Illegal Immigrant Amnesty, no taxes, education paid for, gang members welcome!
By debrakcarey
@debrakcarey (19887)
United States
5 responses
@LaurenInLA (2270)
• United States
18 Aug 09
Amnesty doesn't work. We learned that lesson fro the first time that we offered amnesty to illegal immigrants. It simply didn't solve the problem. How could it possibly be fair for people to come into this country ahead of all of those would want to come into this country and are doing so by respecting our immigration laws. Illegals receive not only receive free education but they also receive free health care, something that we cannot even offer to natural born citizens of this country. If you have had to go to an emergency room lately and live in one of the border states, you will wait 6-8 hours for treatment because they are clogged with illegals who for the most part do not have an illness serious enough to warrant an emergency room visit yet these life saving units are clogged because a hospital cannot refuse someone medical care. To add to it, many emergency room and trauma centers in the border states are closing because they are losing money because they have to offer free care with no one to foot the bill. Something is very seriously wrong with a system that offers preferential treatment to peopke who are not even citizens of this country. I guess as a final thought I would offer this. If I were to move to Mexico, would they educate my children free? Would they offer me free health care? The answer is a flat no and what is most intersting to me is how strongly Mexico enforces its' southern border yet criticizes the U.S. as being racist whenever the citizens of this country insist on enforcing our southern border. Where did this all go so wrong????
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@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
18 Aug 09
we cannot even offer to natural born citizens of this country. If you have had to go to an emergency room lately and live in one of the border states, you will wait 6-8 hours for treatment because they are clogged with illegals
My husband works in a hospital in San Jose, CA. Even though we are in middle to northern CA (depending on who you ask) the ED waiting rooms are still so incredibly crowded that unless you come in with blood spurting out of your jugular vein or you're about to drop a baby in the waiting area, you're gonna wait up to 12 hours AT LEAST or more to be seen or at least be treated. My DH is an RN and he used to do triage but now does trauma care.
But it's not just the illegals. My DH was telling me about a woman who brings her kid into the ED constantly for nothing. DH told me that the ED staff knows this woman by name and 90% of her life history because she's in there so much with her kids complaining of sniffles, coughs or sore throats. It's women like her who come to the ED at least 3 times a month for "emergencies" that are clogging our EDs just as bad as it is the illegals. And guess who pays for this woman's care? I do. You do. We all do. Every time you pay taxes, you pay for this woman to bring one of her 4 kids into the ED because one of them snotted out green boogers or one of them has a scratchy throat.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Aug 09
When my first son was just about 18 months old...he got sick. I was a 17 year old mother....first child. He, unknown to me...had Reye's syndrome....this was before they knew to keep aspirin away from children with the flu. I waited because WE WERE WITHOUT insurance and I didn't want a big bill...I was hoping he'd get better. I also felt it was wrong to 'clog' up the ER with something a doctor could do in a day or two.
When I tried to wake him and he wouldn't wake up...we rushed him to the ER. I was looked at like I was an abusive mother...told I almost killed my baby....and was told IF I EVER WAIT TO GET MY CHILD CARE AGAIN..HE'D BE TAKEN FROM ME!
I, from that point on...took them to the ER if they got sick and the doctor was not in, weekends, holidays, middle of the night. It makes me ANGRY for people to complain about kids being taken to the ER...when parents are threatened every day of their child's life....with having them removed from the home over stupid shyte!
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Aug 09
This bill also provides for our tax money to go to MEXICO to pay for educating MEXICANS...thereby making it less necessary for them to come here illegally?
I CAN'T afford to go on in my chosen field....but citizens of another country can- on my dollar?
I am a compassionate person. But something is terribly wrong with this picture. I also realize you cannot FORCE someone to be compassionate...which is what the liberals feel they can do. All that is being accomplished by this is to make the American people resentful and bitter towards the immigrant, legal or illegal. Is this what 'they' want...civil 'they' have an excuse to shoot us all?
I feel within the next four-eight years we will be 'the north american union' and not America anymore. That is what the game plan is...are you ready?
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
18 Aug 09

@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I think the government is HOPING we strike back....just another excuse for martial law?
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@LetranKnight25 (33117)
• Philippines
18 Aug 09

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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
18 Aug 09
The American government allowed for Martial Law when they passed the patriot act...American citizens were told it was for their protection...
Most of us now realize it can and will be used against US...

