Does anyone else sell AVON...or have you in the past?

United States
August 18, 2009 10:38am CST
I started selling AVON about 10 years ago when my daughter was born. I had to leave my office job (Director of Marketing) because she was born with a kidney disease and spent most of her first 2 years in and out of hospitals. I did really really well with AVON back then. I stopped selling because I moved and well, life just happens. I started selling again this February and so far my sales aren't anywhere near what they used to be. I know people are spending less with the economy, so that definitely plays a factor. I also am still kind of new to this area and don't have the amount of local friends like I used to. I love the company and the products so I'm hanging in there. Christmas time is always good too! Does anyone else sell AVON? What is your experience with AVON? (good or bad experiences welcome)
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11 responses
• Australia
18 Aug 09
I starting selling a few months back. I dnt get much with it though...I only mostly sell to family and friends sonce I live ina small town there are not many buyers. I have had many bad experiences wiht them already though. I have had leaked bottles when shipping out and twice stuff has been ruined and I have also had many missing items. The distract manager who came out to first get me started was also very rude and lied to me about my earnings and so forth she did not tell me about the hidden details. I was very upset with this however i decided to stay with it even thoguh its just a small time job for me
@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
18 Aug 09
When I sold Avon many years ago, the company was always very good about replacing ruined items. Do they not do that any more?
• United States
20 Aug 09
Wow, that really stinks that you've had a bad experience so far. I guess that happens with whatever we do. Nothing is ever perfect right? All I can say is stick with it. I think (and hope) you'll find that the good things will eventually outweigh the bad. Avon is very good about returns so I'd return the leaky things. And as far as you District Manager; I don't even know my DM. I signed up under a lady that I've only talked to a coupld of times. But I had sold before so I'm pretty independent. When I sold in Ft. Lauderdale, my DM was the best. She nurtured me and would come to my house every few months to help. She truly was amazing and I miss her. Hope you do well and things start going more smoothly.
• United States
18 Aug 09
I'm glad you asked. Yes...I sell AVON. And...I a guy. A married guy. (I started selling AVON years before I met the woman who became my wife.) I didn't start selling AVON to get a discount on make-up (like most guys, I don't use it). I became a rep for the business aspect of it. AVON is a well known and well liked line of products. One of the keys to success is to always have a couple of catalogs with you and to not be shy about offering them to people. You never know when you're going to meet somebody who is looking for an AVON rep. (About a month ago a bus driver took a catalog and business card and has place 3 orders so far at my representative website.) You also want to be sure to ask friends, neighbors, customers, and such if they can think of anybody who might like to look at a brochure. From time to time you might find somebody who has lots of co-workers who want to buy AVON products...and not just at Christmas time. You never can tell what products can become in high demand for certain customers. I have people who buy lots of roll-ons, or lots of vita moist products, or lots of certain shades of make-up when they are on sale. Sale is a key word. Always let your customers know when there are great bargains. They will appreciate your saving them money on products they really want. I wish you great success for years to come.
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• United States
20 Aug 09
That is great! I know a lot of guys that sell AVON. And when I started 10 years ago our Regional Manager was male and he had started out by selling. I think men make great AVON Reps. Did you hear there was supposed to be a movie coming out in the next year or so about a male Avon Rep. It is supposed to start Hugh Jackman. Have you heard of it? I heard about it from other Reps. I think that would be a great movie.
@aseretdd (13730)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
I sold AVON 4 years ago when i was still working abroad... and i must say that i made a lot of money out of that... the place where i worked only had the Navy Exchange where we can buy clothes and other stuff... and most of them were not that nice... so i had a lot of customers from different nationalities... and my order would always consist of two large boxes every other week... Sad to say that my contract ended and i opted not to renew it... here in my country there is also an AVON business but the competition is quite tough... so i decided not to venture into that business anymore...
• United States
20 Aug 09
That's so cool to hear about Avon being sold in other countries. I forget that it is sometimes. I usually just think about it being sold here in the US. Yea, the competition is pretty tough here where I live right now too. I think everyone is signing up these days because there aren't very many jobs out there. I'm going to stick with it though. Like any business, a lot of people will drop off. Either they will get other employment or realize maybe it's just not for them. Good luck in whatever you do!
@missa405 (290)
• Canada
22 Sep 09
I love selling Avon, its so much fun. I started selling in February, and just now have started treating it like a real business. I say keep trying! It does take a long time to build your customer base, especially when you don't know very many people. Have you joined any Avon groups online? There are a few really good ones with great information to help you. A few groups that I recommend are: There are so many Avon reps helping each other out.
• United States
24 Sep 09
Thank you for the group list, I'll have to check them out. I know what you mean, almost every Avon rep out there is willing to help each other out. I started Leadership a couple of weeks ago. I have 3 in my group already and will be signing up one of my sister's friends next week. I'm so excited! Take care and I'll see ya on the group sites.
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@crazydaisy (3896)
• Canada
19 Aug 09
I did ir was about 30yrs ago but I havent had got back to selling it again I really like selling it was fun. cd
• United States
20 Aug 09
Isn't it amazing that AVON has been around so long and how many people have either sold it, know someone who sold it, mom sold it, bought it, or knows someone who bought it. Talk about a company that everyone knows about.....
