53% is somehow an Obama "mandate", but 54% is meaningless?

@ParaTed2k (22940)
Sheboygan, Wisconsin
August 17, 2009 4:15pm CST
Isn't it hilariously telling how 53% win in Obama's presidential campaign was somehow a "mandate", but 54% opposition to his Obamacare plan (ok, Congress's plan, since Obama is too lazy and arrogant to actually read it, much less bothered writing it... but somehow he claims to support it) is somehow the "fringe"? Get over yourself Barrack! 75% of Americans are happy with what we have. That means we DON'T see a need to allow you and your goons to run healthcare. In fairness, that does mean that a significant number of Americans aren't happy with the status quo. We do know that our system isn't run as well as it could, so we acknowledge there is room for reform. Why don't we start with the laws already on the books? Why don't we start with exposing and prosecuting the fraud and other criminal acts perpetrated by insurance, the medical industry, consumers and government officials. If there is a mess to clean up, let's start with cleaning up the mess before we go blindly into "reform" simply because Obama demands it.
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5 responses
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
17 Aug 09
ParaTed2k, The backlash from this plan is growing. Voters don't trust BO anymore.We already have examples of gov healthcare failure in this country. Medicare and Medicaid, BANKRUPT. VA rations care with long waiting periods for tests.
1 person likes this
• United States
18 Aug 09
My, My where was all of you critics when George Bush was in office??? Now that is something to laugh about. In terms of health care......you nay sayers can not make up your minds about who or what you support or oppose. If Barack Obama were to blow his nose out of the left nostril there would be a myLot forum aobut it. Seriously, there was a forum about him killing a freakin fly. What do you really oppose? Tax paying, hard working American citizens dying becasue they can not afford the simplist of healthcare? Things like Antibiotics, blood pressure tests, diabetes glucose testing, gynological care, critical testing that could save someone's life. Is that what you oppose? Some of you have lost your jobs and know what it's like to be unemployed without healthcare....what would you tell your child if she or he were sick? No honey, we will NOT take you to the Dr because the BIG BAD GOVT will be sponsoring your care????? If you say Yes, you are a LIE! You never know what tomorrow brings. Some of you found yourselves in the unemployment line for the first time this past year.......some of you found yourselves at the local food bank accepting a donation for the first time.....Americans need help!!! Where was the opposition when Wall Street was driving this country into the ground for GREED? Where was the opposition when little old ladies were finding out that their live savings was GONE because they attempted to grab their piece of the Capitalist American Dream? What do you say to them? Think before you answer, you never know what tomorrow brings.....what diagnosis you will receive at your next Dr's appointment. How long will that job and that health insurance that you are barely hanging on to now be around? May God have mercy on all of you.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Aug 09
My My, I thought Obama was all about "change", yet when Obamabots feel defensive, they use the ol' "but what about what Bush did" ploy. I thought Obama's mandate was to show us how it's done. Apparently "how it's done" is how Bush did it, but "better". Did you support this bill before you read it? Did you read it? Do you support our elected officials voting to pass bills, even if they have no idea what they are making into law? I guess the people who will die before the magic year of 2013 don't matter to you do they. Why is it that Obama, Pelosi and Reid wanted this pushed through so quickly? They said it was because people are dying and in need of the care this bill will provide. Yet this bill won't provide a care to a single patient until 2013. Why don't we come up with a real solution to the problems facing people today, that can be implemented in a matter of months, instead of years?
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• United States
18 Aug 09
Are you serious? Emotion and blame. Maybe you should do your research, everything I mentined above has happened within the past year! With the exception of the sarcasm of course. This country is ruled by Greed! Yes, I believe that people in this forum want people to do without medical care. In the words of some of the earlier posts......"I am responsible for me and you are responsible for you" I believe that most of the people in here are against our President Barack Obama and will do or say anything to undermine him. Healthcare, the deficit (that was left here by the previous administration), anything and everything. I READ THE BILL, I have BEEN all OVER the whitehouse web site. I have WATCHED the coverage, I have DONE my RESEARCH......HECK I have even been on the conspiracy theorist web sites. I still BELIEVE that this bill will serve the segment of these United States that have been FORGOTTEN because their annual income is not enough to pay the high price of healthcare. Not enough to pay the insurance companies their cut. I still say God have Mercy on your cold hearts for letting your dislike of one person get in the way of serving your fellow American citizens.
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
18 Aug 09
bailey2009, We could just give tax breaks to people who make too much to qualify for medicaid etc. but can't afford health insurance. This is a very small group. In NY you can get a subsidized plan if you make as much as 38K a year for a couple. I currently have no insurance and I have assets that probably could be seized if I get really sick. I would have been better off never buying health insurance my whole life. I would have almost 100k in the bank. I had health insurance for 10 years and didn't use it. With a tax break I can afford a health insurance policy and it won't cost us a zillion dollars to do this. They could even pay for the entire cost of insuring the actual 10-15 million uninsured for about 30 billion a year.
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@gewcew23 (8007)
• United States
18 Aug 09
53% is somehow an Obama "mandate", but 54% is meaningless, well doing the math 7% of those that voted for Obama oppose his health insurance plan. My number are based on 100% of McCain's 47% oppose Obamacare, which might not be true. Some of McCain's voters might support Obamacare which would push Obama's supporter dissenting against Obamacare even higher.
@GardenGerty (162370)
• United States
17 Aug 09
Statistics are just numbers that we use however we want to. Mr. B.O. seems to be a master of this. I think you are right, we should keep the part of our insurance that is working and work only on the parts that need fixing. We would then at least have a rudder to keep us on course while we navigate the reform process.
@bziebarth (228)
• United States
17 Aug 09
You make some very good points. I think it is very funny that many of the items that people say are "problems" came after health care reform in the 1990s. It just proves that if anyone can mess something up, it is the government. If we keep the government out of it then it has a chance of working. For everyone who wants the government running health care, look at the Cash for Clunkers program. Car dealers are starting to refuse to sell cars under the program because they are not getting their money fast enough. The program is already over $3 million dollars behind in payments. Junk yards are refusing to take the cars because the program requires the engines to be "locked up" and that is a large portion of their income. If the government cannot even run a Cash for Clunkers program, do you really want them making your health care decisions?
@Carson11 (332)
• United States
17 Aug 09
bziebarth, I was a carsalesman bout 18 years ago. The cars you wanted to sell were USED. New cars could be compared to identical cars from other dealers but used cars are more unique.Also,many times a dealer will get a trade-in way below what that car was worth. We would get paid a percentage of the net profit and would get bonuses for really ripping someone off. Also, dealers have only received 3.8% of the money owed to them for cash for clunkers.
@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Aug 09
The Cash for Clunkers program will probably end up hurting car dealers more than helping...
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@ParaTed2k (22940)
• Sheboygan, Wisconsin
18 Aug 09
Apparently the government is a deadbeat debtor.
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