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@sizzle3000 (3036)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Amnesty my foot. I am sorry these immigrants are breaking the law and deserve to be send back to where ever they came from or put locked up in a prison. I can not afford to send my daughter to college but I saw on the news that a boy and girl in California both here illegley are getting thousands of dollars in scholarship money. Where is the logic in this.
My cousin went to apply for medical assistance because she was told she has MS and could no longer work. The computers were down so they gave her a paper form. On that form she was to make her race. The form asked if she was illegle or not. If she marked the box illegle she would be moved to the front of the line, for you see next to the box was a word that said expidite. This means that the government knows who is legal and who is not. They know who is getting money that do not deserve it. Our schools are over crowded and we have to make special accomidations for the kids that do not speak English. This is all a drain on our resorces. If we are giving out all this money to illegles how can we possibly have any money for the actual Citizen of the US.
We probably would not have so much debt if we did not have 12 million illegle immigrants draining our government systems dry. Send them back to what ever country they came from or just shoot them. I am so tired of seeing people who can not speak English driving brand new cars that I can not afford. I have worked since I was sixteen and there may not be any money for social security when I am able to retire. Amnesty is not exceptable. They are criminals. These people do not learn our laws, customes, or our language. They expect the US people to learn their language and accomidate them in every way. It is a shame that our government knows exactly where the illegles are and they sit back and let this keep going on. The reason they do this is because so many of these illegles have voters cards and vote. Well if we sent these leaches back to their own country we would have money to take care of the people who here legally and others who are actual us Citizens.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Aug 09
The New World Order is HERE! There is open trade..and open the Amero...not the dollar. It won't matter what we do or say...this is their plan and it will be implemented. We are saying good the United States of America...and Hello to the United States of the Americas...from Tierra del Fuego to the Artic big happy family.
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@Destiny007 (5805)
• United States
19 Aug 09
It is unfair to legal American citizens, it is dangerous to our security and our economy, and it is further evidence that Liberalism is a mental disorder.
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@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Is there a medication for that? Ought to be....the world loves psychotropic meds.
@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
18 Aug 09
This bill has been going on for years, but was never sponsored. It's called illegal imigration.
Pregnant and Mexican? Hurry up and cross across the border. Pop a squat in the streets of downtown LA and boom! You're guaranteed citizenship and can't be deported because you just gave birth to a welfare baby!
Illegals crossing the border are one of this country's biggest problems. Putting a fancy name on it isn't going to stop. FORCE these people to learn English. FORCE them to pay taxes and fine heavily the companies (mainly construction and day laborer jobs) who employ the illegals and then don't pay taxes either.
We need to get harder on illegals, not offer them amnesty so out of the 40+ hours a weekI work, I only get paid for about 31 because my other 9 hours a week or more goes to pay for Jesus's babies and Maria's welfare dole.

@MysticTomatoes (1053)
• United States
19 Aug 09
We don't. They're going to do what the big companies want them to do. The government doesn't work for the people or by the people. The government always has and always will work for the big people who are in charge. In other words, unless you're one of the 5% of the population that controls 90% of the money, no one cares.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
20 Aug 09
Have you read or heard the rumor that Obama had/has an agreement with the Big Pharmacuetical companies tucked away somewhere? Think I read that in a blogrunner post on the NYTimes page.
@debrakcarey (19887)
• United States
19 Aug 09 do we make Congress do what most of the American tax paying public wants them to do?
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