@gerl2723 (68)
• Ireland
19 Aug 09
I did tried last 7 years ago but not that easy as there lot of competition, but still using my membership on buying items for myself and family because I do get 20percent off on every total purchase.
• United States
20 Aug 09
I know a lot of people that are doing that. What's cool about that is that if you ever decide you want to sell then you are already a Rep and know the products. Who knows where you might be in 4 or 5 years from now, right? I think that is awesome. And of course I love to hear about people using the products, that helps all us other Reps would positive word of mouth. Take care!
@GardenGerty (162787)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I sold AVON in the past, when my kids were little. I did okay, except that the people who wanted to buy it were the ones with the least money to spend. I felt badly tempting them that way. I took a lot of bad checks. I am not a well organized sales person. The products continue to be high quality and are good values when featured on sale.I know a lot of people sell AVON online, I have not bought any in years. My niece says I should get some of the Curves rocker bottom tennis shoes. I just have not looked online and do not have an AVON person I deal with locally.
• United States
18 Aug 09
I keep looking at those shoes too. You will have to let me know if you get them and how they work for you. Hey, you can find a local rep by going to Avon's website and putting in your zip. I'll bet there are quite a few. That's how I've gotten a couple new customers. Plus family all over order from my website. I agree about the people that can't really afford it. I have a customer that I adore and I try to discourage her from sometimes over-ordering. Like she wants to order 6 watches. I tell her that I think the face is too small, because she has trouble reading small numbers. I get my girls involved as much as possible too, we call it "Our Avon business". Take care!
@frinces (433)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
I used to be a franchise dealer when I was in college. Selling AVON products helped me with my school miscellaneous fees. I enjoy selling AVON because I get a big profit. I had stopped only when I finished schooling. You gave me an idea of getting back to selling AVON products again. Thank you, waters1748!
• United States
20 Aug 09
Hey your welcome! It's funny because I hadn't thought of getting back into AVON for quite a while either. Then they did all those commercials during the Super Bowl this year and times have been pretty tough around here financially. I looked at my hubby and said "hey, I should get back into Avon!" And then I did. Where I live a lot of people are selling. It didn't used to seem like so many Reps. I'm guessing with the economy the way it is that a lot of people are signing up to sell Avon. It being only $10 to start, that is enticing for many. I figure I'll stick with it and eventually some of those people will stop selling (like if they get a full time job or something). Good luck to you!
@sulsisels (1685)
• United States
19 Aug 09
This is so ironic..I am going to the local Avon office tomorrow to sign up with them to become a sales rep. They told me to simply bring 10.00 and that will get me started. Perhaps you can add me as a friend and we can commiserate about our success, or lack of. I don't have to many personal friends to buy from me and my plan is to buy a lot of catalogs and walk the neighborhood dropping them at peoples doors. Hope it works..I am looking for a sound way to make some extra money and making it on line just seems impossible..To many scams..At least Avon is a product that everyone knows and my feeling is that despite the economy, women are always going to buy make up and such..I hope I'm right..I'm curious to know what kink of money you made and like I said, we could talk and share experiences as to what works and what dosen't..Looking forward to hearing from you..PM me if you like, I will request to add you as a friend..joyce
• United States
20 Aug 09
Yep, it's still just $10. I just sent you a PM. I forgot to tell you what kind of money you can make realistically. Back when I started and had at least 30 to 40 customers (My daughter was sick with a kidney disease and a lot of friends and family helped pass my Avon book around. I got a lot of customers that way and then kept them, she is doing great now btw). That is not always typical to have so many customers, I only have about 10 right now, and they don't always order. Anyway, back 10 years ago my orders were around $750 more or less. I made anywhere from $250 - $350 every two weeks. I was President's club which meant I made 40% on most items. Those were the days! I'd love to get back to that point and in fact talking to you about those days is inspiring me to get off my butt and just go do it!!!! I've been selling again this time since Feb. I'm in a city that is pretty small and has a lot of Avon Reps. I also don't know that many people. Right now my orders are around $150 (the order I put in yesterday was my highest at $200). I've averaged making around $30 to $40. Ok, gotta go put some Avon books out. We'll talk toon!
@rayne2008 (143)
• Philippines
19 Aug 09
I have been a part of AVON in the past but I am not into hard core selling. I am a member for personal use though if I have my brochure and other girls want to order something, i gladly accomodate it. Avon products are good, I have tried it myself. And as a member, I enjoy lower prices too!
• United States
20 Aug 09
That's cool. My mom sold Avon a while back and she mostly did it to buy her own products. She also took some books to the salon where she got her hair cut. They always had an order for her. But for the most part, I think those were her only customers. Oh yea, she had some neighbors that bought I think.
@rhoday (152)
• United States
18 Aug 09
I did about 30 year's ago. But I haven't sold avon since then. I have bought some but I haven't sold any for year's. It was some good quality stuff. Still is.
• United States
18 Aug 09
Definitely quality stuff. And now they have so much more to sell than just makeup so it makes it pretty fun. My mom used to sell Fuller Brush about 38 years ago (when I was little). She said she would put me in the seat on her bike and pedal door to door. Wow, things have definitely changed, especially with the Internet.