Getting upset over small things

United States
August 17, 2009 10:02am CST
I see so many people get upset over the smallest things. The other day is was a guy over a can of soda that didn't come out of the soda machine correctly. Where does all this emotion come from. Is it worth, blowing up like a volcano over a can of soda. There were 3 people standing behind him and we all looked at each other like he was nuts. It seems to me men do this more than women. Sometimes I think that men use this for as a device for detering people coming and talking to them or approaching them over an issue. Anyway, it looked childish and absolutely rediculous.
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10 responses
• Canada
17 Aug 09
Yeah wel,l letting small things like that get to you will always escalate into something bigger. Be careful on how you cast your energy, it comes back at you one way or the other.
• Canada
18 Aug 09
First a ripple, then a wave, after that tsusami!
• China
18 Aug 09
no need to make a great deal out of these kind of things. i can completely understand why people will get upset over it because just like a famous penman said that the most pathetic thing is not holocaust and havoc but those smallest thing such as you can not get thread through needle
@markost (25)
• Malaysia
17 Aug 09
I can actually relate to this as I am many times guilty of it, yes, I'm a perfectionist. Phew, that's a load off my chess. Anyway most times, for myself at least I notice after some self-evaluation, that I probably just need some attention. Childish, yes, true, absolutely. There is an inner child in all of us, but but doesn't really mean we're childish, its within us all throughout our life. It's just that we tend to suppress our need for attention. How many times are we told to not be whiners, to stop acting childish, to grow up. I agree with that, we really should stop being whiners and grow up. Though its a shame that seeking attention should be associated as being childish. I'm not talking about that gibberish people give that just confounds everyone. No, simply pick up the phone, call a few people, do something crazy, spontaneous or maybe just unscheduled. Better still, do this before you feel uptight and develop a craving, coz eventually when you do, remember that you've already had 'fun time' and the next session is probably due. Hehe, bit of a lonf post, anyway, bottom line: When you are easily upset, it's simply your body telling you that something is not quite right, most probably, you are trying to avoid something. Well, that demystified it.
@Hatley (163773)
• Garden Grove, California
18 Aug 09
arabgirl hi men get mad over the sillest things. this guy put in his change, pushed the knob for a cold soda and it didnt deliver. he banged on it, nothing happened so he kicked the machine and oh my he got three cans instead of one. people stared at him then laughed as he swore than got all three cans and left red faced. what a fuss.A woman would have gone to the manager and told him the machine took'her money and didnt give her a soda.
@ladym33 (10979)
• United States
18 Aug 09
It is really silly to get upset over little things and throw a fit, but you never know what else is going on in someone else's life. Perhaps he was having a really bad day and was really looking forward to that soda and that was just the tip of the ice burg. I think on a bad day just one more little bad thing happening can just set us off. I had such a day last week, it was such an aweful day and I was tired an crabby and probably just about any little thing would have sent me off. Ordinarily though I take things in stride, but we all have bad days.
• India
18 Aug 09
Even i use to get upset over small things which i think i should not be.I knew that this is the bad quality that i have and i have to get rid of that so now i do not fall into conversations and drink a glass of water whenever i get angry.
• United States
17 Aug 09
for me alot of the time I will have bad days, like bad things will keep happening to me in one day. so even tho sometimes it seems like only one small thing is happening, if its like the 5th bad thing thats happened to me in a row that day i get pretty upset. Also, I think sometimes ppl hold stuff inside them and so all that it takes is one little thing to knock them off their rocker because they have so much other stuff going on.
@di1159 (1580)
• United States
17 Aug 09
I've seen that behavior a lot more often than I used to. I think its just a combination of things, a buildup of stress, problems, over working, etc. etc. Sometimes it happens to me. I don't make a scene, but sometimes a trivial thing will make me cry. It's just a way to relieve some stress. When that happens to me, I hit the gym and exercise till I drop. It seems to help a lot.
@dlr297 (5409)
• United States
17 Aug 09
Yes people get upset over the smallest things, People are just so full of stress that it is the little things that seam to set them off. I believe that it is a way for them to relieve it with out actually hurting anybody. And yes it can sometimes look ridiculous.
• Philippines
17 Aug 09
I believe most people are like that now. they want those simple things to go on as planned not expecting any problems or inconveniences. I,too am guilty with this, sometimes i get really pissed when little things or some thing that i do don't go well as planned. i believe and hope people should at least broad their minds and learn to calm on some small issues. believe me am trying my best. Have great day