Do you pay attention to the weather forecast?

@sutent (1060)
August 16, 2009 12:45am CST
Hi, These days i always catch the weather forecast on mylot homepage. Before that, i never pay attention on it. So how about you? And where do you get weather forecast? Look forward to your sharing. Happy mylotting!
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6 responses
@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 09
Hi sutent, I never believe in forecast. Especially weather forecast. Their scope of area too big to be exact. They usually just mention town or areas. And it is too big for me to look for the exact location. Some town or areas are spreading for hundreds of kilometers. It is nowhere for us to know it. So I just decide to look at the sky to predict whether it is going to be a rainy day or perfect sunny day. Happy mylotting and have a nice day.
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@akuler (3531)
• Malaysia
16 Aug 09
I think those who have indicate their state/province when registering for myLot would have that weather forecast on their mylot homepage. And I also have it on mine. It is good if the forecast is correct and it is really helpful. I don't really know if they make a correct prediction in my area since I never take a good look on it.
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@sutent (1060)
• China
16 Aug 09
Hi, yes, you are right. It do exhibit the weather forecast of the province, i had registered on mylot. Just like you, i always not care about the weather, except recent months. During recently, i care about weather just for having a good weather for playing tennis. By the way, do you like play tennis? And what sports do you like?
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@sutent (1060)
• China
16 Aug 09
Hi akuler, Predicting weather by looking at the sky is also a good choice. I always do that. But i now catch weather forecast everyday no matter if i want or not, as i exhibit on the homepage of mylot. Do it also exhibit on your homepage? As to the accuracy of weather forecast, i found that most of our local weather forecast is very accurate. Especially recently, i pay more attention on local weather forecast, as i play tennis in the outside and sunny day is necessary. And i found the weather forecast is very helpful. I always choose the forecast from local weather station to decline the inaccuracy. Have a good day! my good buddy!
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@sandymay16 (1617)
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
I only watch weather news when there's something wrong with the weather and there has been no news of a storm in the vicinity. Well most often the weather news is not reliable. I just watch during a news report or when there's a flash report. Then I check in the internet because it's more accurate and there are certain weather signs that are not reported on TV.
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@sutent (1060)
• China
17 Aug 09
Hi sandymay, I also do not care more about weather. But now i can catch weather forecast everydat when i visit mylot. I think you can also catch it on mylot homepage. Just like you, i would pay more attention on the weather forecast if i need a good day to make something available, such as playing tennis outside. Additionally, combining weather observing is necessary. Happpy mylottign!
@xtedaxcvg (3189)
• Philippines
16 Aug 09
At times I do. Especially when there's talk of an upcoming typhoon. Knowing what the weather will be in the following days helps me get prepared.
• United States
16 Aug 09
I used to. But then it seemed as though they always got it wrong. I will look outside myself the night before and decided from there these days, or just decide in the morning when I look out and go from there. I got tired of planning my day from wrong forecasts.
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@sutent (1060)
• China
16 Aug 09
Hi, It is very common that the weather forecast get it wrong. I always combine the two ways, weather forecast and reviewing the sky, when i need know the weather. But mostly, i do not care the weather. I just see weather forecast on mylot homepage. Happy mylotting!
@lelin1123 (15595)
• Puerto Rico
16 Aug 09
I watch the weather forecast alot. I go to to find out how the weather is going to be in my area and my parents area in Florida. I'm always hoping for a day of rain but I can never really get one. The most would be maybe 5 hours. When you live in a dry area. I would love a big rainstorm someday soon.
@sutent (1060)
• China
16 Aug 09
Hi, You love a big rainstorm. Hehe, in contrast, i hate rain, mostly because i live in rainy area. additionally, i always do not care the weathe forecast except recent several months. Recently, i also play tennis outside and good weather is needed. I almost see weather forecast everyday, as it was exhibitted on mylot homepage. Happy mylotting!
• India
16 Aug 09
hi there, i do pay attention to weather forecast, but our own indian weather forecasts is always wrong uk,usa,weather forecasts is givien in 1hr and they are alway perfect.