Tuesday Aug 18th Show
By pixeltwistr
@pixeltwistr (613)
United States
August 18, 2009 9:45pm CST
Wow what a show tonight! So much going on I dont know where to start...
Buh By CHima!!!! MAN how can one grown person be THAT childish?? CHima just doesnt get at all that there are other people in the world does she. I feel sorry for her cause she is so unhappy and she doesnt even know it....she really needs counseling....shes never gonna figure out how to be happy on her own after what she went through....anyway I just HAVE to ROLF!!! Chima steps into the diary room: "no need to sit down just step right this way please"......OMG....translation:
"CYA!! Dont let the door hit ya in the azz on the way OUT!!!" I hope she gets what she needs to find happiness but man i dont think i was ever so happy to see someone get evicted!!
Lydia??? AGAIN...she needs help....she cant controll her rage....at first i really liked her...then i really didnt like her....but now i just feel kinda bad for her and i cant really hate her...but still the others dont understand at all why she is acting the way she is and they are right to be offended....thing is I dont even think Lydia is really mad at any of them...I think when Jesse got booted she got mad and then she is a person who cant control her anger so she just kept getting madder and madder....not AT anything in particular....it is just Im like that too and whe i get really mad i just keep getting madder no matter what anyone says or does because its not really comming from them but from inside me.....so honestly i think that way deep down inside she knows darn well she is totally over reacting to everything but she just doesnt know how to stop herself...her rage has a mind of its own....and i think she is saying a lot of things she doesnt even really want to say and regretting them already but she isnt ready to stop being mad yet....
anyway thats just what i am thinking...who knows...
One things for sure though Jordan of all people totally didnt deserve the things Lydia said to her...she is such a sweetheart how can anyone say anything bad about her...Jeff is SO in love with that girl....and scared to death that she is going to break his heart....which she probably will..lol...but i swear if Jordan doesnt marry him I will hunt her down and kick her but myself...lol...they are so perfect together....when the show started i thought no way hed be interested in her cause she is slightly dumbish...in a cute way lol...and he is really smart...BUT she so needs protecting and he so loves protecting her...they just fit...they are the best showmance yet on any big brother! IMO!
POOR Kevin...LOL...always stuck in the middle of them crazy bit&hes and no where to turn...he looks like he is about to take a dive just to get out from the middle of the cakling chickens! He sits at the table with them longingly looking outside at the fun group wishing he could go play with the cool kids...LOL
I am sooo happy Jordan has HOH....I hope Lydia goes home...I dont think she can handle being in there much longer!
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8 responses
@Polly1 (12645)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I so agree with you.....Bye Bye Chima, I also think Lydia will soon be going home. Natalie can be after that. Final two, Jeff and Jordon, it doesn't matter to me who wins at that point, just as long as it is one of them two. Did you hear that comment from Natalie, that she has been running the house, she has been floating and riding on her alliances coat tails, her days are numbered.
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@matersfish (6306)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I wanted to choke Natalie for saying she's been running the house! :O
She's a floater all the way.
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@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Yeah...I couldnt believe Natalie said that...lol....and it is so funny watching her change every time one of her team is booted....she was so high and mighty before and now she is prsctically jumping around like a chipmunk saying oh dear what do i do what do i do? LOL...she seems to be getting smaller and smaller...LOL
She definately needs to go next but man Lydia needs to go asap....she is gonna have a nervous breakdown or something in there and then they will cancell Big Brother....she is not stable at all..
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
19 Aug 09
they have a better chance of winning HOH next week with Nat gone,she actually tries. Lydia ia out FIRST every comp.
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@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Yep you said it way better than me 

. Ok so kevin I like him and all but he is a huge threat,you rememebr that guy that made it to the end with Evel and his daughter,Zach? i wanna say. He floated and didn't win comps all the way to the end. SInce Evel did have his daughter there he picked her,but if she hadn't been he might have picked Zach thinking he didn't even win anyhting,but he sure played the game. So Nat,the Kevin and leave Lydia to self destruct. I don't know what is going to happen come Thursday but man it is going to be crazy. I will write about BBAD later as my daughter had a seizure last night so I missed alot of it.

@babyangie27 (5176)
• United States
20 Aug 09
I am super sick but will posta quick one now. She is ok but I am still a wreck about it,it never gets any eaiser.
@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Sorry to hear that...our daughter used to have seizures...its scarry to go through...hope she is doing ok now??...
Yeah as far as good strategy goes you are probably right kevin should go soon but on a personal level i really want to see lydia and nat go....im tired of their particular brand of drama!!
Yeah let us know about BBAD...I love knowing ahead...lol
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@sunshine4 (8703)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I loved seeing Chima go in the room and not return. Lydia is acting just as immature as Chima was. Doesn't Lydia realize that she was taken off the block and saved by Jeff! She is just an idiot too.
I hope that they get rid of Natalie first. Then Lydia definitely.
I was so happy to see Jordan as HOH!!
@Christina504 (61)
• United States
19 Aug 09
That's how I was to see it go cause then Lydia won't be able to be by herself with Jesse. In my opinion that's why she is acting like that. As I said Jesse isn't worth a half a million.
@Christina504 (61)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Oops that made no sense at the beginning lol. That's how I would want to see it go to.
@samijo719 (1052)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Agh was SO glad to see that woman go.I could not stand listening to her talk for one more second. I reallly am just baffled by her, Lydia and Natlie's behavior. Do they not realize it's the game that they signed up for? That they were doing the same thing to other people? Agh Chima was on a high horse and I'm glad to see her bucked off!! I think the greatest part was when she walked into the diary room and Allison was like "No need to sit down you can go out this way" Classic. She needed to be knocked down a peg. I don't know what made her feel so entitled. There are thohsands of people that would have killed for the oppurtunity she took advantage of!

