. The same goes for any form of food. Stick a piece of chicken in your teeth for a week and you've got yourself halloween. Rinsing the mouth after eating choclate/candy/any food is a good way to clean teeth. Brush twice a day and no matter what you eat you'll be fine. Forward these to your sister and take her to a dentist quickly. I brush once a day usually. Sometimes twice if i can manage it. I am areally busy guy you know
@neildc (17239)
• Lapu-Lapu City, Philippines
17 Aug 09
hi jane. i think everyone, sometime in our childhood, experienced toothache. if one says, he didn't, then maybe he just forget about it. i guess there are some medicines in cream form, that can easily put away toothache, you can ask the pharmacy about it. for children, the best enemy of their teeth are sweets. but to everybody, i guess it's how we care our teeth, that one experience toothache. just brush every time we finish meal.
16 Aug 09
Hi janebeth, Yes candies and chocolates are the main cause for bad teeth and she should go to see her dentist soon, she can't go on suffering, it is very painful, even the adults cannot bear the pain, give her some cloves to bit on, it will ease the pain for a while. Tamara
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
thanks a lot tamara.. waht do you mean about cloves??
16 Aug 09
Hi Janebeth, If your sister bit on a glove or just lever in her mouth on the tootth the is aching it will help, it sort of numbs the pain for a while. Tamara
• China
17 Aug 09
Hello,Janebeth,My best friend also have troulble in tooth.We've visted the doctor,the doctor asked him not to eat too sweat,hot and cold things.especially candies,chocolates and also beverages.And he must do the toothbrushing carefully.It is really painful and hard to bear if sb got trouble in tooth first is to take your sister to see the dentist as soon as possible
@EliteUser (3964)
• Australia
23 Sep 09
Hey, No I don't think I have ever experienced a tooth ache, probably because I usually brush my teeth quite well everyday. Also, I hardly ever eat any sugary things that damage my teeth too, my teeth are quite healthy. Make sure you have a good day, God bless and Happy Lotting!!
• India
16 Aug 09
well, Toothaches can pose a severe problem by giving terrible pain in the mouth. Though there is no replacement for dental work and proper dental hygiene, if your sister have developed toothache, there are various methods to treat it. One of the methods is herbal methods. You can treat your sis's toothaches without using pharmaceuticals products.
@xchyler (258)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
yes i do experienced that, it really hurts a lot.. maybe you need to bring her to the dentist for the proper thing to do..
@jen14ed (865)
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
when i was a child 8 year old i always eat lollipop or candy i always buy candy and lollipop in store then my teeth is damage because always eating sweet candy.. i experienced toothache is so hurt and hard to eat and i always in bed when i have toothache i can't eat is so hard then me and my mom go to dentist for my teeth then my toothache was totally gone now am not eating candy... happy mylottings to you
@warren06 (70)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
i have experience it a long time ago,i think it was when i was 5 or 6 years old.. i really cant explain the pain that i experienced.. so i decided to as my mother to brought me in the dentist so that my toothache will be lessen.. and thanks to my dentist for her hepl..
@janebeth (2032)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
thanks for sharing your experienced..!! have a nice day..
@lala501 (1532)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Yes I have experienced a very bad hurting toothache, that hut so bad I had to cry,like your sister. Yes junk food is the main reason for this, it makes your teeth decay and that is what causes the pain. The best way to cure a toothache is to go to the dentist, and get it pulled, if it's really rotten. Also my mother tried salt wate with me(jsut put salt in some water and swish it around in your mouth) so see if that works.
@mermaidivy (15395)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Yes, I did experience toothache like a month ago. so I ended up went to the doctor and found out my teeth gum were so dirty and in a really bad condition + two rotten holes, I got fixed and now I feel all better, need to be careful about brushiong my teeth and using flost though...
@cbjones (1147)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I haven't had a tooth ache in a long time. That's probably because I haven't had a Butterfinger in a long time. I used to eat a few of those things every week. If not that, than a few gummy worms were the sweet treat of choice. Nowadays, I don't eat much candy. I do chew a stick or two of Orbit gum on a daily basis. That's supposed to strengthen teeth though.
@prinzcy (32305)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 09
I did experienced toothache a week before and it happens from time to time. I did visited the dentist once and he said he couldn't find anything wrong. Besides, the pain was gone by the time I paid a visit to the dentist. And the same thing happen a week before. The pain gone just like that.
@mtvmtv (600)
• India
16 Aug 09
Touchwood,never.But i have heard that it's a one of the most terrible pain.While pain in the other parts of the body are comparatively less in the intensity.So, i am very careful regarding my teeth from very begining.
• China
16 Aug 09
I am sorry to know this . zhitongjiFirst,you would clean your mouth,and than go to see dentist as soon as possible .If you have anodyne in you home,you may get 1 pill . You can eat candies and chocolates,but you must brush your teeth after eatting .