I have dream go to America

August 16, 2009 1:10am CST
I have dream go to America, I think America is good contry, If I see america in televition I am very happy, When I go to ameririca,maeby This only dream.
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7 responses
@PeacefulWmn9 (10420)
• United States
16 Aug 09
Hello Marketads...you are welcome to come to our beautiful country any time you can :) I've lived here my whole life, and while we have problems like all lands do, we are a nation of people, who for the most part, are kind, giving, loving, and friendly. I hope you get to live that dream someday soon! Karen
• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
Tank mrs America great country, Do you have information about foundation get aid school in my village
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• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
my name hafid zakariya from indonesia, do you know about indonesia ?what time is it mrs
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• Ethiopia
20 Aug 09
hi my name is ashu from ethiopia i dream to visit ur country i know my country is espesial and beatiful what i can say
@advokatku (4033)
• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
see america in televition indeed look good but If you come, I hope you get reality america style
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• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
Don"t you like america, mr advokatku where you live
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@smart44 (510)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
yah its my dream also because i am wondering why all folks wants to go to america, what is in america? how beautiful is america and every body wants to go there. I was denied once I interviewed trying to visit america. May be i am not lucky. I need to have another try. But I need to prepare my money first since I dont have much money today. I hope I can have a chance to visit my admirable country.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
17 Aug 09
It is good to have dreams, and i hope someday you get to make yours come true. Just keep working at it. I think that to many give up on their dreams, because they quit believing in them. and that is a sad thing to do. I believe that it is our dreams that help us through this life.
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@HTHWXQ (27)
• China
17 Aug 09
I have the same dream just like you ,not just america,i hope i can vist every western country,i like to see the different culture.
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• India
16 Aug 09
I have dream go to London. I think London is the beautiful city compare to others. It has Eiffel towers and many more to roam around. The climate is also very good and the ambience of the same is enjoyable. I have seen London only in the movies and pictures. My dream place of london is of one of the best tourist spot.
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Hi jaggiking2001! The Eiffel Tower is in Paris, France, not London. I know because I've been to both cities. I went to Europe in 1973 with a tour group and we went to England, Holland, Germany, Switzerland, Italy, and France. We were supposed to get two days in London but we got only one because we had a six hour delay in Brussesl, Belgium. You see, we flew from Bangor, Maine to Brussels overnight. We were supposed to fly from Brussels to London but because there was a mix up in the flight schedule, the plane we were supposed to take went to Madrid, Spain instead of Brussels! It was a big mess! We had a good trip, though. Kathy.
@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
16 Aug 09
I hope you do get to come to America someday. We have a lot of opportunities here. There's a lot to see here, too. You just never know what might happen in the future. Kathy.
• Indonesia
19 Aug 09
Mrs kathy, I hear america crisis ekonomy,now, ever finish
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@cyrus123 (6363)
• United States
20 Aug 09
We are still in an economy crisis, I'm sorry to say. I don't know when it will ever end. I just know that we're in a lot better shape than some other countries. Btw, I'm not married. I noticed you called me "Mrs. Kathy". It's "Miss Kathy". Kathy.
• Indonesia
20 Aug 09
MISS I hope you cold down, that economic crisis sure finist, Obama said " We can go out from Crisis if we seriusly straggle together. I am sorry, I calls yor MRS, Ihope you heppy
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