@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
19 Aug 09
OMG yeah...I forgot to mention that...
It fell out of her hand...
LOL when nat first said that i was like haha....but then when they were in the room talking and the guys were telling chima to go to the diary room and they thought it might be about the mic and lydia was saying she dropped it, she dropped it....I was like what the hel!? She does realize that she signed up to be in a house where they have several cameras on you 24 hours a day doesnt she??? I think that is the dumbest line ever utter on big brother yet...even Kevin was like come on lydia they have like 10,000 cameras everywhere they know she didnt drop it...
I dont know what lydia is thinking but she is starting to lose touch with reality!
@Christina504 (61)
• United States
19 Aug 09
These girls are taking everything personally. It is so annoying on how they act. I couldn't believe it when Gnat tried to say that the mic fell out of Chima's hand. Things don't go flying if they just fell and if it just fell it wouldn't have went into the hot tub. Chima was just mad cause she knew that she has made enemies in the house by the way that she treated people. She just didn't want to give them the satisfaction of sending her home so she got sent home on purpose.

@dreamweaverjan (3471)
• United States
20 Aug 09
HI there pixeltwistr: I've been dying off to get onto mylot today
and see/read the posts after last nights show but I've been without
power most of the frickin day!!! AARRGghhh!!!!
I just "howled" with laughter when old Chima got "booted" out the door,
I was thinking to myself last night, come on GET HER OUTTA THERE!!!!
I wonder what sort of blow up she did if any that we didn't get to see
you know? YOu know that big mouth of hers was yapping away as she got
escorted out the door... ROTFLMBFFAO!!!!!!![u][/u]
I love Jeff & Jordan together too as a couple, I do hope something
happens with their relationship and I do hope they are the last 2
I'm really pulling for them;
I can't wait to see what happens THURSDAY NIGHT...They best get the
power problem fixed tomorrow otherwise I'm gonna have to go out to
my Father's Farm and horn in on his TV set to watch the show...LOL!
Great Post!!

@pixeltwistr (613)
• United States
22 Aug 09
Youre right she probably mouthed off all the way out of the studio...as a matter of fact she hasnt shut up yet...she is blogging and twittering all over the internet about it....at least we dont HAVE to listen to her now!!
@emilie2300 (1882)
• United States
19 Aug 09
Yeah one disscussion said Chima was going to break last night. But what she did was totally childish taking off the microphone throwing it in the pool and everything else. Just say I quit. Instead of trying to get evicted.
Yes I do love Jordan she is adorable I am glad she got HOH and Lydia should not have said that to her. Jordan has not done anything to hurt anyone. I hope she dose not break Jeff's heart. They really make a perfect couple cute sweet ect..
I enjoy seeing them together..
Well Big brother is really getting intense now... I hope Lydia leaves also. I am also the same way when I get mad I get madder and madder and its really not what is going on around me it is all the anger of everything that has built up inside me that I have not let go. I am still learning how and trying to mange my anger..
@nicholejade (2430)
• Canada
19 Aug 09
I am so happy that Chima is finally gone. Thank you Michele. She needed to go. You know what is really sad Jeff, Jordan and their team have been pegged off right from the beginning. Yes they were sad to see them go but come on already this is a game and you knew how it worked when you came into the house. The show hasn't been on for over 10 seasons for nothing. With what Chima did "I'm not going to the Diary room." "I'm not wearing my mic" Well sorry you pshyco it is time for you to go home. You deserved it too. And Natlie. What is this woman on. It is Jeff's fault that Jesse went home and you are going off the deep end. Come on girly are you that stupid. That whole side of the house are just plain out dumb. Jeff did a great job and yes he should of and he did use that power. Kudos to you. You are playing a game but don't blame Jeff that Jesse is gone. Grow up you 3 you act like 3 year olds. Actually I think 3 year olds are more mature than these 3.
Lydia. Girl you have some mad issues and I am honestly thinking that she is bi polar. Just doesn't make sense why you have so much hate. You knew about how the show ran before you came in here. DEAL WITH IT AND ACT YOUR AGE.
Jeff and Jordan are so cute together. However you do have to realize that Jordan is 22 and Jeff is 31 I think. Big age difference and knowing most 22 year olds they really don't want to settle down yet. I'm saying most not all. I hope that things work out for them but we will see what happens.
Poor kevin has to put up with those 3 dummies. He so wanted to go out and talk with the others. Less drama. And sorry those 3 were all drama. I sure hope Natalie is out this week and Lydia the following week.
@Christina504 (61)
• United States
19 Aug 09
I am also glad that Chima is gone. Talk about a girl with a power trip. I think that if she can't have control of everything that she can't handle things. Well I guess she is in for a rude awakening with life. There are always going to be situations that she is not going to be able to control. As for Lydia I think she is doing this so she gets kicked out to be with Jesse. Which is pretty lame. He sure ain't worth a half a million. As for Kevin he knew what he was getting in when he picked that side. He thought that that side would run the house the entire show. Guess again buddy. Now its too late to be with the nonb**chy ones lol.